세계태권도한마당 팀대항 경기규칙변화에 따른 경기력 향상을 위한 요인 분석

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The factors Analysis for improve the competition power by World Taekwondo Hanmadang team match competition rules change

Jeong Seong Gyeong
Advisor : Prof. Jeong Jae Hwan
Major in Physical Education
Gradute School of Education Chosun University

This study have a purposed for comparing factors of skill score by before and after change of competition rules and suggest factors for improve the competition power according to competition rules change from masters of team who participated on World Taekwondo Hanmadang team match.

1) Skill factor
According to change competition rules, Difficulty is getting higher by development of new skills. If look skill of Horizontal Spin kick, limited at 540 degrees level 3, 720 degrees level 4 before. As time passes, the number of spins was increased like 900 degrees level 2, 1080 degrees level 4 and As the number of spins increases, a high score can be obtained. Also Difficulty of vertical spin kick was increased from back air spin level 2, 3 to back air spin level 4, 5 etc… because of increasing number of targets as time passes and As the number of targets increases, a high score can be obtained.
In other words, each year difficulty of match skill is getting increasing.

2) Target factor
Target was not that changed a lot but it wasn’t a general pine board so when training skill didn’t have much experience and the number of limited pine boards seemed to be insufficient.

3) Time factor
Contest was expressed short and concise with creative connection also bored Contest was changed dynamically and creatively
In other words, need to compose natural and smooth connection between skill and skill to show everything in a short time.

4) Instrumental factor
According to adding part of directing, matched with performance costume, item and background were began to appear. also for understand performance other items must be backed up

Result of the factors Analysis for improve the competition power by World Taekwondo Hanmadang team match competition rules change, contest time got began shorter be 5 minutes 30seconds that removed boring. And need to add part of directing for people could understand what they want to express by supports of costume, item and background then increases difficulty and accuracy of skill, also because percent of female player was increased so have to improve skill power of female player’s smashing.
Alternative Title
The factors Analysis for improve the competition power by World Taekwondo Hanmadang team match competition rules change
Alternative Author(s)
Jeong, Seong Gyeong
교육대학원 교육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
I. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 2
3. 연구의 문제 3
4. 연구의 제한점 3

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 4
1. 태권도 시범 4
2. 세계태권도한마당 5
3. 세계태권도한마당의 구성 7
1) 세계태권도한마당의 목적 7
2) 세계태권도한마당 팀대항 종합경연 경기규칙 8
4. 세계태권도한마당 팀대항 경기규칙변화 12
5. 경기력에 대한 이해 16
1) 경기력 16
2) 세계태권도한마당 팀대항 경기력요인 18

Ⅲ. 연구방법 19
1. 조사대상 19
2. 심층면담 방법 19
1) 면담 질문지 19
2) 질문내용 20
3. 자료분석 및 조사절차 21

Ⅳ. 연구결과 23
1. 기술적 요인 23
2. 목표물 요인 24
3. 시간적 요인 25
4. 도구적 요인 27
5. 훈련방법 28

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 30
1. 기술적 요인 30
2. 목표물 요인 30
3. 시간적 요인 31
4. 도구적 요인 31

참고문헌 33
정성경. (2017). 세계태권도한마당 팀대항 경기규칙변화에 따른 경기력 향상을 위한 요인 분석.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2017-08-25
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