감성지능 계발을 위한 도자공예교육 수업지도안 연구

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감성지능, 계발, 도자공예, 교육
Study on Ceramics-pottery Lesson Plans for Development of Emotional Intelligence -For 1st and 2nd Year Junior High School Students- Kim, Eun Young Advisor : Prof. Moon, Hyeong sun Major in Fine Arts Education Graduate School of Education, Chosun University This study is develops and proposes a study of ceramic crafts education lesson plan to enlighten middle school student's latent emotional quotient in the current self-centered era. Accordingly, this researcher focused on the concepts of emotional quotient by Peter Salovey and John Mayer, and based on these, analyzed Daniel Goleman‘s five functions of emotional quotient to lesson plan the curriculum guide as follows. First, propose we a method and use of ceramic craft education that uses clay, an effective material for enlightening emotional quotient. Second, Analyzing previous research on emotional quotient enlightenment in art education. Third, Presenting a curriculum guide for pottery craft education based on emotional quotient enlightenment factors and clay used in art education. After then, in order to present this lesson plans, five learning stages were organized, which were based on each of the five functions of emotional quotient. In the lesson 1, student's were encouraged to express their emotions abstractly using clay and pigments to enlighten self-emotional recognition. Also, the activity was designed to enhance insight and perceptual abilities Lesson 2, coiling techniques and hand board work were conducted to enlighten emotional control. Through this, we attempted to change each middle school student's negative emotions to positive ones. Lesson 3, the pinching technique was used for self-motivation and was intended to induce internal emotional activation and motivation. Lesson 4, in order to enlighten recognize of other student's emotions, we had them think about what they wanted and draw a rough sketch, and we wanted to enlighten their ability to be considerate and empathize with others. And last lesson, in order to enlighten better human relationships student's were forming in to sketches had on previous lessons. Also, the completed work were presented to the subject as a gift to help positive human relationships forming. Furthermore, Through pottery craft middle school art education, it were induced to awaken and control the latent emotional quotient of the 1~2 grades of middle school. And art education using emotional quotient were able to shows the possibility of training students as a man of upright character. The researcher concludes that integrating pottery craft middle school art education provides enjoyment and interest but also awakens and regulates latent emotional quotient, fostering positive relationships and effective personal enlightenment. The study suggests the need for emotional quotient enlightenment and emotional empathy education to adapt to the self-centered era, anticipating continued research in this area for stable emotional enlightenment in middle school students.
Alternative Title
Study on Ceramics-pottery Lesson Plans for Development of Emotional Intelligence : -For 1st and 2nd Year Junior High School Students-
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Eun Young
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 미술교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 · 1
제2절 연구의 방법 및 내용 3
제2장 감성지능의 의의와 도자공예교육의 적용 4
제1절 감성지능의 개념과 특성 · 4
1. 감성지능의 개념 · 4
2. 감성지능의 주요기능 6
3. 미적 감성지능 계발의 교육적 가치 · 8
제2절 도자공예교육의 방법과 활용 10
1. 도자공예교육의 목적 · 10
2. 도자공예의 기법과 교육효과 12
제3장 감성지능 계발을 위한 도자공예교육 수업지도안 · 22
제1절 감성지능 계발을 위한 미술교육의 사례 22
제2절 도자공예를 활용한 감성지능 계발 수업지도안 구성 계획· 25
1. 도자공예를 활용한 감성지능 계발 수업지도안 방향 · 25
2. 차시별 수업 계획 26
제3절 교수 – 학습 지도안 및 소결 28
1. 자기감정을 인식해보자! · 28
2. 자기감정을 조절해보자! · 37
3. 나를 변화시키는 동기부여! 46
4. 타인의 감정을 인식해보자! 54
5. 좋은 인간관계 만들기! 61
제4절 소감 설문 분석 결과 68
제4장 결론 73
참고문헌 · 75
조선대학교 교육대학원
김은영. (2024). 감성지능 계발을 위한 도자공예교육 수업지도안 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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