요가 지도자 리더십 유형이 성인 여성 수련생의 수련 몰입도와 수련 만족도에 미치는 영향

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The purpose of this study was to investigate instructors' leadership type in adult female yoga trainees and determine the effects of yoga instructors' leadership type on training commitment and training satisfaction of the adult female trainees.
150 female adults holding membership in yoga centers in G Metropolotan City were randomly sampled.
An adaptation of the golf instructors' leadership type scale developed by Chelladurai and Saleh (1978) and revised by Seol (2011) was used to assess leadership. An adaptation of the training commitment scale, which is Seol's (2011) revision of Lee's (2000) scale as a generalized translation of the emotional commitment scale developed by Meyer and Allen (1984), was used to assess training commitment.
An adaptation of Hong's (2009) revision focusing on KLPGA players' exercise satisfaction based on the Life Satisfaction Index - A (LSIA) developed by Havighurst (1961) and on those items in Hackman and Lawer (1971) and in Hackman and Oldman (1976) was used to assess training satisfaction.
The questionnaire was in a five-point likert scale and the statistical techniques used to analyze the data were reliability analysis, frequency analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Through these methods and data processing techniques, the following conclusion was drawn:
First, as for the effects of yoga instructors' leadership type on training commitment of the adult female trainees, training direction and social support in leadership type led to higher levels of training commitment.
Second, as for the effects of yoga instructors' leadership type on training satisfaction of the adult female trainees, training direction and positive reward had positive effects. This result implies that training direction and positive reward may lead to higher levels of training satisfaction. In other words, the higher level of social support and positive reward in leadership type, the higher level of social approval among the sub-variables of training satisfaction; the higher level of training direction, social support, and positive reward, the higher level of training life in training satisfaction. The higher level of training direction and social support, the higher level of the external environment in training satisfaction.
Third, as for the effects of training commitment on training satisfaction, the higher level of training commitment, the higher level of training satisfaction. The higher level of training commitment, the higher level of social approval and training life among the sub-variables of training satisfaction, with no impact on daily life.
Alternative Title
The Effect of Leadership Style of Yoga Coach on Flow and Satisfaction in Yoga Class
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Seung Hee
교육대학원 체육교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

Ⅰ. 서 론 1
A. 연구의 필요성 1
B. 연구의 목적 3
C. 연구가설 3
D. 연구의 제한점 4
E. 용어의 정의 4
1. 요가 4
2. 지도자 리더십 유형 4
1) 훈련과 지시 행동 5
2) 민주적 행동 5
3) 사회적 행동 5
4) 긍정적 보상 행동 5
5) 권위적 행동 5
3. 수련 몰입도 5
4. 수련 만족도 5
1) 사회 승인 만족 6
2) 수련생활 만족 6
3) 일상생활 만족 6
4) 외부환경 만족 6

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7
A. 요가 7
1. 요가의 기원 7
2. 요가의 종류 8
B. 리더십 9
1. 리더십 정의 9
2. 리더십 이론 유형 9
1) 특성 이론 9
2) 행동 이론 9
3) 상황 이론 10
C. 수련 몰입도 10
1. 몰입의 정의 10
2. 운동 몰입 10
D. 만족도 11

Ⅲ. 연구 방법 13
A. 연구대상 13
B. 조사도구 14
1. 설문지 구성 14
C. 타당도 및 신뢰도 검사 15
1. 내용 타당도 15
2. 구성 타당도 16
1) 지도자 리더십 유형에 대한 타당도 검사 16
2) 수련 몰입도에 대한 타당도 검사 17
3) 수련 만족도에 대한 타당도 검사 18
3. 신뢰도 19
D. 연구절차 20
E. 자료분석 20

Ⅳ. 연구결과 21
A. 관련변수의 상관관계 분석 21
B. 요가 지도자 리더십 유형이 성인 여성 수련생의 수련 몰입도에
미치는 영향 22
C. 요가 지도자 리더십 유형이 성인 여성 수련생의 수련 만족도에
미치는 영향 23
D. 성인 여성 수련생의 수련 몰입도가 수련 만족도에 미치는 영향 27

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 30
A. 결론 30
B. 제언 31

참고문헌 32

부 록 36
김승희. (2015). 요가 지도자 리더십 유형이 성인 여성 수련생의 수련 몰입도와 수련 만족도에 미치는 영향.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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