타 지역 출신 재학생의 학과 선택 이유 분석 : 지방 C대학을 중심으로

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학과선택이유", "지방대학", "대학선택", "학생구성다양성
This study was conducted mainly at C University on the reasons of department selection of students from other regions. Local universities are having difficulties attracting talented students in the region because of a decrease in the school-age population from the low birth rate, ranking of universities, and preference for universities in the metropolitan area. In addition, the school-age population in the region is limited, so it may be difficult to recruit students at local universities if only students in the region are accepted. The influx of students from other regions can expand the pool of admission resources at local universities. Furthermore, local universities are mostly composed of students from the surrounding areas due to their regional location. However, the influx of students from other regions can be a good opportunity to experience diversity and increase diverstiy acceptance in the university. An university is the stage where university students establish their values and prepare before entering society. Interacting and experiencing with students from various regions can be expected not only to have an attitude toward others but also to have a learning effect.
C University is a university located in the Honam region, and about 87% of the freshmen are from the surrounding area. However, certain departments are constantly being admitted by students from other regions. The following research questions were set up to see what the personal characteristics of students entering from other regions are, and whether there are differences in the characteristics and affiliations of the departments they enter.

First, what are the reasons students from other regions choose departments?
Second, are there differences in the reason for students from other regions to choose a department by the similar affiliation department?
Third, what are the personal characteristics of students from other regions?
Fourth, are there differences in the reason for choosing a department according to the personal characteristics of students from other regions?
In order to carry out research questions, 19 departments were selected from other regions of University C, a survey was conducted on 793 students from other regions of the department. Among those, 469 responded, and the results are as follows.
First, students from other regions chose a department at C University considering of "admission process and cut-line of the department," "national rarity of a department," and "acquisition of a license." The department's online and offline promotional materials were not influential, but it was found that the department was selected mainly at the recommendation of family members such as parents and siblings.
Second, there were differences according to similar affiliation the reasons for choosing the department from other regions. Humanities and social sciences, arts and physical education, and medicine affiliation considered admission process and cut lines the most. The natural engineering department and the general education department considered the rarity of the department the most. Students from other regions firstly chose a department and then chose the department of University C in consideration of various reasons for the characteristics of each department.
Third, the personal characteristics of students from other regions are mainly that their parents' average monthly income is between 4 million won and 6 million won, they graduated from a high school in the city with grades 2 to 5, and mainly entered early admission. These individual characteristics differed by the similar affiliation department. In particular, the medical affiliation clearly showed differences in personal characteristics from other departments. Students in the medical affiliation from other regions have parents who earn more than 10 million won per month on average. Students from other regions in the medical affiliation have parents who earn more than 10 million won per month on average. And they were from high schools in metropolitan cities with grades 2 to 5, and were mainly admitted through regular admission.
Fourth, the results of confirming the differences in the reasons for choosing the department according to the individual characteristics of students from other regions are as follows. Students with high parents' average monthly income and excellent high school grades considered the characteristics of the department in various ways when choosing the department, but students with low parents' average monthly income and low high school grades had a low level of considering the characteristics of the department when selecting the department.
In particular, in this study, it was confirmed that the department's social reputation, national rarity of a department, and major programs were mainly considered in selecting the department. However, this study found that the influx of students from other regions can have a positive effect on securing admission resources and securing student diversity. Diverse students in a university can have the advantage of developing learning skills and diversity acceptance in university life. Therefore, the results of this study can be used as fundamental data for developing strategies to attract students from other regions at C University. Therefore, the results of this study can be used as fundamental data for developing strategies such as designing and promoting the admission process to attract students from other regions at C University.
In addition, it can be confirmed that there is a need for a program that allows students from other regions to adapt at University C and interact with students in the school. In addition, it can be confirmed that there is a need for a program that helps students from other regions to adapt at University C and interact with students in the school.
Alternative Title
Analysis of the reasons for choosing the department of students from other regions : A case based on C university
Alternative Author(s)
Eunae Ko
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 교육학과
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Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
A. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
B. 연구문제 7

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 8
A. 입학자원 모집과 지방대학의 위기 8
1. 학령인구 감소에 따른 지방대학의 학생자원 부족 9
2. 대학의 서열구조로 인한 지방대학의 우수자원 확보 어려움 13
B. 대학 내 다양한 학생 구성의 중요성 17
1. 인적 구성의 다양성과 조직성과 17
2. 대학 내 다양한 구성원의 중요성 20
3. 학생 구성의 다양성에 대한 교육적 효과 22
C. 대학과 학과 선택요인 선행연구 27
1. 학생의 대학 선택요인 28
2. 학생의 학과 선택요인 34

Ⅲ. 연구방법 41
A. 연구대상 41
1. 지방 C대학 41
2. 연구대상 선정 방법 43
3. 연구대상자 및 표집 48
B. 설문지 구성 49
1. 설문지 구성 절차 49
2. 설문지 문항 구성 51
C. 자료처리 및 분석방법 53

Ⅳ. 연구결과 54
A. C대학 타 지역 출신 재학생의 학과 선택 이유 54
1. 학과 선택 이유에 관한 기술통계 분석 결과 54
2. 계열별 학과 선택 이유에 대한 기술통계 분석 결과 56
a. 인문사회계열 56
b. 자연공학계열 58
c. 사범계열 59
d. 예체능계열 61
e. 의학계열 62
B. 학과 선택 이유별 학과 계열의 차이 분석 64
C. C대학 타 지역 출신 재학생의 특성 67
1. 개인적 특성에 관한 기술통계 분석 결과 67
2. 학과 계열별 개인적 특성 기술통계 분석 결과 69
D. 학과 선택 이유별 개인적 특성 차이 분석 74
1. 학과의 사회적 평판 75
2. 학과의 전국적 희소성 77
3. 학과 입학전형과 커트라인 78
4. 학과 취업률 80
5. 학과 관련 자격증 취득 82
6. 가족의 추천과 지지 84
E. 논의 86

Ⅴ. 요약 및 제언 91
A. 요약 91
B. 제언 96
C. 연구의 제한점 102

참고문헌 103

부록 1. 설문조사 111
부록 2. 개방형 질문에 관한 응답결과 115
조선대학교 대학원
고은애. (2023). 타 지역 출신 재학생의 학과 선택 이유 분석  : 지방 C대학을 중심으로.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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