대학 체육특기생들의 진로신념에 따른 진로준비행동 및 진로태도성숙, 진로포부의 관계 분석

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This paper examined the effects on course preparation behavior, course attitude ripening, and course aspiration of university student athlete's course conviction and leaded to the conclusion as followings.
First, concerning the difference among course conviction, course preparation behavior, course attitude ripening, and course aspiration of university student athletes in relation to their demographic traits, at first, in the case of sex, the athletes had a significant difference in outer value, inner value, and flexibility as a course conviction, preparation behavior as a course preparation behavior, and fitness as a course attitude ripening. Men students had higher difference in all factors showing significant difference.
Concerning course counseling experience, the athletes had a significant difference in outer value, inner value, and flexibility as a course conviction, exploration activity as a course preparation behavior, determination, fitness, and confidence as a course attitude ripening. Concerning all factors with significant difference, the athletes with course counseling experience had higher difference than other students, but, concerning course aspiration, the athletes with no course counseling experience had higher difference than other students.
Concerning grades, the athletes had a significant difference in outer value, inner value, and flexibility as a course conviction, exploration activity, preparation activity as a course preparation behavior, and determination, preparation, fitness, conviction, and course aspiration as a course attitude ripening. Concerning all factors with significant difference, the fourth graders had a high difference generally. But, the third graders had the highest difference in preparation, course aspiration as a course attitude ripening. On the other hand the first grader, the fourth grader had low difference generally.
Concerning the score, the athletes had a significant difference in outer value, inner value, and flexibility as a course conviction, exploration activity, preparation behavior as a course preparation activity, and determination, preparation, fitness, conviction, and course aspiration as a course attitude ripening. Concerning all the factors with significant difference, the athletes below 4.0~fewer than 3.5 had high difference generally. But, the athletes below 3.5~fewer than 3.0 had the highest difference in all of the factors with significant difference, and the athletes below 4.0~fewer than 3.5 and the athletes below 3.0 had a low difference generally.
Concerning economic level, the athletes had a significant difference in outer value, inner value, and flexibility as a course conviction, exploration activity, preparation activity as a course preparation activity, and determination, preparation, fitness, conviction, and course aspiration as a course attitude ripening. The athletes with middle economic level had the highest difference and the athletes with lower economic level had low difference in outer value, inner value, and flexibility as a course conviction and in exploration activity and preparation activity as a course preparation activity. Concerning determination, fitness, and conviction as a course attitude ripening, the athletes with high economic level had high difference generally, and the athletes with low economic level had low difference generally. Concerning preparation, course aspiration as a course attitude ripening, the athletes with low economic level had a high difference and the athletes with middle economic level had a low difference generally.
Concerning the athlete's activity period, the athletes had a high difference in outer value, inner value, and flexibility as a course conviction, exploration activity, preparation activity as a course preparation activity, and determination, preparation, fitness, conviction, and course aspiration as a course attitude ripening. The athletes with the activity period longer than 5 years~shorter than 10 years had the highest difference in outer value, outer value, and flexibility as a course conviction, exploration activity, preparation activity as a course preparation activity, and determination, fitness, and conviction as a course attitude ripening, but the athletes with the activity period longer than 10 years had the highest difference generally. The athletes with the activity period longer than 10 years had high difference generally in preparation, course aspiration as a course attitude ripening, but the athletes with the activity period longer than 5 years~shorter than 10 years had the lowest difference in the areas.
Concerning the future course, the athletes will have a difficulty in outer value, inner value, flexibility as a course belief, exploration activity, preparation activity as a course preparation activity, determination, preparation, fitness, confidence, and course aspiration as a course attitude ripening. Athletes and leaders had the highest difference and those who had the jobs with no relationship with the major had the lowest difference in outer value, inner value, and flexibility as a job conviction. Athletes and leaders had high difference and those who prepared graduate school and others had low difference in exploration activity and preparation activity as a course preparation activity.
Those who prepared graduate school had high difference and those who had the jobs with no relationship to the major had low difference in determination, fitness, and conviction as a course attitude ripening. In addition, those who had the jobs with no relationship to the major had high difference and the others had low difference in preparation, course aspiration as a course attitude ripening.
Second, concerning the relationship among course conviction and course preparation behavior, outer value, inner value factors as a course conviction had a significant effect on exploration activity, preparation activity as a course preparation activity, and flexibility factor as a course conviction had a significant effect on preparation behavior as a course preparation actitivity.
Third, concerning the relationship between course conviction and course attitude ripening, flexibility factor as a course conviction had an effect on determination, preparation, fitness, and conviction as a course attitude ripening. Outer value factor as a course conviction had a significant effect on determination, preparation, and fitness as a course attitude ripening, and inner value factor as a course conviction had a significant effect on determination, fitness as a course attitude ripening.
Fourth, concerning the relationship between course conviction and course aspiration, flexibility factor as a course conviction had a significant effect on course aspiration.
Alternative Title
An Analysis of the Relationship among Course Preparation Behavior, Course Attitude Ripening, and Course Aspiration in relation to Course Conviction of University Student Athletes
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Tae-Hyung
교육대학원 체육교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구의 가설 5
3. 연구의 제한점 6
4. 용어의 정의 7
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 9
1. 진로신념 9
2. 진로준비행동 11
3. 진로태도성숙 14
4. 진로포부 17
Ⅲ. 연구방법 19
1. 연구대상 및 표집 19
2. 조사도구 20
3 설문지의 타당도와 신뢰도 22
4. 자료처리 26
Ⅳ. 연구결과 28
1. 인구통계학적특성에 따른 진로신념, 진로준비행동, 진로태도성숙, 진로포부의 차이 28
2. 대학체육특기생의 진로신념이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향 46
3. 대학체육특기생의 진로신념이 진로태도성숙에 미치는 영향 48
4. 대학체육특기생의 진로신념이 진로포부에 미치는 영향 52
Ⅴ. 논 의 53
1. 인구통계학적특성에 따른 진로신념, 진로준비행동, 진로태도성숙, 진로포부의 차이 53
2. 대학체육특기생의 진로신념이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향 55
3. 대학체육특기생의 진로신념이 진로태도성숙에 미치는 영향 56
4. 대학체육특기생의 진로신념이 진로포부에 미치는 영향 58
Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 60
1. 결 론 60
2. 제 언 63
참고문헌 65
부 록(설문지) 72
조선대학교 교육대학원
이태형. (2017). 대학 체육특기생들의 진로신념에 따른 진로준비행동 및 진로태도성숙, 진로포부의 관계 분석.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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