수학 교과에서의 교사 지식에 기초한 반성적 수업 평가에 관한 연구

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Recently, a number of researches acknowledge the importance of 'reflection' and 'reflective teacher education,' and they highlight the implication of 'reflection' on the teacher's profession or the teacher education. The reflective thought is interpreted as a subject that should be taught or a sort of strategy that a teacher should learn, while the aspect is excluded that reflection is the interaction between the innate knowledge and the practice. As a result, the reflective teacher education programs that increase the level of reflection are developed and practiced, and the reflection is accepted as a tool for increasing teacher professionalism.
Reflective teaching is en essential and basic element for the development of teacher knowledge. In particular, such teacher knowledge might be being gradually expanded by a teacher's self-assessment on reflection on his own instruction. For this reason, this study develops an assessment framework on instruction which is comprized of teacher knowledge and instructional process. To accomplish this, in this study, teacher knowledge is considered as a whole practice knowledge combined by subject matter knowledge, understanding of learners, teaching and learning methods and assessment, and instructional environment. Also, success on instruction in mathematics class might depend on the acquisition of teacher knowledge, instructional planning, instructional execution, and furthermore reflection on instruction. Especially, this study emphasizes that 'reflection on instruction', the most important step of instruction be reflected and examined by the teacher himself.
Alternative Title
A study on the reflective teaching evaluation based on teacher knowledge in school mathematics
Alternative Author(s)
Lee Sun Ho
조선대학교 교육대학원 수학교육
교육대학원 수학교육
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Table Of Contents
목 차
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 용어의 정의 2
3. 연구의 제한점 3

Ⅱ. 반성과 교사 지식의 의미 5
1. 반성 5
1) 반성의 일반적 의미 5
2) 수학과 교수 학습 이론에서의 반성의 의미 12
3) 교수 및 평가 활동에서의 반성의 의미 16

2. 교사지식 19
1) 교사 지식과 PCK 19
2) 학습자 이해 지식 26

Ⅲ. 반성과 교사 지식의 관계 고찰 38
1. 반성이 수업에 미치는 영향 38
2. 반성을 통한 교사 지식의 확장 40

Ⅳ. 수업 반성에 관한 평가틀 개발 및 예시 45
1. 수업 단계에서의 반성 45
2. 교사의 수업 반성에 초점을 둔 평가틀 마련 46
3. 학습자 이해에 관한 교사 수업 반성의 평가지의 예 48

Ⅴ. 요약 및 제언 51

참고문헌 54
조선대학교 대학원
이선호. (2012). 수학 교과에서의 교사 지식에 기초한 반성적 수업 평가에 관한 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2012-08-09
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