남자 중학생의 비만도에 따른 간식섭취 및 식습관 연구

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This study aims to identify snack eating of middle school students and their eating habits according to obesity. The subjects were 455 boy students in Gwangju. Their average height was 166.9± 7.8 cm and average weight was 58.2± 12.0 kg. The body mass index was 20.8± 3.6, which indicates they were normal. As a result of investigating the subjective recognition on weight, 63.6% of the obesity group considered they are obese while 96.8% of the normal group considered they are normal and 36.4% considered they are obese. As a result of analysing breakfast, there was a significant difference between the two groups as the obesity group did not have breakfast while the normal group had breakfast everyday. In analysing their recognition on problems of eating habits, 30.9% of the obesity group responded they had problems while 86.8% of the normal group responded they did not. There was no significant difference between the groups in problems of eating habits, but the obesity group considered overeating as a problem while the normal group considered unbalanced diet as a problem. They responded they ate snacks once a day and there was no relation between obesity and eating snacks. Most of the subjects responded they ate snacks between lunch and supper. They ate snacks because they are hungry, they ate them habitually, they ate them watching TV, and they ate them due to stress. The factor of the obesity group which influence snack choice was mass media while that of the normal group was brothers and sisters. As a result of investigating daily hours of watching TV, the obesity group watched TV for more than three hours and less then four hours while the normal group watched TV for less than one hour, which was significantly different. The self-efficacy of snack control of the normal group was 45.1± 7.0 while that of the obesity group was 43.5±9.3, which was significant. As a result of investigating eating frequency of snacks according to kinds, all the subjects responded they frequently ate milk, fruits, vegetables and ice cream while they hardly ate rice cake, Sundae, bun, chicken and hotdog. The snacks which showed significant differences between the two groups were rice cake, pizza and coffee. It was discovered that there was a difference between the two groups. As this study discovered that there was a difference in frequency of eating snacks according to kinds of snacks between the two groups and snack eating influenced eating habits, the results of the study will be used as basic data for education on eating habits. As the students from the obesity group recognized that they are obese and have problems in eating habits, their eating habits will be improved through education. In conclusion, for students to prevent obesity and have good eating habits, consistent promotion and education should be provided for them.
Alternative Title
A Study on Snack Eating and Eating Habits of Middle School Male Students with Based on Obesity
Alternative Author(s)
Jang, Yu-Jin
교육대학원 영양교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

제 1 장 서 론 1

제 2 장 연구내용 및 방법 6

제 1 절 자료 수집 방법 6

제 2 절 자료 수집 내용 6
1. 조사대상자의 특성 6
2. 신체활동 6
3. 식습관조사 7
4. 간식의 이용실태 7
5. 비만 7

제 3 절 자료 분석 7

제 3 장 연구결과 및 고찰 9

제 1 절 조사대상자의 특성 분포 9
1. 일반적 특성 9
2. 신체계측치 및 비만도 11
3. 신체활동 정도 13
4. 식습관 관련 특성 15
5. 간식 섭취 실태 조사 17
6. 간식 섭취 빈도 조사 20

제 2 절 조사대상자의 특성과 비만과의 관련성 23
1. 일반적 특성과 비만율과의 관련성 23
2. 식습관 관련 특성과 비만율과의 관련성 25
3. 신체활동 정도와 비만율과의 관련성 27
4. 간식 이용 실태와 비만율과의 관련성 29
5. 간식 섭취 빈도와 비만율과의 관련성 32

제 4 장 요약 및 결론 35

참 고 문 헌 38

부 록(설문지) 43
조선대학교 대학원
장유진. (2012). 남자 중학생의 비만도에 따른 간식섭취 및 식습관 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2013-01-09
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