역도 동호인 대회참여가 여가몰입 및 여가 만족도에 미치는 영향

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effects on leisure commitment and leisure satisfaction of weight lifting club members.
To analyze the effects of participation in weight lifting club members' competitions on leisure commitment and leisure satisfaction, 157 weight lifting club members participating in weight lifting club members' competitions at the national level in 2015 were randomly sampled.
An adaptation of Seol's (2011) revision focusing on training commitment based on Lee's (2000) generalized translation of the emotional commitment scale developed by Meyer and Allen (1984) was used to assess leisure commitment.
An adaptation of Hong's (2009) revision focusing on KLPGA players' exercise satisfaction based on the Life Satisfaction Index - A (LSIA) developed by Havighurst (1961) and on those items in Hackman and Lawer (1971) and in Hackman and Oldman (1976) was used to assess leisure satisfaction.
The questionnaire was in a five-point likert scale and the statistical techniques used to analyze the data were reliability analysis, frequency analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Through these methods and data processing techniques, the following conclusion was drawn:
First, as for leisure satisfaction by the demographic characteristics, males were more satisfied with social approval and daily life among the sub-variables of leisure satisfaction than females, with no significant difference in general. Males were also more satisfied with training life and the external environment than females. In particular, the married were more satisfied with training life than the unmarried. In general, males were at higher levels of leisure satisfaction than females.
Second, as for the differences in leisure commitment by the demographic characteristics, males were at higher levels of leisure commitment than females.
Third, the higher level of leisure commitment weight lifting club members had, the higher level of leisure satisfaction they had. As for correlation among the sub-variables, social approval, training life, the external environment, and daily life were all positively correlated and the hypothesis testing based on regression analysis found that the higher level of leisure commitment, the higher level of leisure satisfaction (social approval, training life, and the external environment). However, no correlation was found between leisure commitment and leisure satisfaction (daily life).
Alternative Title
The Effects for exercise flow and leisure satisfaction by the participation in regular weight lifting club member's game.
Alternative Author(s)
Shin, Yong Jin
교육대학원 체육교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 3
3. 연구가설 3
4. 연구의 제한점 4
5. 용어의 정의 5
1) 역도 동호인 5
2) 여가 몰입 5
3) 여가 만족도 5
(1) 사회 승인 만족 5
(2) 동호회 생활 만족 5
(3) 일상 생활 만족 6
(4) 외부 환경 만족 6

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7
1. 역도 7
1) 역도의 역사 7
2. 동호회 9
1) 스포츠 동호회의 개념 9
2) 역도 동호회 9
3. 여가몰입 10
1) 몰입의 정의 10
2) 여가 몰입의 개념 10
3) 여가 몰입의 특성 11
4. 여가만족 12
1) 여가만족의 개념 12

Ⅲ. 연구 방법 14
1. 연구대상 14
2. 조사도구 15
1) 설문지 구성 15
2) 타당도 및 신뢰도 검사 16
(1) 내용 타당도 16
(2) 구성 타당도 16
가. 여가 몰입에 대한 타당도 검사 16
나. 여가 만족도에 대한 타당도 검사 17
3) 신뢰도 18
3. 조사절차 18
4. 자료분석 19

Ⅳ. 연구결과 20
1. 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 여가 만족도 차이 20
2. 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 여가 몰입도 차이 26
3. 역도 동호인의 여가몰입이 여가 만족도에 미치는 영향 27

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 31
1. 결론 31
2. 제언 32

참고문헌 33

부 록 36
신용진. (2015). 역도 동호인 대회참여가 여가몰입 및 여가 만족도에 미치는 영향.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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