정현종 시의 공기/바람 이미지 연구

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This is the study on the image of wind presented in Jung Hyun-Jong's Poetry. It shows both the process and the result that the poet approaches the poetic essence through the wind, which overcomes its superficial meaning. Studies that have been done so far are discussions as individual findings. However, this study is the one that we participate in both the process and the result of creating poems.
In the first part of the body, the difference between the wind and the air is introduced. Dynamic air, which Gaston Bachelard suggests, is presented as a superior concept that embraces the wind. On the other hand, the poems of Jung Hyun-Jong show static air and dynamic air separately. If we say that the air is the state of stillness and silence, the dynamic wind is the power that creates poems.
The second part contains core contents of this study which shows the process that wind is suggested as poetic motivation. Wind is the power of imagination that creates poems. It also works as a messenger of all that helps the poet make his dreams come true. It appears as an existence that transcends the time and are not restricted by space. The reason it can transcend both time and space is that it is the motive arising imagination. Likewise, wind is free from the restriction of time and space and can move around the past, the present and the future.
In the third part, wind accompanying the sound is discussed. The sound that wind makes is inner sound that conveys the essence of a poetic subject to the poet. The sound clears his mind and has his poems grow. It becomes the message of happiness and hopes and wakes the echoes in his mind. The destination of sound links to his dreams. He finally reaches the poetic ecstasy through internal sound that wind transmits.
Lastly, dream, which is the destination of wind, is presented. Dream is the feeling of ecstasy through poetic subjects. In his poems, wind not only leads him to the ecstasy but also becomes images itself in order to sensuously express his state of ecstasy. This characteristic is mainly different from ones of other critics before.
Images of lightness and ascending of the wind are presented as Dancing, Wings, Fragrance, Intoxication, Flame. They are also connected to sexual images. He transforms the images into the sexual images for maximizing the state of ecstasy.
In conclusion, the wind takes part as a poetic motive in the process of creating poems from the beginning to the end. The wind is simply not the subject studied as a separate image. In this essay, the wind is on a par with the poet beyond limiting it to the poetic result. As we can see the facts in this essay, weak points of studies on the images, which are macroscopic and microscopic, can be made up with a broader view and procedural studies on the wind.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Image of 'Air/Wind' in Jung Hyun-Jong's Poetry
Alternative Author(s)
Chin, Pil Jong
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 국어교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목차 i
I. 서론 1
1. 연구 목적 및 필요성 1
2. 연구사 검토 3
3. 연구 대상 및 방법 5
II. 시적 공간으로서의 공기 7
1. 공기와 바람의 개념 7
2. 공기 이미지의 확장 9
(1) 고요와 침묵의 공간 9
(2) 시가 탄생하는 태(胎) 20
III. 시적 발생 동력으로서의 바람 25
1. 바람의 시․공간성 확장 25
(1) 외부/내부에서 부는 바람 26
(2) 공간적으로 팽창하는 바람 29
(3) 시간을 초월하는 바람 32
2. 바람 소리의 시적 기능 38
(1) 소리를 일으키는 바람 38
(2) 소리를 통한 꿈의 확장 44
IV. 바람의 변용을 통한 시적 황홀감 49
1. 가벼움과 상승 이미지 53
2. 성적 감각의 극대화 73
V. 결론 79
참 고 문 헌 84
조선대학교 대학원
진필종. (2009). 정현종 시의 공기/바람 이미지 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-08-04
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