초등학교 실과 선수학습이 중학교 의생활 실습에 미치는 영향

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본 연구는 초등학교 실과 선수학습이 중학교 의생활 실습에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 서울지역 중학교 2학년 3개교와 광주지역 중학교 2학년 3개교 학생 6개교 총 1023명을 대상으로 설문조사한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.

첫째, 선수학습의 충실정도를 지역과 학교에 따라 차이가 있는지를 알아 본 결과의생활 실습의 횟수는 초등학교에서 담임교사가 지도한 것 보다 실습전담교사가 지도한 것이 실습횟수와 충실도가 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 또 학교별에 따른 실습지도교사에서는, 여중과 남중을 다니는 학생들의 실습지도는 담임교사가 한 것으로 나타났고 남녀공학 학생들의 실습은 실과 전담교사가 지도한 것으로 나타나 담임교사가 지도할 때 보다 실습수행에 있어 보다 충실한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서, 초등학교 실과 담당 교사에 따라 선수학습의 충실한 정도가 결정되는 것으로 보여 진다.

둘째, 초등학교 선수학습이 중학교 의생활 실습에 미치는 영향을 본 결과에서는 바느질 부분에서 특히 많은 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다.

셋째, 중학교 재학생들에게 의생활 실습 때 만든 작품의 종류는 바지, 가방 순이었지만 남녀공학에서는 가방에 높은 응답을 보인 것으로 보아 남학생들에 대한 배려가 작용한 결과가 아닌가 한다. 이에 덧붙여 의생활 실습 때 중학생들이 만들어 보고 싶은 종류를 알아 본 결과 뜨개질류, 장식품류 소품류, 생활용품류, 의복류, 기타순으로 응답의 결과가 나왔다. 이는 교과서의 내용과는 사뭇 다른 실습내용으로 교육과정 개정 때 고려해야 할 참고사항이라고 본다.

넷째, 중학교 의생활 실습에서 만든 작품의 만족도와 유익함, 도움 여부는 지역과 학교, 성별에 관계없이 어느 정도 긍정적인 것으로 나타났는데, 만약, 중학생들이 선호하는 실습 작품을 만든다면 만족도와 선호도가 보다 높아지리라고 본다.

다섯째, 학생들이 원하는 의생활 교육의 방향에서는 서울/경기는 소비자교육이, 광주는 의상디자인이 높게 나와 지역 간에 차이가 있게 나타났으며, 성별에서 여학생은 의상디자인에, 남학생은 소비자 교육에 관심이 있는 것을 알 수 있었다.

이상과 같은 결과로 다음과 같은 제언을 하고자 한다.
첫째, 초등학교 실과 담당 교사는 실과 전담 교사(전공자)로 수업이 이루어져야 선행학습수행이 충실해 질 수 있다.
둘째, 초등학교 실과 선수학습이 반드시 이루어져야 중학교 의생활 실습 진행에 수월성을 제공할 수 있다.
셋째, 중학교 의생활 실습은 의복이나 생활용품 보다는 뜨개질류나 장식품류와 같이 청소년 욕구를 어느 정도 만족시킬 수 있는 유행관련 작품이어야 한다.
넷째, 의생활 교육은 성별에 따라 선택할 수 있는 실습내용이 바람직하다고 본다.

이와 같은 제언은 여러 가지 교육 현장의 이유 등으로 인해 축소되고 있거나 제대로 이루어지지 않고 있는 실정이지만 초등학교 실과 선수학습은 중학교 의생활 실습에 영향을 미치기 때문에 실과 수업은 본래의 목적대로 성실히 수행되어야함을 제시해 주고 있다고 보며 중학생들의 의생활 실습 내용에 대한 학생들의 수업 만족도를 향상시킬 수 있는 내용과 방법제시가 향후 이루어져야 하리라고 본다.|The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of Practical Arts prerequisite learning in elementary schools on Clothing and Textile Practice in middle schools. Second grade students attending three middle schools located in Seoul and three middle schools located in Gwang-ju totalling 1,023 were selected as the respondents for this study.

The research results are as follows.
First, according to the survey on effectiveness of prerequisite learning in different schools and regions, the frequency and effectiveness of Clothing and Textile Practice is better taught by Practical Arts Specialist Teachers than by homeroom teachers in elementary schools. The students attending girls' or boys' middle schools did activities with their homeroom teachers. However, students attending co-educated middle schools did activities with Practical Arts Specialist Teachers. Therefore, the fidelity of prerequisite learning is determined by the teachers who are in charge of Practical Arts in elementary schools.
Second, prerequisite learning in elementary schools influences especially on sewing parts of Clothing and Textile Practices in middle schools.

Third, students attending middle schools answered that they made trousers and bags during Clothing and Textile Practice. However, students attending co-educated schools answered that they made bags. Since the teachers in co-educated schools consider male students when assigning projects, the results differ from other schools. Also, from the results of the survey on which projects the middle school students prefer to make during the Clothing and Textile Practice, knitting work is the first choice, followed by accessories, props, and then clothing. These results are slightly different from the contents of the textbook. This should be considered when the curriculum is changed.

Fourth, according to responses on the satisfaction and usefulness of projects in Clothing and Textile Practice in middle schools, students - regardless of their gender, schools, or region - feel that it is a proper course. If students make works that they prefer, the rate of satisfaction and preferences will increase.

Fifth, there are different specialties that students prefer to learn about in Clothing and Textile education. Students in Seoul and Gyungi perfer to learn about consumer education but students in Gwangju prefer to learn about fashion design. Also, female students are generally more interested in fashion design. On the other hand, male students are generally more interested in consumer education.

Considering these results, I would like to suggest the following:
First, Practical Arts Specialist Teachers should teach Practical Arts in elementary schools. Therefore, the performances of prerequisite learning could be proper and authentic.
Second, Practical Arts prerequisite learning should be done in elementary schools. This can ensure excellence when doing Clothing and Textile practice in middle schools.

Third, the projects of Clothing and Textile practice in middle schools should be changed to include fashionable items such as knitting wear or accessories which the students will be satisfied with rather than only clothing and household goods.

Fourth, it is advisable that students be allowed to take their gender into consideration when choosing the contents of Clothing and Textile.

These suggestions were reduced or not properly performed because of restrictions in the education system. This study shows that as Practical Arts prerequisite learning in elementary schools affects Clothing and Textile Practice in middle schools, Practical Arts should be covered thoroughly. Good teaching methods and materials should be suggested to enhance students' satisfaction on the contents of Clothing and Textile Practice in middle schools.
Alternative Title
A Study of Previous Learning on Practical Arts in Elementary Schools influences on Clothing and Textile Practice in Middle Schools
Alternative Author(s)
kang joo young
조선대학교 교육대학원 교육학과
교육대학원 기술.가정교육
정옥임 교수님
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차
ABSTRACT ···························································································8
Ⅰ. 서론 ·································································································11
1. 연구의 필요성·····················································································11
2. 연구 목적···························································································12

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경························································································13
1. 7차 개정 교육과정 중 의생활 영역························································13
2. 선수학습 능력·····················································································14
3. 의생활 관련 선행 연구·········································································15

Ⅲ. 연구방법·····························································································16
1. 연구대상 및 기간·················································································16
2. 조사도구·····························································································17
1. 설문지 구성···························································································17
2. 설문지 개발···························································································17
3. 자료분석 및 통계처리················································································18
4. 연구대상자의 일반적인 특성·········································································19

Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 해석·················································································21
1. 선수학습의 충실도가 지역, 학교에 따른 차이 정도···································21
2. 학생들은 의생활 실습에 대해 만족도······················································25
3. 초등학교 선수학습이 중학교 의생활 실습에 미치는 영향···························34
4. 학생들의 앞으로 의생활 내용 선호도······················································37

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언·······················································································41

표 목 차
개정 7차 교육과정 ‘기술ㆍ가정’에서의 의생활 영역의 내용
연구대상자의 일반적인 특성

1. 선수학습의 충실도가 지역, 학교에 따른 차이 정도
초등학교 실과의 의생활 실습 횟수
초등학교 실과의 의생활 실습 방법의 종류
초등학교 실과의 의생활 실습 작품의 영역
초등학교 실과 담당교사

2. 학생들의 의생활 실습에 대한 만족도
초등학교 실과의 만든 작품에 대한 만족도
초등학교 실과의 실습시간의 유익/도움 정도
중학교 의생활 실습의 만든 작품에 대한 만족도
중학교 의생활 실습 작품의 만든 후 유익/도움 정도
중학교 의생활 중 실습에 대한 흥미도
중학교 의생활 실습이 재미있는 이유
중학교 의생활 실습이 재미없는 이유
중학교 의생활 실습의 중요도 인식여부
중학교 의생활 실습의 중요한 이유

3. 초등학교 선수학습이 중학교 의생활 실습에 미치는 영향
초등학교 실과실습 여부에 따른 중학교 의생활 실습에 미친 영향
의생활 실습에 도움이 된 부분
초등학교 실과가 중학교 의생활 실습에 미친 효과

4. 학생들의 앞으로 의생활 내용의 선호도
중학교 의생활 실습 때 만든 작품 유무
중학교 의생활 실습 때 만든 작품의 종류
앞으로의 의생활 실습 때 만들고 싶은 실습 작품
앞으로의 의생활 교육의 방향
조선대학교 교육대학원
강주영. (2010). 초등학교 실과 선수학습이 중학교 의생활 실습에 미치는 영향.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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