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The purpose of this study was to disclose the influence of parents' educational support behavior and exercise satisfaction perceived by middle and high school Taekwondo competition sparring players on their match performance ability. To achieve the purpose, the study found a population in Taekwondo players in male and female high school teams whose organizations were registered at the Korea Taekwondo Association in 2015. The subjects of sampling were 400 male and female high school Taekwondo competition sparring players who participated in the 10th Jeju Peace Flag National Taekwondo Competition, the 8th Asian Junior Taekwondo Championship, 2015 National Taekwondo Championship Tournament (Sparring), the 25th Yongin University Presidential Flag National Junior Taekwondo Competition, the 42nd Korea Junior Taekwondo Federation Presidential Flag National Taekwondo Competition, the 29th Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ministerial Flag National Physical Education High School Sports Competition, and the 17th May 18 Gwangju Democratic Movement Memorial Mayoral Flag National Junior Taekwondo Competition. The questionnaire survey of the study excluded unfaithful answer papers like what same answers were written in items more than 5 or there was no answer in items more than 5. Those unfaithful answer papers written by 57 players were excluded, and a total of 343 players' answer papers were finally analyzed. Research hypothesis needed to achieve the purpose of this study and collected data were analyzed using statistical methods like frequency analysis, EFA (exploratory factor analysis), reliability coefficient, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple regression analysis. Those methodologies and findings led to the following conclusions:

1) The verification of the differences in parents' educational support, and players' exercise satisfaction and match performance ability according to sociodemographic characteristics

First, when the differences in parents' educational support according to sociodemographic characteristics (gender, school year, exercise career, and prize-winning career) were analyzed, there were statistically significant differences in the only parents' support behavior for players' exercise as the sub-factor of parents' educational support.

Second, when the differences in players' exercise satisfaction according to sociodemographic characteristics were analyzed, players' exercise satisfaction according to gender showed statistically significant differences in environmental satisfaction, player life satisfaction, and social approval satisfaction. Players' exercise satisfaction according to school year showed statistically significant differences in environmental satisfaction. Players' exercise satisfaction according to exercise career showed statistically significant differences in environmental satisfaction and player life satisfaction. Players' exercise satisfaction according to prize-winning career showed statistically significant differences in social approval satisfaction.
Third, when the differences in players' match performance ability according to sociodemographic characteristics and gender were analyzed, there were statistically significant differences in match performance success and maturity. When the differences in players' match performance ability according to school year were analyzed, there were statistically significant differences in psychological maturity. When the differences in players' match performance ability according to exercise career were analyzed, there were statistically significant differences in match performance success and psychological maturity. When the differences in players' match performance ability according to prize-winning career were analyzed, there were statistically significant differences in psychological maturity.

2) The influences of parents' educational support on high school Taekwondo competition sparring players' exercise satisfaction

First, when the influences of parents' educational support on players' external environmental satisfaction were analyzed, parents' support behavior for players' practicing environment, their attachment behavior to players, and their support behavior for players' exercise had statistically significant influences on players' external environmental satisfaction.

Second, when the influences of parents' educational support on play life satisfaction were analyzed, parents' support behavior for players' practicing environment and their attachment behavior to players had statistically significant influences on play life satisfaction.

Third, when the influences of parents' educational support on social approval satisfaction were analyzed, parents' support behavior for players' practicing environment, their attachment behavior to players, and their support behavior for players' exercise had no statistically significant influences on social approval satisfaction.

3) The influences of parents' educational support on high school Taekwondo competition sparring players' match performance ability

First, when the influences of parents' educational support on players' match performance ability were analyzed, parents' support behavior for players' practicing environment and their attachment behavior to players had statistically significant influences on players' performance ability.

Second, when the influences of parents' educational support on players' match performance ability were analyzed, parents' support behavior for players' practicing environment and their support behavior for players' exercise had statistically significant influences on players' performance ability.

4) The influences of high school Taekwondo competition sparring players' exercise satisfaction on their match performance ability
First, when the influences of players' exercise satisfaction on their match performance ability were analyzed, environmental satisfaction and player life satisfaction had statistically significant influences on players' performance ability.

Second, when the influences of players' exercise satisfaction on their match performance ability were analyzed, player life satisfaction had statistically significant influences on players' performance ability.

Third, when the influences of players' exercise satisfaction on their match performance ability were analyzed, environmental satisfaction, player life satisfaction, and social approval satisfaction had no statistically significant influences on players' performance ability.
Alternative Title
The Influence of Parents' Educational Support Behavior and Exercise Satisfaction Perceived by High School Taekwondo Competition Sparring Players on Their Match Performance Ability
Alternative Author(s)
Park Gyu-hwang
교육대학원 체육교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 4
3. 연구모형 및 가설 4
4. 용어의 정의 5
1) 부모의 교육지원 5
2) 운동만족 6
3) 경기수행능력 6

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7
1. 부모의 교육지원 행동 7
2. 운동만족 8
1) 만족의 개념 9
2) 운동만족의 정의 9
3. 경기수행능력 11
4. 선행연구 15

Ⅲ. 연구방법 19
1. 연구대상 19
2. 조사도구 20
1) 부모의 교육지원 21
2) 운동만족 21
3) 경기수행능력 22
4) 사회인구학적 특성 22
3. 설문지의 타당도 및 신뢰도 검증 23
1) 부모의 교육지원의 탐색적 요인분석 23
2) 운동만족의 탐색적 요인분석 25
3) 경기수행력의 탐색적 요인분석 27
4) 설문지의 신뢰도 29
4. 자료분석방법 30

Ⅳ. 결과 및 논의 31
1. 결과 31
2. 논의 52

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 61
1. 결론 62
2. 제언 70

참고문헌 71
부 록 76
조선대학교 교육대학원
박규황. (2016). 고등학교 태권도 경기겨루기 선수들이 지각하는.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2016-02-25
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