A criterion for multi-polytopes via Duistermaat-Heckman functions

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In the paper [8], Masuda rst introduced the notion of a uni-
tary toric manifold which properly contained a compact non-
singular toric variety, and associated with it a combinatorial
object, called a multi-fan. It turns out that a multi-fan is a
much more general notion than a complete non-singular fan.
Shortly after that, a multi-fan as a purely combinatorial ob-
ject which generalizes an ordinary fan in algebraic geometry has
been greatly developed by Hattori and Masuda in [6]. One typi-
cal geometric realization of a multi-fan is a torus manifold, while
an ordinary fan is associated with a toric variety. Here a toric
variety means a normal complex algebraic variety of dimension
n with a (C)n-action having one unique dense orbit and other
orbits of smaller dimensions. It is well known that there is a
one-to-one correspondence between toric varieties and fans (see
[2], [10], and [1] for more details). Roughly speaking, the fan associated with a toric variety is a collection of cones in Rn with
apex at the origin, and to each orbit of a (C)n-action on a
toric variety there corresponds a cone of dimension equal to the
codimension of the orbit.
This new notion of a multi-fan shares many important prop-
erties with the ordinary fan. On the other hand, there is one
important peculiar feature, compared to the ordinary fan, that
in case of a multi-fan the union of cones in a multi-fan may
overlap several times. Moreover, it is an open and intriguing
question whether or not there is a one-to-one correspondence
between relevant toric varieties and multi-fans. At the moment,
we just know that two dierent torus manifolds may correspond
to the same multi-fan. Nonetheless, many important topological
properties of a torus manifold can be detected by its associated
multi-fan. Indeed, in [6] Hattori and Masuda provide several
combinatorial invariants of a multi-fan which correspond to the
ordinary topological invariants of the associated torus manifold.
Associated to an ordinary fan, there is a notion of a convex
polytope. Analogously, there is a notion of a multi-polytope
P = (;F) associated to a multi-fan = (;C; !) (refer to
Chapter 2 for more precise denitions and notations). Indeed,
let N be a lattice of rank n which is isomorphic to Zn, and let
M be the dual lattice Hom(N;Z). Let V := NR = N
Z R.
From now on, we also assume that a multi-polytope is simple, which means that the multi-fan = (;C; !) is complete and
A multi-polytope P = (;F) then denes an arrangement of
ane hyperplanes Fi (1 i d) in V , and one can associate
with P a function, called a Duistermaat-Heckman function, on
V minus the ane hyperplanes when P is simple. It can be
shown that the Duistermaat-Heckman function is locally con-
stant, and Guillemin-Lerman-Sternberg formula ([4], [5]) tells
us that it agrees with the density function of a Duistermaat-
Heckman measure, when P arises from a moment map. More
precisely, the Duistermaat-Heckman function that we are mostly
concerned with in this thesis is dened as follow.
Denition 1.1. Let (n) denote the n-skeleton of , and let I
denote the characteristic function dened over a suitably dened
convex cone associated with I 2 (n). We then dene a function
DHP on V n
i=1 Fi by
DHP :=
(-1)I!(I)I ;
and call it the Duistermaat-Heckman function associated with
P. We refer the reader to Chapter 3 for more details.
The primary aim of this paper is to provide a criterion for
a multi-polytope to be an ordinary polytope in terms of the
values of the Duistermaat-Heckman function associated with a
multi-polytope. To be more precise, our main result is Theorem 1.2. A multi-polytope P = (;F) is an ordinary
polytope if and only if the Duistermaat-Heckman function DHP
dened on V n
i=1 Fi satises the following identity:
DHP(u) =
1; if u lies in the interior P of P;
0; otherwise.
There is another locally constant function dened on the com-
plement of the hyperplanes fFig associated to a multi-polytope
P, called the winding number. It turns out that the values
of Duistermaat-Heckman function is exactly same as those of
the winding number (see [6]). Moreover, the winding num-
ber also satises a wall crossing formula entirely similar to the
Duistermaat-Heckman function. Hence Theorem 1.2 can be
stated in terms of the winding numbers instead of the Duistermaat-
Heckman functions. In the forthcoming thesis [9], Moon will give
a direct proof of this fact without using the equivalence of the
values of Duistermaat-Heckman functions and winding numbers.
Now we brie
y explain the contents of each chapter, as fol-
lows. In Chapter 2, we give denitions of a multi-fan and a
multi-polytope, and then introduce certain related notions. The
completeness of a multi-fan is one of the most important points
in this chapter. The denition of the Duistermaat-Heckman
function is given in Chapter 3. As brie
y mentioned above, a
multi-polytope is a pair P = (;F) of an n-dimensional com-
plete multi-fan and a arrangement of hyperplanes F = fFig in H2(BT;R) with the same index set as the set of 1-dimensional
cones in . Recall that a multi-polytope is called simple if its as-
sociated multi-fan is simplicial. The Duistermaat-Heckmann
function DHP associated with a simple multi-polytope P is a
locally constant integer-valued function with bounded support
dened on the complement of the hyperplanes fFig. The wall
crossing formula which describes the dierence of the values of
the function on adjacent components plays an important role in
the proof of our main Theorem 1.2. In addition, several inter-
esting examples will be provided in Chapter 4. Finally, Chapter
5 is devoted to proving our main Theorem 1.2.
5|하토리와 마수다에 의해 발견된 다중 팬은 토러스 다양체와 기하학적으로 깊은 관련을 가지고 있다. 다중 팬은 보통의 팬과 여러 가지 다른 성질을 가지고 있는 반면, 또한 비슷한 중요한 성질도 함께 공유하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 하토리와 마수다의 결과를 확장하여, 다중 팬과 다중 폴리토프에 대응하는 듀이스터매트-핵크만 함수를 정의하고 다중 폴리토프가 보통 폴리토프가 될 필요충분조건을 듀이스터매트-핵크만 함수의 값을 이용하여 찾았다. 좀 더 구체적으로, 를 차원 격자라 하고 를 이라 할 때, 의 쌍대공간 에 있는 아핀 초평면 의 합집합 의 여집합 를 정의역으로 갖는 듀이스터매트-핵크만 함수 는

으로 정의된다. 여기서, 는 다중 팬 의 차원 골격을 나타내고 와 는 각각 에 대응하는 가중치와 특성함수를 나타낸다. 본 논문에서 다중 폴리토프 가 보통의 폴리토프이면 듀이스터매트-핵크만 함수 는 다중 폴리토프의 내부에서 1의 값을 갖고 외부에서는 0의 값을 가지며 그 역도 성립함을 증명하였다.
Alternative Title
듀이스터매트-핵크만 함수를 통한 다중 폴리토프의 판별법 연구
Alternative Author(s)
Cho Mi Ju
교육대학원 수학교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

1. Introduction ………………………………………… 1

2. Multi-fans and Multi-polytopes ……………… 6

3. Duistermaat-Heckman Functions ……………… 15

4. Some Interesting Examples …………………… 21

5. Main Results: Proof of Theorem 1.2 ……… 33

Bibliography …………………………………………… 44
조선대학교 교육대학원
조미주. (2016). A criterion for multi-polytopes via Duistermaat-Heckman functions.
Appears in Collections:
Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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