기본 교육과정 사회과의 인권교육

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특수교육,인권, 기본교육과정

A Content Analysis of Human Rights Education in Social Studies of the Basic Curriculum

by Kim Jiah
Advisor : Prof. Jeongyoun Kim
Major in Special Education
Graduate School of Education, Chosun University

The purpose of this study is to analyse contents on social studies of the basic curriculum by monitoring the systemicity of human rights contents and to suggest where human rights education for physically challenged students will go on. how well human rights contents reveal was observed and investigated in social studies basic curriculum, textbooks, and self-study books based on human rights education contents system introduced by Koo Jung A(2012) to reach this purpose above.
According to the purpose of the study, several research questions were established as follows.
First, How was human rights contents of social studies basic curriculum in 2011 revised special education curriculum?
Second, How was human rights contents of social studies basic curriculum textbooks and self-study books in 2011 revised special education curriculum in 2011 revised special education curriculum?
Third, How was the characteristics and subjects the materials seen through human rights contents of social studies basic curriculum textbooks and self-study books in 2011 revised special education curriculum in 2011 revised special education curriculum?
Materials used for this study are social studies basic curriculum and textbooks from elementary first and second grades social studies textbooks ㉮ ㉯, elementary third and fourth grades social studies textbooks ㉮ ㉯, middle school social studies textbooks ㉮ ㉯ ㉰, high school social studies textbooks ㉮ ㉯ ㉰ and a total volume of 25 self-study books in 2011 revised special education curriculum.
School level-based human rights education contents system used in 2007 and 2009 revised education curriculum and textbooks analysis (Koo Jung A, 2012) was quoted and used as analysis tools of this study.
The major study results from the analysis are as follows.
The followings are the results related to the first research question. Human rights related contents are referred much in social studies basic curriculum, but the major contents by section are not fairly distributed and the sequence are not ensured in the curriculum. There are some major characteristics found from the following structure of contents as analysed. First, A variety of topics correlated with human rights have a positive effect on constructing contents of the curriculum from elementary to middle and highschool regular curriculum. Second, the contents and topics are human rights education becomes more various as moving into the higher grade. Third, the elementary and highschool curriculum concentrate on values, attitudes, and basic concepts regarding the respect of human rights in terms of contents category. On the other hand, It is more directly shown in terms of contents demonstration in high school curriculum by mainly referring to laws and system rather than values, attitudes, and basic concepts regarding the respect of human rights. Fourth, laws and system part are not referred in elementary and middle school and sufficient in high school. Fifth, rational human rights resolutions are not mentioned in elementary, middle, and high school basic curriculum.
The followings are the results related to the second research question. human rights contents presented by textbooks and self-study books based on social studies in basic curriculum are not dealt with by domains in balanced way throughout the whole grades.
The characteristics of the results of elementary school contents analysis are as follows.
First, through analyzed results with contents category and subcategory of human rights education human rights related contents are widely distributed in the part of ‘I-1. recognition on rights to the self and sensitivity’ and ‘I-2. recognition on rights to the other and sensitivity’ in elementary school first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade. There are no part of ‘I-1. Recognition on Rights to the Self and Sensitivity’ and ‘I-2. Recognition on Rights to the Other and Sensitivity’ in elementary school fifth and sixth grade. But human rights contents are widely dealt with in ‘I-3. Human rights’ Values and attitudes’ from first grade to sixth grade. Second, human rights elements are largely included in the part of ‘Ⅱ. Basic Concept about Human Rights’ in the first grade and second grade and human rights components are greatly distributed in the part of ‘Individual Human Rights’ and ‘Social Fundamental Rights’ in the third and fourth grade, not in the fifth to sixth grade. human rights constituents are contained little in ‘Ⅱ-3. Chronological Human Rights’ in the first to second grade and third to fourth grade in elementary school, never in the third grade to fourth grade. Fourth, There is no reference of human rights contents in the category of ‘Ⅳ. Rational Resolution and Involvement of Human Rights Problems’ from the first grade to sixth grade.
The characteristics of the results of middle and high school contents analysis are as follows.
First, the contents’ scope of ‘Ⅰ. Values and Attitudes of Human Rights Respect’ in the middle school textbooks diminished much. There is a clear difference in the learner’s level of development, but
little human rights elements in the part of ‘Ⅲ. Laws and System on Human Rights’ and ‘Ⅳ. Rational Resolution and Involvement of Human Rights’ like elementary school. human rights elements are widely included in ‘Ⅱ. Basic Concepts about Human Rights’, but never in the part of ‘Ⅱ-3. Foreign and Domestic Human Rights organizations and System.’ Unlike the elementary school curriculum focusing on resolutions and involvement of human rights, There are benefits of middle and high school students studying human rights on the spiral curriculum, but the amount of learning is not too much. Third, There is little reference in high school curriculum rather than middle school curriculum about the part of ‘Ⅰ. Basic Concepts on Human Rights’ intensively dealt with in elementary school curriculum. In addition, human rights concepts are generally handled in ‘Ⅱ. Basic Concepts on Human Rights’, but no reference in ‘Ⅱ-3. Chronological Human Rights.’ Fourth, human rights components are largely distributed in ‘Ⅲ. Laws and System on Human Rights’ and ‘Ⅳ. Rational resolution and involvement on Human Rights Issues’ in the high school curriculum, but was just come up in elementary and middle school curriculum. This part turns out to be suitable and understandable from the perspective of covering the phase of the learners’ development.
The followings are the results related to the third research question. the subjects in materials presented with the contents of human rights education in social studies textbooks of the basic curriculum are almost ‘students and teenagers’ and ‘every human-beings’ expressed as the main character. Distribution traits related with the main character in social studies curriculum contents are as follows. Just as one of the traits implied by human rights is to concentrate on the basic and universal rights, the statements that the main character is every human-beings account for about 70%. Second, the statements that ‘students and teenagers’ is main character or ‘every human-beings’ take up about 27% and not that much. Human rights contents associated with ‘students and middle school students’ in the textbooks are highly covered in low grades of the elementary school. Moreover, this tendency seen in the low grades gradually shows up by the low rate as going up into the upper school. Third physically challenged students or the subjects of special education are not described as the underprivileged person in social studies textbooks of special education basic curriculum. Therefore, the phrase as the underprivileged person are never expressed in the elementary and middle school textbooks. About 3 % of expressions like ‘the underprivileged’ appear in the high school textbooks. It’s because human rights is referred in ‘Ⅳ. rational resolutions and Involvement’, ‘Ⅳ-1. Human rights analysis and the Solutions’ AND ‘Ⅳ-2. Involvement and Practice for Solving Human Rights Problems’ in the textbook, inevitably including human rights.
The followings are derived by being discussed based on the contents analysis results.
First, Curriculum research should be implemented for human rights education contents are systematically constructed and equally distributed to develop the particulars in the basic education curriculum. Second, considering the level of development of physically and mentally challenged students in human rights-related education in the basic curriculum, students study universal concepts, his or her ability to judge whether the cases of human rights infringement occurring in everyday life through the practical human rights education are right or not should be cultivated. Third, mentally and physically challenged students from elementary school curriculum should be instructed concerning human rights contents and guided to experience the importance of their life.
Alternative Title
A Content Analysis of Human Rights Education in Social Studies of the Basic Curriculum
Alternative Author(s)
kim, jiah
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 교육학과
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목 차

표목차 ···························································································· ⅰ
그림목차 ························································································· ⅱ
ABSTRACT ······················································································ ⅲ

Ⅰ. 서 론
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 ································································· 1
2. 연구문제 ···················································································· 3
3. 용어의 정의 ················································································ 3
1) 인권 ······················································································· 3
2) 기본교육과정 ··········································································· 4
3) 장애학생 ················································································· 4

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 인권 ·························································································· 5
1) 인권의 개념과 성격 ·································································· 5
2) 인권의 역사적 배경 ·································································· 7
3) 장애인 인권 ············································································· 9
2. 인권교육 ··················································································· 16
1) 인권교육의 개념 ····································································· 16
2) 인권교육의 필요성 ·································································· 17
3) 인권교육의 목표와 내용 ·························································· 19
3. 2011개정 특수교육 사회과 기본 교육과정과 교과서 ························ 25
1) 특수교육 교육과정의 구성 ······················································· 25
2) 사회과 기본 교육과정의 성격 ·················································· 26
3) 기본 교육과정 사회과의 목표 ··················································· 27
가. 사회과 교과목의 목표 ························································· 27
나. 학년군별 목표 ··································································· 28
4. 선행연구의 분석 ······································································ 29

Ⅲ. 연구방법
1. 분석대상 ··················································································· 36
2. 분석방법 ··················································································· 37
1) 분석도구 ················································································· 37
2) 연구절차 ················································································· 40
3) 연구의 신뢰도 ·········································································· 45

Ⅳ. 연구결과
1. 사회과 기본 교육과정 인권관련 내용분석 결과 ······························ 46
2. 기본 교육과정 사회과 교과서의 인권관련 내용분석 결과 ················ 48
1) 사회과 초등학교 인권관련 내용분석 결과 ···································· 48
2) 사회과 중·고등학교 인권관련 내용분석 결과 ······························ 52
3. 사회과 교과서 인권관련 대상 ······················································ 58

Ⅴ. 논의 및 결론
1. 논의 ························································································· 53
2. 제언 ························································································· 61
참고문헌 ························································································· 62
부 록 ························································································· 65
조선대학교 교육대학원
김지아. (2016). 기본 교육과정 사회과의 인권교육.
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