삼황사심탕 제제의 제조법 변화에 따른 함유성분 및 활성 변화연구
- Author(s)
- 김진승
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Abstract
- Objective : A study on the content and activity change according to the manufacturing method of Samhwangsa-tang is conducted and compared.
Methods : The content test of Baicaline, Berberine, and Sennoside A in Samhwangsatang was analyzed using HPLC equipment of LC-2030C 3D (SHIMADZU; KYOTO, JAPAN). YMC-Pack ODS-A Column(250 X 4.6 mmI.D, S-5 um. 12nm, YMC KOERA co., Ltd., Seongnam, Korea) was used to separate the surface components. The column temperature was maintained at 25 degrees, and the measured wavelength was set at 230 nm. In the HPLC analysis, Lee Dong-sang prepared A-0.05% PA in water and B-0.05% PA in ACN, set the flow rate to 1.0 mL/min, and analyzed according to the gradient condition. Additionally, BV2 cells, which are microglial cells, and hippocampus-derived HT22 cell lines were used for in vitro experiments. Nitric oxide activity was measured for MTT assay and lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory reactions for each extract concentration.
Results : As a result of the analysis experiment with each extract, the content of Berberine was higher in Formulation-1: Samhwangsasimtang mixture after extracting individual medicinal herbs and Formulation-3: Samhwangsasimtang mixture after extracting individual medicinal herbs+excipient. The content of Baicalin and SennosideA were higher in Formulation-2: Samhwangsasimtang extracts and Formulation-4: Samhwangsasimtang extracts+excipient. As a result of the MTT assay for BV2 cell lines, it was confirmed that Formulation-1,2 was up to 100 μg/ml, and Formulation-3,4 was not cytotoxic up to 400 μg/ml. And in Formulation-1, 4, NO generation was significantly suppressed. It was confirmed that C. japonica did not exhibit cytotoxicity up to 100 μg/ml, and R. undulatum and S. baicalensis up to 400 μg/ml. It was confirmed that the generation of NO was suppressed in S. baicalensis. In HT22 cell lines, it was confirmed that the S. baicalensis extract exhibited a brain cell protection effect.
Conclusion : Since herbal medicines have different contents of indicator components between extracts, it cannot be judged that each extract has higher efficacy. The efficacy of an herbal medicine prescribed not only by one or more may be related by the content of the active ingredient but also by the proportion of the components. It should be produced according to the situation of pharmaceutical companies, and further research is needed on Samhwangsa-tang and other products.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on changes in ingredients and activity according to the manufacturing methods of Sam-Hwang-Sa-Sim-tang formulation
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kim Jin seung
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 일반대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 식품의약학과
- Advisor
- 이동성
- Awarded Date
- 2023-02
- Table Of Contents
- Contents i
Abstract ii
1. 서론 1
1.1. 황련 3
1.2. 황금 6
1.3. 대황 9
2. 재료 및 방법 12
2.1. 실험재료 12
2.2. HPLC 분석조건 12
2.3. 표준용액의 조제 14
2.4. 삼황사심탕 개별추출혼합제 및 탕제의 검액 제조 14
2.5. BV2세포 배양 및 세포독성 측정과 Nitric oxide 측정 15
2.6. BV microglia cell에서 LPS로 유도된 Nitric oxide 측정방법 15
2.7. HT22 세포배양 및 뇌 세포 보호활성 측정 16
2.8. 통계처리 16
3. 결과 17
3.1. 분석조건의 확립. 17
3.2. 제조방법 별 Chromatogram 및 UV-Spectrum 19
3.3. 제조방법 별 함량분석결과 35
3.4. 항염증 및 뇌세포 보호 활성 확인 40
4. 고찰 및 결론 44
5. 참고문헌 47
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 김진승. (2023). 삼황사심탕 제제의 제조법 변화에 따른 함유성분 및 활성 변화연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/17652
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2023-02-24
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