급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년의 지각정도와 수용정도

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Degrees of Adolescents' Awareness and Acceptance of ADHD Characteristics in Classmates

By Yun-chae Lee
Advisor: Seunghee Lee, Ph.D.
Major in Special Educaion
Graduate School of Education, Chosun University

The peer relation in the adolescent period plays a major role in adjusting to the school life and the sociability development. However, students with ADHD have a hard time forming friendly peer relations because of various ADHD characteristics. Hence, the purpose of this research is to look into how much awareness other students in the class have toward some students’ ADHD characteristics and how much they are willing to accept from students’ ADHD characteristics
The research problem for this study is as follows. Fist, how much awareness and acceptance do students in the class have toward classmates’ ADHD characteristics? Second, is there any difference between the degree of awareness and acceptance from students toward classmates’ ADHD characteristics? Third, is there any difference in the degree of awareness and acceptance of students toward classmates’ ADHD characteristics depending on the gender, the level of school, and academic achievement level?
For this, the research process took place after convenient sampling one middle school and high school among many middle school and high school in Gwangju; then another convenient sampling was done to choose one class each from the 7th, 8th ,10th and 11th grade. A total of 290 adolescents were selected as research objects, and the survey was distributed among them. A total of 279 survey results were collected and were selected as the final analysis material. The descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and F-test for were run for each research problem with the collected data through the SPSS 19.0 statistics program. The Ducan was run if the result was statistically significant.
The research result is as follows. First, the awareness among adolescents toward students’ ADHD characteristics appeared to be quite low. Secondly, there was almost no difference between adolescents’ awareness and acceptance about classmates’ ADHD characteristics such as attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. However, the degree of awareness for impulsiveness was lower than the degree of acceptance. Thirdly, when taking a look at differences in related factors for adolescents’ degree of awareness and acceptance toward classmates’ ADHD characteristics, both male and female students had low degrees of awareness and acceptance, so there was no difference in gender. Next, when taking a look at the difference between levels of schools, middle school students appeared to have a higher degree of awareness than high school students. However, there was no difference in the degree of acceptance in the level of schools. Lastly, when taking a look at the difference between academic achievement levels, the degree of awareness showed different results for each ADHD characteristic. There was difference according to the academic achievement level in overall including hyperactivity and impulsiveness the degree of acceptance showed difference according to the academic achievement level in overall including impulsiveness. The higher academic achievement level group showed higher degrees of awareness and acceptance.
Alternative Title
Degrees of Adolescents' Awareness and Acceptance of ADHD Characteristics in Classmates
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Yun Chae
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 특수교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
표목차 ⅴ
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구문제 5
3. 용어의 정의 5
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7
1. ADHD의 개념 7
1) ADHD의 정의 7
2) ADHD의 출현율 11
3) ADHD의 원인 12
4) ADHD의 주요특성 14
2. ADHD의 발달 양상 16
1) 유아기 16
2) 아동기 17
3) 청소년기 18
4) 성인기 19
3. ADHD와 교우관계 19
1) ADHD학생의 교우관계 19
2) ADHD학생의 교우관계와 관련된 또래변인 22
4. 관련 선행연구 25
1) 국내 선행연구 25
2) 국외 선행연구 27
Ⅲ. 연구방법 29
1. 연구대상 29
2. 연구도구 30
1) 기초사항 질문지 30
2) ADHD특성에 대한 지각정도와 수용정도 질문지 30
3. 연구절차 32
4. 자료분석 33
Ⅳ. 연구결과 34
1. 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와
수용정도 34
2. 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와
수용정도 간의 차이 37
3. 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와 수용
정도의 관련변인에 따른 차이 37
1) 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와 수용
정도의 성별에 따른 차이 38
2) 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와 수용
정도의 학교급에 따른 차이 39
3) 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와 수용
정도의 학업성취수준에 따른 차이 40
Ⅴ. 논의 41
1. 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와
수용정도 41
2. 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와
수용정도 간의 차이 42
3. 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와
수용정도의 관련변인에 따른 차이 44
1) 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와 수용
정도의 성별에 따른 차이 44
2) 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와 수용
정도의 학교급에 따른 차이 45
3) 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와 수용
정도의 학업성취수준에 따른 차이 46
Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 48
1. 결론 48
1) 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와 수용
정도 48
2) 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와 수용
정도 간의 차이 48
3) 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년 지각정도와 수용정도의
관련변인(성별, 학교급, 학업성취수준)에 따른 차이 49
2. 제언 50
참고문헌 53
부록 59
조선대학교 교육대학원
이윤채. (2016). 급우의 ADHD특성에 대한 청소년의 지각정도와 수용정도.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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