경남지역 중학생들의 학교우유급식에 대한 인식과 만족도, 섭취실태 조사

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Survey of middle school students' perception and satisfaction, intake of milk with school feed milk in Gyeongnam Are

Hee-jung Kim
Advisor : Prof. Bok-hee Kim, Ph. D.
Department of Technology and Home-economics Education
Graduate School of Chosun University

The purpose of this study is to increase milk consumption and to find out effective management by investigating and analyzing the students' nutritional knowledge of milk and perception and by understanding the actual milk consumption, preference for milk, milk products, milk intake patterns and the satisfaction of school milk of middle school students in the Gyeongnam area.

1. Research subject was composed of 437 persons with males 51.5% and females 48.5%. The average height of students was 160.3±7.3㎝ and the average weight of them was 52.2±10.7㎏. The female students showed their average height of 158.5±5.8㎝. and weight of 51.0±9.4㎏. The male students showed their average height of 161.±8.1㎝ and weight of 52.2±10.7㎏. The average of BMI was 20.3±3.3㎏/㎡ with males 20.2±3.4㎏/㎡ and females 20.4±3.2㎏/㎡.

2. In replying their eating habits, 35% responded ‘Drink 2 cups Dalily’ and 33.9% as never and 31.3% as very much. In frequency of intake milk, males appeared higher than females 18% with 43%. With regard to physical activity which is more than 1 hour on a daily basis, there appeared 42.4% as ordinary, very much as 38.7% and a little 19.0%. Males did more physical activities with 47.3% compared to 29.5% of females. In frequency of drinking water, 58.8% students drank plenty of water and males appeared higher than females 68.2% with 48.8%. The total score of compliance with eating habits was average 40.5±5.5.

3. In the questions of nutrition knowledge with milk, a rate of a ‘yes’ answer about ‘milk is a superior food to help growth of students due to protein, minerals and calcium etc’ was 84.2%. 90.8% believed that calcium in milk make bone and teeth strong. In the number of times of milk intake, 80.1% of students thought that drinking one or two cups of milk is suitable.

4. In terms of the desired school milk type and dairy products, 42.2% responded ‘plain milk’ as ‘so-so, and 48% chose ’enriched-milk’ as ’so-so’. 30.2% of students liked coffee milk among various processed milk most. Daily plain milk intake was appeared 1 cup with 32.4% and enriched-milk(calcium, DHA etc) with 20.1%. The reason of drinking milk was ‘good for health’ with 36.9%. Purchase stand of milk was ‘expiration’, ‘flavor’, ‘nutrition’, ‘company’, ‘selecting as drinking at school’, ‘price’, ‘hygiene’, ‘recommendation’, ‘design’.

5. In satisfaction at school milk service, 55.7% of the students said ‘so-so’ about the flavor of milk and ‘sufficient’ about the quantity of milk. 72.9% of students drank milk during morning time. 62,4% of students drank milk without the guidance of class teacher. To improve milk intake, the alternative appeared in the following order, 57.4% with various kinds of milk and 66.3% with serving cornflakes or chocolate power. 75.6% of the students wanted to drink school milk continuously.

6. On the basis of correlation between preference and intake status related to fulfillment of eating habits guide, there are some results. The group who did better job more liked plain milk, low-fat milk, enriched milk(calcium, DHA) , processed milk(chocolate, coffee, grain), and diary products(cheese, icecream) than the group didn’t. There was not a big difference between drinking a cup of low-fat milk and not drinking processed milk(coffee).
Alternative Title
Survey of middle school students' perception and satisfaction, intake of milk with school feed milk in Gyeongnam Are
Alternative Author(s)
교육대학원 기술가정교육
Table Of Contents
목 차


제 1 장 서 론 1

제 1 절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1

제 2 장 연구내용 및 방법 3

제 1 절 조사 대상 및 조사 기간 3

제 2 절 조사 내용 및 방법 3
1. 일반 환경요인 특성 3
2. 식습관 사항 3
3. 우유에 관한 영양지식 및 인식 4
4. 우유 및 유제품에 대한 선호도와 섭취빈도 4
5. 학교우유급식 현황 및 만족도 4

제 3 절 자료 분석 4

제 3 장 연구 결과 및 고찰 5

제 1 절 대상자의 특성 분포 5
1. 일반 환경요인 특성 5
2. 식습관 사항 7
3. 우유에 관한 영양지식 및 인식 13
4. 우유 및 유제품에 대한 선호도와 섭취빈도 16
5. 학교우유급식 현황 및 만족도 29

제 2 절 조사대상자의 식습관 이행 정도에 따른 우유에 관한 영양지식 및 인식, 선호도 및 섭취빈도, 우유 급식 현황 및 만족도의 비교 36
1. 조사대상자의 식습관 이행 정도에 따른
우유에 관한 영양지식 및 인식의 수준 비교 36
2. 조사대상자의 식습관 이행 정도에 따른
선호도 및 섭취빈도와의 관련성 비교 39
3. 조사대상자의 식습관 이행 정도에 따른
우유급식 현황 만족도 비교 52

제 4 장 결론 및 제언 58

참 고 문 헌 62

부 록 (설문지) 65
김희정. (2015). 경남지역 중학생들의 학교우유급식에 대한 인식과 만족도, 섭취실태 조사.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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