배드민턴 참여동기가 운동몰입, 운동정서 및 운동지속 의지에 미치는 영향

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This study is purposed to participation motivation of club that participate in badminton of life physical education is one of the sport of leisure, exercise immersive, exercise feelings, participation continuation of also examining any causal relationship exists between and more to see, was researching and trying to contribute to the activation of badminton of life as physical education in addition to the continuing involvement of badminton participants life physical education.
They are as follows: To summarize the results of the analysis of the hypothesis.
First, looking at the relationship between exercise emotion and movement immersive, with the will of exercise adherence, motivation of participation, motivation of participation, can affect statistically significant will exercise immersive, motion feeling, the movement continues I get it.
Looking in more detail, can affect social participation motivation, joy, health / condition sequence was revealed, the behavioral immersion, factors that affect cognitive immersion and can affect the health / condition and social I get it.
In other words, can affect both immersive behavioral and cognitive immersion has become clear that the health / physical condition and social.
Also look at the impact of emotions outward movement and poetry, social, technical achievement was statistically significant influence.
That face social influence the feelings of movement effect be showcased through the achievement of such technology during practice and also become a zone revealed this.
The will of the movement continues, it can be seen that the influence fun, social, and health / physical condition, in terms of continuing the movement, it is possible to have a purpose while protecting the health fun, so as to form a personal relationship.
Second, exercise and exercise lasting emotional engagement exercise will look at the relationship between exercise and the involvement of the cognitive and behavioral engagement are all immersed jeongseogwa exercise adherence exercise influence on the will.
Be seen, which have a big influence to sustain the movement it is possible to see that it would like to experience the emotional response through immersion behavioral and cognitive immersive motion badminton participants life sports possible.
Third, If you examine the relationship between the will of the movement Jonsogu~a exercise adherence, exercise emotions very on and found to affect the will of exercise adherence, emotional response through the movement to continue to exercise it can be viewed as an important factor.
As a result, exercise emotional commitment and participation motivation to exercise, the overall causal relationship between exercise adherence will have been found, will direct participation donggigwa affect exercise adherence, along with exercise-mediated emotional commitment and exercise indirect influence height will be able to see.
Participation motivation badminton participants life sports, if such a situation can be, or can be absorbed in motion immersive standing each other out, and feel the emotional response occurs, through which this is ultimately it can be seen that will try to continue the motion of the participants with enhanced.
Alternative Title
Participation in the exercise of badminton commitment, exercise and exercise lasting emotional impact will
Alternative Author(s)
Chae, Kyong Hwan
조선대학교 교육대학원 체육교육전공
교육대학원 체육교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차
I. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구목적 3
3. 연구가설 4
4. 연구의 제한점 4

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 5
1. 배드민턴의 개요 5
2. 스포츠의 참여동기 7
1) 동기의 개념 7
2) 스포츠의 참여동기 8
3) 내적동기 8
4) 외적동기 9
5) 무동기 10
3. 운동몰입 11
1) 몰입의 개념 11
2) 운동몰입 관련 선행연구 13
4. 운동정서 14
1) 정서의 개념 14
5. 운동지속의지 17
1) 참가지속의 개념 17
2) 운동지속적 참가의 영향을 미치는 요인 18
(1) 개인적 특성 19
(2) 스포츠 주관자 21
(3) 운동 상황적 특성 23

Ⅲ. 연구방법 24
1. 연구대상 24
2. 연구과정 26
3. 연구도구 26
4. 조사도구의 타당도와 신뢰도 28
1) 타당도 검증 28
2) 신뢰도 분석 31
3) 상관관계분석 32
5. 자료처리 33

Ⅳ. 연구결과 34
1. 참여동기와 운동몰입의 관계 분석 34
1) 참여동기와 인지적 몰입의 관계 분석 34
2) 참여동기와 행동적 몰입의 관계 분석 34
2. 참여동기와 운동정서의 관계 분석 36
3. 참여동기와 운동지속의지의 관계 분석 37
4. 운동몰입과 운동정서의 관계 분석 38
5. 운동몰입과 운동지속의지의 관계 분석 39
6. 운동정서와 운동지속의지의 관계 분석 40

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 41
1. 결론 41
2. 제언 42

채경환. (2013). 배드민턴 참여동기가 운동몰입, 운동정서 및 운동지속 의지에 미치는 영향.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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