초등학교 고학년의 성별, 체력급수별 체육교과 영역의 선호도와 흥미도 연구

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고학년의 성별, 체력급수별 체육교과 영역의 선호도와 흥미도 연구

A study of preference for sex and degree of physical Fitness on the upper grade in elementary school according to the each area of physical education curriculum

Advisor : Prof. Won, Young-Doo Ph. D.
Department of Physical Education,
Graduate School of Chosun University

The purposes of this research are twofold. One is to investigate preference for sex and degree of physical Fitness on the upper grade in elementary school according to the each area of physical education curriculum. The other is to encourage elementary school students' active and aggressive participation in sports activities based on the investigation to organize a moral human character through the physical education.
This research conducted a survey of 380 grade 6 students among senior students of over 3 classes in 3 elementary schools located in G Metropolitan City. We excluded 20 students who gave half-hearted responses or did not submit the questionnaire from this research. We chose as the subject of the research 360 students (male 200 and female 160). To accomplish the above purposes, we used the following three methods. First, we conducted an frequency analysis to investigate demographic-sociological variables (i.e. sex and physical fitness degree). Second, we made an independent t-test to analyze the preference for and interest in demographic-sociological variables by sex. Finally, we conducted one-way ANOVA to analyze the preference for and interest in demographic-sociological variables by physical fitness level. The above analyses showed the following results.

1. For the comparison of purposes of the physical education by sex, one of demographic-sociological variables, male students showed the order of the improvement of physical fitness, personal relations, stress relief, the improvement of exercise function, and character building and female students had the order of the improvement of physical fitness, personal relations, the improvement of exercise function, stress relief and character building. For the comparison of purposes of the physical education by another demographic-sociological variable physical fitness degree, students with degree 1 showed the order of personal relations, the improvement of physical fitness and exercise function, and students with degrees 2 to 5 had the order of the improvement of physical fitness, personal relations and exercise function.
2. First, for the comparison of the preference for the physical education by sex, male students' response rate was higher than that of female students. Then, for the comparison of the preference for the physical education by physical fitness degree, the order of degree 1, degree 2, degree 3, degree 4 and degree 5 shows that the higher the physical fitness degree is the higher the preference of the physical education is.
3. First, for the comparison of the preference for event by sex, male students highly preferred to track and field game, folk game and strength training, and female students gymnastics, apparatus gymnastics, expression athletics and seasonal exercise. Second, for the comparison of the preference for event by physical fitness degree, degree 1 showed a high preference toward gymnastics, track and field, apparatus gymnastics, expression athletics, strength training and degree 2 had a high preference for game, seasonal exercise and folk game.
4. First, for the comparison of the interest in compulsory activities by sex, male students are highly interested in gymnastics, track and field, strength training and game, and female students displayed a high interest in expression athletics and public health. Second, the comparison of the interest in compulsory activities by physical fitness degree is as follows: (1) in gymnastics, track and field and strength training, the higher the physical fitness degree is the higher the interest in compulsory activities as shown in the order of interest of degree 1, degree 2, degree 3, degree 4 and degree 5; (2) expression athletics showed the order of interest of degree 1, degree 4, degree 2, degree 3 and degree 5; (3) public health had the order of interest of degree 3, degree 4, degree 1, degree 2 and degree 5.
5. First, for the comparison of the interest in optional activities by sex, female students are highly interested in gymnastics whereas male students showed a high interest in track and field, and game. Then, for the comparison of the interest in optional activities by physical fitness degree, all of track and field, game and gymnastics showed the order of interest of degree 1, degree 2, degree 3, degree 4 and degree 5.
The above results are summarized as follows. First, the purposes of the physical education are the improvement of physical fitness, personal relations, male students had a higher preference for the physical education than female students and the higher the physical fitness degree is the higher the preference of the physical education is. Second, for the preference of event of the physical education, male students were highly interested in track and field, and field, and female students showed a high interest in gymnastics and apparatus gymnastics. Third, in the interest in compulsory activities, female students had a high interest in expression athletics and public health whereas male students were highly interested in gymnastics, track and field, strength training and game. Finally, in the interest in optional activities, male students showed a high interest in track and field, and game, and female students gymnastics.
Alternative Title
A study of preference for sex and degree of physical Fitness on the upper grade in elementary school according to the each area of physical education curriculum
Alternative Author(s)
Jeon, Ah Lim
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 체육교육
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Table Of Contents
목 차


I. 서 론 1
가. 연구의 필요성 1
나. 연구의 목적 4
다. 연구문제 4
라. 연구의 제한점 5
마. 용어의 정의 6

II. 이론적 배경 8
가. 체력 8
1. 체력의 개념 8
2 체력의 분류 9
나. 신체 능력 검사 11
다. 초등학생의 특성 17
1. 인지적 특성 18
2. 정의적 특성 19
3. 심동적 특성 21
라. 초등 체육 교육 22
1. 초등 체육 교육의 성격 22
2. 초등학교 학습자의 발달 특성 23
3. 초등학교 체육과 교육내용 선정 24
4. 초등학교 아동의 운동 학습 시 고려사항 30

III. 연구방법 32
가. 연구대상 32
나. 연구도구의 타당도 및 신뢰도 33
1. 설문지 구성 33
2. 예비조사 33
3. 설문지 구성의 내용타당도 및 신뢰도 34
다. 설문지 배부 및 회수 34
라. 연구절차 34
마. 자료처리 35

IV. 연구 결과 36
가. 인구사회학적 변인별 체육수업 목적 비교 36
1. 성별 체육수업 목적 비교 36
2. 체력급수별 체육수업 목적 비교. 37
나. 인구사회학적 변인별 체육수업 선호도 비교 38
다. 인구사회학적 변인별 체육수업 종목 선호도 비교 39
1. 성별 체육수업 종목 선호도 비교 39
2. 체력급수별 체육수업 종목 선호도 비교 40
라. 인구사회학적 변인별 필수 활동 흥미도 비교 42
1. 인구사회학적 변인별 체조 필수 활동 흥미도 비교 42
2. 인구사회학적 변인별 육상 필수 활동 흥미도 비교 43
3. 인구사회학적 변인별 게임 필수 활동 흥미도 비교 44
4. 인구사회학적 변인별 표현활동 필수 활동 흥미도 비교 45
5. 인구사회학적 변인별 체력 필수 활동 흥미도 비교 46
6. 인구사회학적 변인별 보건 필수 활동 흥미도 비교 47
마. 인구사회학적 변인별 선택 활동 흥미도 비교 48
1. 인구사회학적 변인별 체조 선택 활동 흥미도 비교 48
2. 인구사회학적 변인별 육상 선택 활동 흥미도 비교 49
3. 인구사회학적 변인별 게임 선택 활동 흥미도 비교 50

V. 논의 51

Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 54

참고문헌 57

부록 61
조선대학교 교육대학원
전아림. (2010). 초등학교 고학년의 성별, 체력급수별 체육교과 영역의 선호도와 흥미도 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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