아스퍼거장애관련 국내연구 동향분석

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This study analyses the thesis from academic journal related to domestic Asperger's Disorder from 1998 to 2010. This study provides the basic material for research of Asperger's Disorder and direction related with the research of Asperger's Disorder.
About examination of research trend by each academic journal, the number of research from professional academic journal of special education and that of medicine, psychology, and treatment do not have a big difference. It means that activating research for Asperger's Disorder does not fulfill in the special education. Therefore, interest and research are necessary to fulfill the educational demand of child of Asperger's Disorder.
About examination of research trend for year, it began in 1998, and many researches are performed after 2008. It means the research of Asperger's Disorder is more actively performed at recent times than that of past. Therefore, interest for Asperger's Disorder is increasing, and it continues to the possibility of performance about many researches.
Following examination of research trend by research object is on the next. For the first, the research thesis for child is the main part of research trend by the type of object. This means child is the only object of interest for Asperger's Disorder. However, special education must focus on not only the mediation for overcome or deletion of functional limit of disorder child but also effective improvement of surrounding environment. Therefore, the research for parents, teacher, and peer should be performed, too. Next, researches for the age after 5 are performed for research trend by the age of object. Although early education for the age before 5 is opportunity to obtain the similar experience to that of normal child, research for this fact is not enough. Therefore, the research of many infants and children must be actively performed to achieve early education.
About examination of research trend by the type of research, investigation research is never performed. This means that research for the person directly involved on disorder is only focused, but the research for surrounding environment of child is not enough. Family, teacher, and friend, who gives many influences to Asperger's Disorder child, are resouces of many informations about Asperger's Disorder child. With active application of resources, a meaningful research is necessary to collect useful information.
Following examination of research trend by the research subject is on the next, For the first, the research for social flaw about Asperger's Disorder child is performed with many interests from the research through mediation. Many Asperger's Disorder children have not only problem of sociality but also the difficulty of studying, and then the research about educational mediation with studying strategy also must be actively performed. Next, characteristic research for recognition and communication is main part of the research about characteristic. This means that Asperger's Disorder child has the lack of cognition abilities such as self-recognition, self-decision, and self-order although he has normal intellectual ability. Functional part seems to be normal, but the research considered difference acceptation in quality and expression language is performed.
Henceforth, follow-up study will collect the information about Asperger's Disorder child and other disorder child through people around child, and study will consider social validity. Also, many of researches focused on using structural activity program, or these had uniformly designed environment and research plan. Follow-up study from more various levels is necessary.
Alternative Title
An Analysis of Trends in Domestic Research Related to Asperger's Disorder: Focusing on the Period from 1998 to 2010
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Eun sil
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 특수교육
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Table Of Contents
목 차

표목차 ⅲ
그림목차 ⅳ

Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구문제 3
3. 용어의 정의 3

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 4
1. 아스퍼거장애의 개념 4
2. 아스퍼거장애 아동의 특성 6
3. 아스퍼거장애 아동의 행동적 중재 12
4. 아스퍼거장애 아동의 교육적 중재 16
5. 관련선행연구 고찰 21

Ⅲ. 연구방법 23
1. 분석대상 23
2. 분석도구 23
3. 분석절차 25
4. 자료분석 25

Ⅳ. 연구결과 26
1. 학술지별 연구논문 분석 26
2. 연도별 연구논문 분석 29
3. 연구대상별 연구논문 분석 31
4. 연구유형별 연구논문 분석 35
5. 연구주제별 연구논문 분석 37

Ⅴ. 논의 41
1. 학술지별 연구동향 41
2. 연도별 연구동향 41
3. 연구대상별 연구동향 42
4. 연구유형별 연구동향 43
5. 연구주제별 연구동향 43

Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 45
1. 결론 45
2. 제언 46

참고문헌 48

부 록 57
분석대상 논문 58
분석표 61
조선대학교 교육대학원
김은실. (2010). 아스퍼거장애관련 국내연구 동향분석.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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