영어 블로그 프로젝트 활동이 초등학생들의 영어 쓰기와 정의적 요인에 미치는 영향

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of English blogging project on elementary school students' English writing and affective factors. In this study, through carrying out a whole class, small-group and an individual web-based English blogging project, students' scores on English writing test and questionnaires were analyzed to find out the changes in their English writing ability and affective factors towards English writing.
The research was carried out with one TaLK(Teach and Learn in Korea) English class of fifth and sixth graders(total of 18 students) from D elementary school located in Damyang, Jeonllanamdo from April 2014 to July 2014. After selecting writing topics reflecting students' interest, students practiced project-based writing through Internet blogging. The participant students' writing test scores and their responses to a questionnaire before and after the blogging project were used to accomplish the study purpose.
The project consisted of the three stages of the planning, preparation and implementation. On the stage of the preparation, the students extended their vocabulary related to each topic through 5W1H worksheets and practiced useful expressions through writing prompts worksheets with the teacher. Then they implemented blogging in reality. For the small-group project the students were divided into six groups of three according to their preferences on a topic of interest, whereas for the individual project, the students published their own webpage on self-introduction and their own preferences.
The first result showed that English blogging project improved the writing abilities of the students positively in terms of their willingness and fluency of English writing but no significant differences were observed in their English writing before and after the project. Furthermore, English blogging project had positive effects on the students' affective factors towards English writing but no significant differences were observed in their affective factors before and after the project.|본 연구는 영어 블로그 프로젝트 활동이 초등학교 학습자들의 영어 쓰기와 정의적 요인에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고자 실시하였다.
이를 위해 웹 기반 프로젝트 활동, 프로젝트 영어 학습, 블로그, 그리고 실제적 영어 쓰기에 대한 이론적 배경들과 선행연구들을 검토하였다. 블로그 프로젝트 활동을 위해 학교용 블로그를 제작하고 학생들의 체계적인 쓰기 연습과 더불어 다른 기능의 능력 향상을 도모하고자 워크시트를 활용하여 블로그 편집활동을 진행하였다. 학생들의 영어 쓰기 능력과 정의적 요인, 즉 흥미도, 자신감, 참여도의 향상 정도를 측정하고자 이를 위한 측정도구를 개발하여 변화를 살펴보았고, 연구의 결과를 검증하기 위하여 사전 기초조사, 사전 쓰기 능력 검사, 사전 정의적 요인(흥미도, 자신감, 참여도) 검사를 실시하였고 실험 후에는 사후 쓰기 능력 검사, 사후 정의적 요인(흥미도, 자신감, 참여도) 검사를 실시하여 그 결과는 빈도 분석 및 독립표본 t-검증을 통해 분석하였다.
이 연구의 대상자는 전라남도 소재 초등학교의 5, 6학년 대상의 방과후학교 TaLK 영어교실에 참여하는 18명의 학생들이었다. 5학년 9명, 6학년 9명으로 구성된 이 학생들은 4월 초부터 7월 중순 까지 총 14주간 22차시의 수업을 진행하였고, 위의 분석 결과를 바탕으로 도출된 본 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다.
첫 째, 사전 영어 쓰기 능력 검사 결과와 사후 영어 쓰기 능력 검사 결과를 비교하여 검증한 결과 영어 블로그 프로젝트 활동을 통한 영어 쓰기 활동이 학생들의 영어 쓰기 평균 성적이 향상되기는 하였으나 p값이 유의 수준 0.05보다 커서 통계적으로 유의미하지 않았다. 이는 블로그 프로젝트 활동을 통한 영어 쓰기 능력 향상을 가져오기에는 실험기간이 너무 짧아 영어 쓰기 학습의 효과를 입증하기에는 시간적 제한이 방해 작용을 하였을 수 있고 연구기간 중 학생들의 불규칙한 수업 참여가 학생들의 꾸준한 쓰기 활동을 유지하는 데 큰 제약이 되었을 것으로 본다.
둘째, 영어 블로그 프로젝트 활동이 학생들의 정의적 영역, 즉 흥미도, 자신감, 참여도에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지 살펴본 결과 사전과 사후의 흥미도, 자신감. 참여도 검사 결과 평균의 향상이 있어 긍정적인 영향을 주었으나, 통계적으로는 p<0.05 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Effects of English Blogging Project on Elementary School Students' English Writing and Affective Factors
Alternative Author(s)
Sae Ra Lee
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 영어교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

Ⅰ. 서론 ············································································ 1
1.1 연구의 필요성 ···························································· 1
1.2 연구 문제 ··································································· 3
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 ································································ 4
2.1 웹 기반 영어 프로젝트 학습 ······································· 4
2.1.1 프로젝트 학습의 정의 ············································· 4
2.1.2 프로젝트 학습의 장점 ·············································· 5
2.1.3 웹 기반 프로젝트 학습의 특징 ·································· 5
2.1.4 웹 기반 프로젝트 학습 유형 ····································· 6
2.2 웹 기반 학습 ······························································ 7
2.2.1 웹 기반 학습의 정의 ················································ 7
2.2.2 웹 기반 학습의 특징 ················································ 8
2.2.3 웹 기반 자기 주도 학습 ·········································· 8
2.2.4 웹 기반 영어 교수·학습 모형 ···································· 9

2.3 블로그 ······································································ 10
2.3.1 블로그의 정의 ······················································· 10
2.3.2 블로그의 장점 ······················································· 11
2.3.3 블로그를 활용한 쓰기 교육 ····································· 11
2.3.4 블로그 쓰기 학습의 장점 ········································ 12
2.4 블로그 활동과 학습자의 영어 쓰기 능력과 정의적 요인 ·· 13
Ⅲ. 연구 방법 및 절차 ··················································· 15
3.1 연구 대상 ································································ 15
3.2 연구 절차 ································································ 21
3.3 쓰기 활동 내용 ························································· 22
3.3.1 주제별 엔트리 내용 ··············································· 24
3.3.2 학생별 엔트리 내용 ············································· 29
3.3.3 워크시트 ······························································· 31
3.4 연구 도구 ································································· 33
3.4.1 사전 기초 조사 ······················································ 33
3.4.2 사전 및 사후 영어 쓰기 능력 평가지 ······················· 34
3.4.3 사전 및 사후 정의적 요인 측정 도구 ······················· 36
3.5 자료 수집 방법 ························································· 38 3.6 자료 분석 방법 ························································· 39
Ⅳ. 연구 결과 및 논의 ··················································· 40
4.1 사전·사후 영어 쓰기 능력의 차이 ······························ 40
4.2 사전·사후 흥미도, 자신감 및 참여도의 차이 ············· 42
V. 결론 및 제언······························································· 46
5.1 연구 요약 ································································· 46
5.2 교육적 함의 ······························································ 47
5.3 연구의 제한점 ·························································· 48
5.4 후속 연구 제언 ························································· 48
5.5 결론 ········································································· 49

참고문헌 ············································································· 50
부록 ··················································································· 54
이새라. (2015). 영어 블로그 프로젝트 활동이 초등학생들의 영어 쓰기와 정의적 요인에 미치는 영향.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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