해양구조용 고강도강의 구속도의 영향에 따른 용접부 잔류응력특성 평가에 관한 연구
- Author(s)
- 성대희
- Issued Date
- 2022
- Keyword
- 용접변형, 용접잔류응력
- Abstract
- Recently, due to the depletion of marine resources, interest in the extraction of marine energy from deep and deep seas has increased, and the installation environment for offshore structures is moving to extreme areas. In addition, as oil field development expands to about 1000mm in deep sea, the installation environment for offshore structures is getting worse. In order to properly install offshore structures in the use environment, it is necessary to develop high-tensile steel for offshore structures and to develop appropriate welding technology. Since steel materials for offshore structures are different from ships and installation environments, they are mostly of a fixed type and require stricter quality. Welding is a core technology that must be used inevitably in the manufacture of offshore structures, and deformation and residual stress occurring during welding are well known as major factors causing various problems. In welding technology applied to various industrial sites, control of deformation and residual stress is a very important issue, and it is a task given to all structures where welding is used. In particular, since residual welding stress adversely affects fatigue fracture and fracture toughness, efforts are being made to control residual stress. In this study, the residual stress generated during welding of high-tensile steel applied to offshore structures was quantitatively identified through destructive, non-destructive, and numerical analysis. To investigate the effect, the residual stress distributions were evaluated under various restraints.
First, butt weld joints were fabricated under different welding constraint conditions in order to understand the characteristics of the welding residual stress distribution according to the influence of the constraint conditions by varying the constraint conditions of high tensile steel for offshore structures.
Second, the welding residual force characteristics of fully constrained and unconstrained specimens were evaluated. The destructive and non-destructive methods were applied to evaluate the welding residual stress. As the fracture method, the most widely known cutting method was applied, and a relatively recently applied contour method was applied for mutual comparison. By applying the neutron diffraction method using Hanaro as a non-destructive method, the welding residual stress in the thickness direction as well as the surface was measured. the FEM method was established by comparing the experimental results of the welding residual stress distribution according to the influence of the constraint conditions through FEM.
Finally, it is judged that the distribution characteristics of the welding residual stress according to the influence of the constraint conditions can be grasped through the analysis technique.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the evaluation of residual stress characteristics of weld joints by effect of constraints with high-strength steel for offshore structure
- Alternative Author(s)
- Seong dae hee
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 일반대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 선박해양공학과
- Advisor
- 안규백
- Awarded Date
- 2022-02
- Table Of Contents
- Table contents ⅲ
Figure contents ⅳ
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 종래의 연구동향 3
제3절 본 연구의 구성 5
제2장 용접잔류응력 생성에 관한 이론적 배경 7
제1절 서언 7
제2절 용접부 잔류응력 발생 메커니즘 7
제3절 용접부 잔류응력 측정법 11
제3장 해양구조용 고강도강 용접부 잔류응력 분포 특성 23
제1절 서언 23
제2절 시험편제작 및 용접조건 23
1. 화학적 성질 23
2. 기계적 성질 23
3. 시험편제작 24
가. 완전구속 시험편 제작 24
나. 완전비구속 시험편 제작 27
제3절 완전구속 맞대기 이음부의 용접잔류응력 분포 특성 29
1. 절단법에 의한 잔류응력 측정 결과 29
2. 굴곡측정법에 의한 잔류응력 측정 결과 33
3. 중성자회절법에 의한 잔류응력 측정 결과 38
4. 유한요소법에 의한 잔류응력 해석 결과 47
제4절 완전비구속 맞대기 이음부의 잔류응력 분포 특성 55
1. 절단법에 의한 잔류응력 측정 결과 55
2. 굴곡측정법에 의한 잔류응력 측정 결과 58
3. 중성자회절법에 의한 잔류응력 측정 결과 62
4. 유한요소법에 의한 잔류응력 해석 결과 70
제5절 고찰 79
1. 완전구속과 완전비구속 상태의 잔류응력 분포 특성 79
2. 요약 94
제4장 결론 95
참고문헌 96
연구실적 100
감사의 글 101
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 성대희. (2022). 해양구조용 고강도강의 구속도의 영향에 따른 용접부 잔류응력특성 평가에 관한 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/17342
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2022-02-25
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