광주광역시 중학생의 사교육 수강에 따른 식생활 실태 및 식품섭취량, 체성분 조성 비교 연구

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A comparative study on the dietary habit, nutrient intakeandbodilycompositionby the difference of private lesson time of middle school students in Gwangju City

Eun-suk Jung
Advisor : Prof. Bok-hee Kim, Ph. D.
Department of Technology and Home-economics Education
Graduate School of Chosun University

The purpose of the study is to suggest the way of normal eating formation of middle school through investgating the private education affecting the normal eating habit of middle school students and considering the cause of change.
The investigation was performed using Question sheets answered in by students going to middle school located in the Gwangju city.
The result was analyzed, researched general environment factor, healthy form, eating habit's actual situation, snack intake's actual situation, actual condition of private education use, type of dinner, perception of nutrition knowledge, Practicable activity and nutrient intake level.

Summary of the study is as follows.
Firstly, 83 percent of 333 participants take private lessons for 2.4±1.3 school subjects, and 86.5 percent out of the interviewed go for private institutes as the most type of their exceptional education, whose duration comprises about 2 to 4 hours a day.
Secondly, students who take private lessons are obese, regardless of the number of subject matters they attend. Due to their private education, 164 out of the inquired students have bought their dinner. They consist of slender(57.7%), normal(56.8%) and over-weight(52.0%) types, which describes the close relationship between buying meals and attending private education affects teenagers' bodily components.

Thirdly, their replies that they have dinner from buying instant food, bread, and kimbop show the respondents prefer these special types of food which students briefly take in, owing to their dinner because of time constraints.

Fourth, the frequency that the students attending private education take instant diets once or twice a week in comparison to those who don't take personal lessons shows meaningful difference as *p<0.05, which conforms their dietary behaviors in accordance with shortening dinner time so that they can be punctual for attending personal education.

Fifth, those who don't take private education eat less instant food, do more active exercises, and drink more water.

Sixth, the students buying their dinner take more sodium with meaningful difference as **p<0.01, which means taking private education affects more sodium consumption, faster mastication, and intake of large amounts(*p<0.05).

The respondents taking personal lessons take more amounts of lipid, glucide, phosphorus, sodium, and cholesterol because they feed themselves buying meals.
Based on caloric intake standards, they take less amounts of dietary fiber(26.2±14.2%), calcium(51.6±31.6), iron(66.5±39.1%), kalium(59.7±28.6%), vitamin C(49.0±35.5%) and folic acid(47.6±31.3%).
Adolescence is the period when people lay the foundations for their health.
The study concluded that participation time of private lesson influences dietary status and habits, therefore proper nutrition education is necessary for middle school students.
Alternative Title
A comparative study on the dietary habit, nutrient intakeandbodilycompositionby the difference of private lesson time of middle school students in Gwangju City
Alternative Author(s)
Jung Eun Suk
교육대학원 기술가정교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
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제 1 장 서 론 1

제 1 절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1

제 2 장 연구내용 및 방법 3

제 1 절 조사 대상 및 조사 기간 3

제 2 절 조사 내용 및 방법 3
1. 일반 환경 요인 조사 3
2. 건강 행태 4
3. 식생활 실태 4
4. 간식 섭취 실태 4
5. 사교육 이용 실태 5
6. 저녁 식사 형태 5
7. 영양지식 인지도 및 실천도 5
8. 영양소 섭취 수준 5

제 3 절 자료 분석 6

제 3 장 연구 결과 및 고찰 7

제 1 절 대상자의 특성 분포 7
1. 일반 환경 요인 특성 7
2. 건강 행태 요인 특성 9
3. 식생활 실태 분포 11
가. 아침식사의 특성 11
나. 저녁식사의 특성 13
4. 간식 섭취 실태 분포 16
5. 사교육 이용 실태 분포 20
6. 저녁 식사 형태 특성 22
7. 영양지식 인지도 및 실천도 분포 24
가. 식생활 지침서 인지 여부 24
나. 식생활 지침 이행도 분포 25
8. 영양소 섭취 수준 32
가. 영양소 섭취 수준과 영양 섭취 기준 대비 비율 32
나. 열량 영양소 섭취 비율 36

제 2 절 사교육 수강에 따른 제요인 특성 비교 37
1. 체지방과 사교육 수강에 따른 특성 비교 37
가. 사교육 수강에 따른 체지방별 특성 비교 38
나. 사교육 수강에 따른 체지방별 저녁 식사 형태 40
2. 사교육 수강에 따른 식생활 실태 특성 비교 43
3. 사교육 수강에 따른 간식 섭취 실태 특성 비교 45
4. 사교육 수강 특성에 따른 제요인 특성 비교 49
가. 사교육 수강 특성에 따른 식생활 지침 이행도 상관관계 49
나. 사교육 수강 특성에 따른 영양소 섭취 수준 상관관계 75

제 4 장 결론 및 제언 82

참 고 문 헌 87

부 록 (설문지) 90
조선대학교 대학원
정은숙. (2013). 광주광역시 중학생의 사교육 수강에 따른 식생활 실태 및 식품섭취량, 체성분 조성 비교 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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