스키마를 활용한 독서지도 방법 연구

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This study aims to present practical teaching methods of reading based on schema theory and specific methods which can promote students to actively participate in reading activities.
Reading teaching is usually involved in teaching literary works, and practical reading teaching focuses on contents of literary works and tends to evaluate results of all the experiences students had rather than process.
There were a variety of studies on reading teaching using schema, but they were not appropriate for real school education and are just theoretical methods, not natural activities in processes of reading. Teaching reading in school education is oriented toward teachers and reading and puts an emphasis on the results of reading, not process.
Therefore, this study presented specific methods of reading teaching using schema by classifying the reading process into before, during and after reading. The purpose of this study was to present an effective teaching-learning method based on a textbook and to apply the teaching-learning plan to instruction practice at school and determine its effects and influence.
Chapter Ⅱ organized the concepts and types of schema and examined its educational suggestions. It was discovered that the schema theory has a significant meaning in that it includes the process it works on reading. and classified the reading process into before, during and after reading, and presented specific teaching methods which can be used in each step.
In the step of ‘Before Reading’, ‘prediction, free association, and KWL chart’ were presented to activate students' schema and be prepared for learning. In the step of ‘During Reading’, ‘ratiocination, imagine, asking questions’ were presented as methods to activate the schema. In the step of ‘After Reading’, ' Graphic Organizer, reading debate, Replace with another genre ' were presented to evaluate whether students understand what they read and help them to remember it longer.
In Chapter Ⅲ, a teaching material was composed of sub-units, each of which contained an explanation, a narrative text, and a criticism, respectively, so that one of the principles before, during, and after reading, as presented in Chapter Ⅱ, could be employed in actual classes at school and a teaching-learning plan was presented as activity practice based on the teaching material composition. In this process, learners were asked to participate actively in the class, improve their background knowledge, and enjoy pleasant reading activities.
In Chapter Ⅳ, an activity applying a schema was used along with the actual teaching plan presented in Chapter Ⅲ to determine its effects on reading in a total of 65 tenth-graders in two classes at a high school in Gyeonggi Province. 33 students in a class employing a schema were allocated into the experimental group and 32 in a class not employing a schema were allocated into the control group; brief assessment was performed after four sessions in total were all over. The results showed that the experimental group scored higher on the assessment than the control group. When a survey was conducted only in the experimental group after the experiment, more students gave a positive answer that the schema-using activity before, during, and after reading contributed to activating their background knowledge. Slightly more students also gave a positive answer that the schema-activating class increased their interest in reading. These results demonstrated that a schema was significantly influential on reading comprehension and that the schema-activating activity was more efficient for learners' awareness during and after reading than before reading.
The study has a meaning in that it critically examined existing schema presented using the schema theory and presented specific reading education methods which can be applied for real school education.
Alternative Title
A Study on Teaching Methods of Reading using Schema
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Young
교육대학원 국어교육
Table Of Contents

Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 선행 연구 검토 2
3. 연구 방법 5

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7
1. 스키마의 개념과 유형 7
2. 스키마의 기능과 교육적 시사점 12
3. 스키마 이론을 활용한 독서지도 원리 17

Ⅲ. 연구 방법 40
1. 연구 대상 40
2. 연구 절차 41
3. 검사 도구 41
4. 연구 자료 47

Ⅳ. 연구 결과 및 논의 61
1. 사후 평가 결과 분석 61
2. 설문 조사 결과 분석 65
3. 결과에 대한 논의 71

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 73

참고문헌 77
부록 80
이영. (2014). 스키마를 활용한 독서지도 방법 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2015-02-25
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