OECD 국가 여성의 출산율과 주관적 삶의 질의 영향요인에 대한 연구

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Women's Fertility Rate, Subjective Quality of Life, Life Satisfaction, Feeling of Happiness, Social Capital, Work-Family Balance Policy, HLM
In this study, social capital measured at the individual level and work/family By examining the effect of social policies measured by family reconciliation policy on women's fertility rate and subjective quality of life using multi-layered analysis, we identify individual and national level explanatory variables that explain women's fertility rate and subjective quality of life. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to present practical and policy measures to improve women's fertility rate and subjective quality of life.
The fertility rate is the number of children in women, and subjective quality of life is evaluated as happiness and life satisfaction. The sub-variables of social capital are private interpersonal trust, social interpersonal trust, social organization trust, government organizational trust, informal group network, formal group network, As a norm, the sub-variables of work-family balance policy were examined as wealth-paid maternity leave, breast-feeding maternity leave, public family benefit cash, and public family benefit in-kind. Individual level measurement control variables are religion, marital status, educational level, subjective financial satisfaction, and subjective health satisfaction. The national level measurement control variable is income inequality.
Personal level analysis data is the World Value Survey of the University of Michigan, which has been surveying items on estimated rates, subjective quality of life, and political, social, and cultural values ​​every five years in more than 80 countries from 1981 to the present. For national level analysis, Summary of paid leave entitlements formothers/fathers (2018) was used to secure data on maternity and paternity leave, and Public spending on early childhood education and care (2015) was the latest data on public family allowance expenditure. Family benefits public spending (2017) indicators were used.
The subjects of individual level analysis are women aged 20-49, and the subjects of national level analysis are 9 OECD countries. A total of 4.113 women were included in the analysis, and the nine OECD countries included in the analysis were Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, Greece, Japan, Korea and the United States.
Descriptive statistical analysis, one-way ANOVA, and correlation analysis were performed using SPSS for Window 27, and hierarchical linear model analysis was performed using the HLM 8.20 for Windows program. The research questions are as follows.
First, what effect does social capital (private interpersonal trust, social interpersonal trust, social organization trust, government organizational trust, informal group network, formal group network, norms) have on women's fertility rate and subjective quality of life (happiness, life satisfaction) does it affect
Second, how does work-family balance policy (wealthy paid maternity leave, breast-fed maternity leave, public family benefit cash, public family benefit in-kind) affect women's subjective quality of life (happiness, life satisfaction)?
The main research results according to the research questions are as follows.
As a result of examining the effect of social capital on the female fertility rate, the result of examining the effect of social capital on the female fertility rate showed that when only individual-level measurement variables were input, the higher the trust in the government organization and the higher the informal group network, the higher the fertility rate. It was found that the higher the trust in social organization, the lower the fertility rate. It was found that private interpersonal trust, social interpersonal trust, formal group networks, and norms had no effect. Even after additional national-level measurement variables were added, the birth rate was still higher as trust in government organizations and informal group networks increased, and the higher the trust in social organizations, the lower the birth rate., the norm appeared to have no effect.
As a result of examining the effect of social capital on women's happiness, when only individual-level measurement variables were input, it was found that the higher the private interpersonal trust, the trust in the government organization, the higher the informal group network, the higher the norm. It was found that the higher the social interpersonal trust and the higher the official group network, the lower the sense of happiness. It was found that trust in social organization had no effect. Even after additional national-level measurement variables were added, the sense of happiness increased as the private interpersonal trust, government organizational trust, informal group network, and norms increased. was found not to be reached.
As a result of examining the effect of social capital on women's life satisfaction, when only individual-level measurement variables were input, life satisfaction increased as private interpersonal trust, government organization trust, formal group network, and norms increased., the informal group network did not affect the quality of life.
As a result of additional input of national-level measurement variables, life satisfaction increased as private interpersonal trust, government organizational trust, formal group networks, and norms increased.
As a result of examining the effect of work-family balance policy on women's fertility rate, when only national-level measurement variables were input, the fertility rate increased as wealth paid maternity leave, public family benefit cash, and public family benefit in-kind increased. The higher the number, the lower the birth rate. After additional individual level measurement variables were added, the feeling of happiness increased as the amount of wealth paid maternity leave and public family benefit in-kind increased.
As a result of examining the effect of work-family balance policy on women's happiness, when only national-level measurement variables were input, the feeling of happiness increased as wealth paid maternity leave, public family benefit cash, and public family benefit in-kind increased. It did not affect happiness. Even after adding individual-level measurement variables, the feeling of happiness increased as the amount of maternity leave, public family benefit cash, and public family benefit in-kind increased, and breast-feeding leave did not affect happiness.
As a result of examining the effect of work-family balance policy on women's life satisfaction, when only national level measurement variables were input, life satisfaction increased as the public family benefit in-kind increased. Cash had no effect on life satisfaction. After additional individual level measurement variables were added, maternity leave, breastfeeding leave, public family benefit cash, and public family benefit in-kind had no effect on life satisfaction. Based on the research results, in particular, if the multi-layered analysis is conducted with the fertility rate and life satisfaction as dependent variables and population/economic factors, work-family balance policy factors, and social capital factors as independent variables, demographic/economic factors, work-family balance, etc. While the influence of some variables, such as policy factors, disappeared, social capital factors continued to have an effect on the fertility rate and life satisfaction. In other words, although demographic and economic factors and work-family balance policy factors affect the fertility rate and life satisfaction for women, it can be interpreted as having a greater effect when combined with social capital factors. Conclusions, discussions, and implications of the study were presented based on the research results.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Influencing Factors of Women's Fertility Rate and Subjective Quality of Life in the OECD Countries : Focusing on Social Capital and Work-Family Balance Policy
Alternative Author(s)
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 사회복지학과
김용섭, 박희서
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구목적 1
제2절 연구범위 및 방법 6
1. 연구의 범위 6
2. 연구방법 7

제2장 이론적 배경 8
제1절 출산율 8
1. 출산율의 개념 8
2. 출산 패러다임 변화와 저출산 정책 10
3. 출산율의 영향요인 15
제2절 여성의 주관적 삶의 질 32
1. 주관적 삶의 질 개념 32
2. 주관적 삶의 질 구성요인 36
3. 주관적 삶의 질 영향요인 39
제3절 사회자본 51
1. 사회자본의 개념 51
2. 사회자본의 구성요인 54
3. 사회자본 연구의 과제 57
제4절 일·가정양립정책 59
1. 일·가정양립정책의 개념 59
2. 일·가정양립정책의 구성요인 63
3. 일·가정양립정책 연구의 과제 67
제5절 본 연구의 개념 틀 68

제3장 연구 설계 70
제1절 연구모형 70
제2절 분석자료 및 분석대상 71
1. 분석자료 71
2. 분석대상 72
제3절 주요변인의 정의 및 측정도구 72
1. 출산율 73
2. 주관적 삶의 질 74
3. 사회자본 74
4. 일·가정 양립정책 76
5. 통제변인 76
제4절 분석방법 및 분석모형 78
1. 분석방법 78
2. 분석모형 81

제4장 실증분석 83
제1절 연구대상의 일반적 특성 83
1. 개인수준 측정변인 일반적 특성 83
2. 국가수준 측정변인 일반적 특성 85
3. 주요변인 기술통계 86
4. 주요변인 자료특성과 분포특성 96
제2절 연구모형 분석 104
1. 기초모형 분석 104
2. 중간모형 1 : 주관적 삶의 질에 대한 사회자본의 효과 107
3. 중간모형 2 : 출산율에 대한 사회자본의 효과 112
4. 중간모형 3 : 주관적 삶의 질에 대한 일·가정양립정책의 효과 115
5. 중간모형 4 : 출산율에 대한 일·가정양립정책의 효과 118
6. 연구모형 1 : 주관적 삶의 질에 대한 사회자본 및 일·가정양립정책의 순수효과 120
7. 연구모형 2 : 출산율에 대한 사회자본 및 일·가정양립정책의 순수효과 128
제3절 논 의 131
1. OECD 9개국별 주관적 삶의 질, 출산율, 사회자본, 일·가정양립 정책 수준 131
2. OECD 9개국 여성의 행복감, 주관적 삶만족도, 출산율에 대한 개인수준과 국가수준의 다층분석 타당성 검토 133
3. 사회자본과 일·가정양립정책이 OECD 9개국 여성의 행복감, 삶 만족도, 출산율에 미치는 영향 비교 133

제5장 결 론 143
제1절 연구결과 요약 143
제2절 연구의 시사점 145
1. 이론적 시사점 146
2. 실천적 시사점 149
3. 정책적 시사점 153
제3절 향후 연구 방향 155

참고문헌 158

부 록 185
조선대학교 대학원
최치원. (2022). OECD 국가 여성의 출산율과 주관적 삶의 질의 영향요인에 대한 연구.
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