2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 고등학교 선택 음악교과의 현황

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Present condition of music curriculum
attendant upon revised education courses in 2009

Woo-Jung Yang
Advisor : Prof. Ji-Hyun Kim, Ph.D.
Major in Music Education
Graduate School of Education,
Chosun University

This research consists of the actual investigation about present condition of high school music curriculum after introduction of revised education courses. I investigated necessity of music curriculum, necessity of music class, and interest degree in each individual. This research has purpose that we can use these basis data for efficient music class. For this purpose I recruited 400 high school students as the subject of investigation.
After writing out sampling framework focused on high school in H area, we selected 4 high school(H high school, I high school, H science engineering technology high school, H high school) in this area. Implement of investigation was questionnaire. Self-administration method was put to practical use as a document. I used appropriate factors to the purpose and content of research among verified and preceding domestic and external implements. So this research consists of 21 problems of 6 factors in total: necessity of music curriculum investigation 5 problems, interest degree of music class and kinds of preferred music 6 problems, intensive course system 3 problems music impression investigation 2 problems preference investigation 2 problems.
Questionnaire was produced 400 sheets of paper and distributed widely. I directly visited subject schools and withdraw the questionnaire after their writing out them during music class. Insufficient contents data and Not filled up data are excluded among the withdraw questionnaire. As a result, the number of final analyzed subject is 340 persons in all. In this effort, I could get the following conclusion.
First, according to this investigation of music curriculum necessity. More than 50 percentage of participants responded that they need music curriculum and It's very effective to reduce stress and fun. In their opinion, 71.5% students answered that the number of music class is appropriate. It showed that students positively recognized the number of music class.
Second, In the survey about intensive course system 74.4% of participants responded that enforcement of intensive course system was not effective and they want to learn connected music lessons continually.
Third, In investigation about interest degree of music class and preferred kinds of music the opinion that music class is most interesting showed highly. The most desirable kinds of music they want to learn accounts for 56.2% as popular music. The reason is that they have much interest in popular music and can learn it easily and feel good in rhythm and melody to the question "what is your preferring music class?" they responded that they like better practical music that is helpful to their actual life than profound theory.

Fourth, In the survey of the listening time of music 51.5% students responded that they usually listen to music for an hour a day and their favorite songs are popular song.
Finally, Music subject highly accounts for 65.5% preferred subject among art subject optional subject. the result of survey about 4 high schools. I found that they are evenly conducting education: music class to the first grade and art class to the second grade not biased a certain subject.
Therefore In the curriculum that we designate music and art subject when we examine the present classes and the response of students. It requires consideration to the better formulate plans of education courses. especially In the situation there are few preceding studies this research has valuable meaning. Futhermore I also hope that It's very helpful to show to correct direction of music education.
Alternative Title
Present condition of music curriculum attendant upon revised education courses in 2009
Alternative Author(s)
Yang woo jung
교육대학원 음악교육
교육대학원 음악교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

I. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구의 내용 및 방법 2
3. 선행연구의 고찰 3

Ⅱ. 음악과 교육과정의 변천 5
1. 음악과 교육과정 구성체제의 변천 5
2. 개정 음악과 교육과정의 비교 9
3. 2009 고등학교 음악과 선택 교육과정 12

Ⅲ. 연구방법 23
1. 연구대상 23
2. 연구도구 24
3. 연구절차 24

Ⅳ. 연구결과 25

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 50

참고문헌 52
부록(설문지) 54
조선대학교 대학원
양우정. (2014). 2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 고등학교 선택 음악교과의 현황.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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