GSP를 활용한 도형 지도에 관한 연구

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GSP|도형|중학교 2학년

A study on the teaching of geometric shapes using GSP
-Focused on second grade middle school-

Kim Mi-ae
Advisor : Prof. Han Seung-gook Ph.D
Major in Mathematics Education,
Graduate School of Education,
Chosun University

In the information oriented society the self-directed ability to collect and interpret information out of a large pool to extract portions and utilize them to one's need is important. Likewise, in mathematical education the ability to explore and discover new horizons, as opposed to accepting prior knowledge, is gaining emphasis. This trait enhances the learner's intelligence and is instrumental in solving problems mathematically in both everyday life and academic fields.
When utilized in class, computers can visualize abstract mathematical concepts and assist students in manually manipulating and deducing the concepts before they formally prove a proposition, to interest them in mathematics and alleviate any possible confusion. They can also enhance mathematical thinking by systematically analyzing a problem solving methodology, the logic of solutions, and any further errors.
In current middle school geometry classes proving and deducing geometry are emphasized. However the reality is that deduction is required in an overly perfunctory fashion, causing students to simply memorize geometric figures' properties to use them in problem solving. One researcher observed that the conventional method of teaching on a chalkboard was inadequate in inducing self-directed studying methods and chose to use GSP, a type of investigative software, to observe what changes came to middle school students' understanding process of geometric figures' properties. Specifically, he collected data based on four students who hadn't learned the second semester curriculum that includes the "Geometric Figures' Properties" chapter. First he surveyed and evaluated them to isolate the difficulties they experienced in learning that specific chapter. Then, he taught the group based on his unique teaching plan, minutely observing and analyzing how the students constructed figures. Finally, he conducted a survey on the students' achievement and satisfaction levels on his instruction.
GSP-based instruction succesfully induced interest in the target students - they were amused when they tried out the GSP system themselves, eventually grew more confident with geometry and experienced an accelerated thinking process in approaching proofs. There should be continuous development in similar computer-aided learning material for geometry so that more meaningful learning is possible for students.
Alternative Title
A study on the teaching of geometric shapes using GSP:Focused on second grade middle school
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Mi Ae
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 수학교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차


Ⅰ. 서론 1

1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구문제 2
3. 연구의 제한점 2
4. 기대되는 효과 3

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 4

1. 반힐(Van Hiele)의 기하 학습 이론 4
가. Van Hiele의 기하 학습 수준 이론 4
나. Van Hiele의 기하 학습 수준 이론의 특징 6
다. Van Hiele의 교수-학습 5단계 7
라. Van Hiele이론의 수학교육학적 의미 9
2. 수학교육에서 공학적 도구의 활용 10
가. 컴퓨터를 이용한 수학 교수·학습 양식 10
나. 수학교육에서 공학적 도구 활용 시 유의점 12
3. 기하수업에서의 GSP 13
가. GSP의 특징 13
나. GSP를 통한 평면기하 지도의 의의 14
다. GSP 사용시 문제점 15
4. 선행연구 16

Ⅲ. 연구의 실제 18

1. 연구방법 및 절차 18
가. 연구방법 18
나. 연구대상 19
다. 연구절차 21
2. 사전 평가지 면담 내용 24
3. GSP를 이용한 도형 작도과정 분석 27
4. 연구결과 분석 36

Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언 39

참고문헌 42

부록 44
사전·후 설문지 44
사전·후 평가지 46
개인별 학습지 53
연구에 사용된 기본적인 작도 55
조선대학교 교육대학원
김미애. (2010). GSP를 활용한 도형 지도에 관한 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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