배드민턴 동호인들의 운동 참여동기 분석

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The purpose of this study is to specify the participation motive for people interested in badminton exercise by constant changes of life leisure pattern and to provide a basic, helpful data for developing program which is satisfied the various needs of modern people and propagating lots of program which is increased the number of participation badminton exercise as well as vitalizing the participation of itself. So it is verified by investigating and analyzing on participation motive of people interested in badminton exercise. Furthermore, we will be demonstrate of what the qualitative indicator of the people's life who is interested in badminton club increases the satisfaction of their life leisure activity by this study, so we help improve the quality of their life and reveal the cause and effect of participation motive in people who are interested in badminton exercise.

The conclusion from this study reaches as follows :

First, the difference in participation motive for people interested in badminton exercise by gender-based was analyzed that intrinsic motivation relatively shows higher up male group than female group, and there was a significant difference in statistically. Also extrinsic motivation relatively shows higher up male group than female group, and there was a statistically significant difference. With no motivation, male group have higher participation motive than female, but there is any significant difference in statistically.

Second, the difference in participation motive for a badminton sport groups by age-based was analyzed that group of people who are aged over 40's and 50's have higher participation motive than the other group in extrinsic motivation, and there was a significant difference in statistically. However, teen average of under 20's and over 50's shows higher intrinsic motivation than the other group and the average of 30's was higher than other group in no motivation but, there was any significant difference in statistically.

Third, the difference in participation motive for the group by job-based was represent that the group of people who work for as official worker have higher extrinsic motivation than the other, the group of people who run their own business show high participation motive in intrinsic motivation and no-motivation compared to others. However, there was no meaningful difference in those three motivation statistically.

Fourth, the difference in participation motive for the people interested in badminton exercise by monthly income-based was demonstrated that the people whose monthly income is 200million won ~ 300million won and over 400million won have higher participation motive in extrinsic motivation, and there was a statistically significant difference. But the average of people whose monthly income is 200million ~ 300million won and over 400million won was higher than other people in intrinsic motivation, also the average of people whose monthly income is over 400million won was higher than the other. But it did not have any significant difference in statistically.

Fifth, the difference in participation motive for groups which are interested in badminton exercise by scholarship-based was represent that the group whose member's scholarship were below high school graduation have higher intrinsic motivation than other group and the group whose members study in university or already graduate from it show higher extrinsic motivation. Also, the group whose member graduate from graduate school turned to have higher participation motive compare with others in no-motivation. However, there was no significant difference in those three motivation statistically-intrinsic, extrinsic and no-motivation.
Alternative Title
Analysis of Participation Motivation for People Interested in Badminton Club players
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Jin Ju
조선대학교 교육대학원(체육교육)
교육대학원 체육교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
< 목 차 >

1. 서 론 1
가. 연구의 필요성 1
나. 연구 목적 6
다. 연구 가설 6
라. 연구의 제한점 7
마. 용어의 정의 7

2. 이론적 배경 9
가. 배드민턴 9
1) 배드민턴의 기원 9
2) 배드민턴의 국내 발전사 10
3) 배드민턴의 특징 11
나. 생활체육 13
1) 생활체육의 개념 13
2) 생활체육의 의의 15
3) 생활체육의 기능 17
4) 생활체육 동호인 집단의 개념 18
다. 스포츠 참여동기 20
1) 동기의 개념 21
2) 참여동기 23
3) 동기의 작용 29
4) 동기의 특성 30
5) 동기에 대한 관점들 31
6) 참여동기의 선행연구 34

3. 연 구 방 법 38
가. 연 구 대 상 38
나. 조 사 도 구 40
다. 설문지 신뢰도 및 타당도 41
라. 연 구 절 차 46
마. 분 석 방 법 46

4. 연 구 결 과 47

5. 논 의 52

6. 결론 및 제언 54

참고문헌 57

부 록 67
조선대학교 교육대학원
김진주. (2011). 배드민턴 동호인들의 운동 참여동기 분석.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2012-02-02
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