공감능력 향상을 위한 미술비평 프로그램 연구

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공감, 미술비평
The purpose of this study is to develop an art criticism program that can enhance students' empathic ability and to show the effectiveness and value of the expected program after presenting the teaching and learning methods applicable to the actual class. In order to accomplish these research goals, we study the educational art criticism stages of various scholars, draw out the principles of the program and develop the program by introducing elements of empathy.
Empathy refers to the ability to recognize others' emotions and thoughts and to match oneself with others with appropriate emotions about those thoughts and feelings. The ability to empathize plays an important role in establishing an interdependent relationship with others in a society called a society. The absence of such empathy results in problems such as loss of humanity, egoistic climate, and emotional breakdown. I consider the causes of problems such as school violence, bullying, and juvenile delinquency that are happening in and out of school recently to be lack of empathy for students. Therefore, we have studied ways to solve these problems.
In empathy education, art can play an important role in enhancing empathy as a human activity that expresses feelings and thoughts visually and communicates with others and understands oneself and the world. This program can be applied to actual middle school art appreciation and art criticism class, and it can improve empathy ability through training of empathy ability that gives time and sympathy communication opportunity with others continuously in class. The contents of each chapter are summarized as follows.
In chapter Ⅱ, I have studied the emergence and development of the concept of empathy, and the definitions of scholars, clearly understood its meaning, examined the necessity of empathy and the educational significance that can be obtained when applied to the education field. In addition, the importance of sympathy education in school education is checked once again by looking for the content of sympathy education which can be found in the revised education of 2015, and it is analyzed through the textbook analysis how the art appreciation and criticism education saw. The purpose of this study is to investigate the concept of art criticism and its educational implications and draw up the principles of the program by studying the contents of scholars who studied the existing art criticism program to design the art criticism program to be developed in this study.
In chapter Ⅲ, the goal and direction of the art criticism program to improve empathy ability are presented, and the art criticism program is designed to improve empathy ability based on the study in chapter Ⅱ. In addition to the composition and contents of the program, the questionnaire, teaching and learning plan and teaching plan, activity data, and illustrative books were presented, and practical teaching and learning methods were presented.
The study of art criticism program for enhancing empathy ability is valuable in that it can realize the whole education of students in the art subject and has significance in the aspect of integrated education and attract students together with emotional empathy ability as well as aesthetic empathy ability. In addition, it has an altruistic attitude that respects and understands others, and it has the right to have the right personality and the value required for the members of the global community. Therefore, it will help education for creative and convergent talent It is expected to be possible.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Art Criticiam Program for the Improvement of Empathy:Focused on Art Appreciation Section of 2015 Revised Middle School Fine Art Textbooks
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Hyun Ah
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 미술교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
가. 연구의 필요성 1
나. 연구의 목적 3
2. 연구의 내용 및 방법 4
가. 연구의 내용 4
나. 연구의 방법 4

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 6
1. 공감의 이해 6
가. 공감의 개념 6
나. 공감의 구성 요소 10
다. 공감의 필요성과 교육적 의의 14
2. 미술 감상교육과 미술비평 19
가. 2015 개정 미술과 교육과정과 중학교 미술 감상교육 19
나. 미술비평의 개념 및 교육적 의의 27
다. 교육적 미술비평의 학자별 연구 30

Ⅲ. 공감능력 향상을 위한 미술비평 프로그램 설계 및 적용 36
1. 비평 프로그램 설계 36
가. 프로그램 목표와 방향 36
나. 프로그램 연구 절차 37
다. 프로그램 구성 및 내용 39
2. 중학교 미술 감상수업에 적용한 프로그램의 실제 46
가. 공감적 발문 46
나. 차시별 교수·학습 계획 49
다. 교수·학습 지도안 51
라. 활동자료 구성 58
마. 예시 도판 68
3. 프로그램의 기대효과 및 가치 81

Ⅳ. 결 론 83

참 고 문 헌 87
부 록 89
조선대학교 교육대학원
김현아. (2018). 공감능력 향상을 위한 미술비평 프로그램 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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