중·고등학생들의 한복착용에 대한 의식 조사

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This study aims to examine secondary and high school students' interest in and perceptions of Hanbok and to analyse current school education on Hanbok and its effectiveness. For the study, we interviewed 880 students of grade 2 of 4 secondary schools and grade 1 of 4 high schools in urban area(Seoul and Gwangju) and rural area(Jeonnam and Jeonbuk) from September 18 to October 4. 2008. And we used 865 copies of answer sheets(98.30%) except 15 whose answers were not sincere for a final analysis.
The data used for the study were analysed with a use of SPSS 12.0 for which a frequency analysis, a multi-response analysis, a confirmatory factor analysis, a confidence analysis, Pearson's test, Fisher's exact test, and a t-test were used. However, family composition, living standard, monthly income, and parents' occupations were excluded from the analyses because there was a risk to violate privacy.
Based on the results, this study summarizes suggestions and education meanings in respect to Hanbok wearing;
First, in respect to general interest in Hanbok, there was a significant difference according to sex. Female adults had higher rate of wearing Hanok and they usually wore it on big holidays and wedding ceremonies. Wearing Hanok which is one of our traditional cultures but disappearing is a move to inherit our culture and schools and society should encourage them to wear it on special occasions such as a coming-of-age ceremony or big holidays. For example, in addition to regular class at schools, students clubs on manners and manner school programs for community people should be developed for its activation, through which we can promote further development and inheritance of our culture.
Second, as a result of analysing images on Hanbok, all the subjects answered that it had high in aestheticism but low function and activity. In general, the means of girl students had higher interests in it than boy students. And the subjects in urban area had relatively higher interest in Hanbok than those in rural area. The main reasons they did not wear it were: it is difficult to move in it, there was no chance to wear it and no Hanbok to wear. These days, Hanbok has been reformed for easy wearing, but easier and more comfortable materials of Hanbok should be developed to lessen discomfort in wearing.
Third, in respect to Hanbok education, girl students gave positive answers on it in comparison with boy students, and there was no significant difference in knowledge on and interest in Hanbok between those who learned about Hanbok and those who did not. For students did not realize its necessity as they were not interested in our traditional costume and education was boring in examination oriented curriculum though education was given to them. And there was differences according to regions. Lack of teachers and students, circulatory teaching due to incorporation and closure of schools and lack of teaching materials may affect education on Hanbok. Hanbok education can have higher effectiveness when it is given through practice, but a focus is usually given on a theory at schools, which may deteriorate learning effect. To overcome the problem, teachers should pay more attention to development of materials and class based on opinions presented by students in an appendix.
Alternative Title
A Study on Secondary and High School Students' Perception of Hanbok
Alternative Author(s)
Yang, Jeong Won
교육대학원 기술.가정교육
교육대학원 기술.가정교육
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Table Of Contents
I. 서론 = 1
II. 이론적 배경 = 4
A. 한복의 정의 및 특색 = 4
B. 한복의 변천사 = 6
1. 삼국시대 이전의 옷차림 = 6
2. 삼국시대 복식 = 6
3. 통일신라 · 발해시대 복식 = 13
4. 고려시대 복식 = 16
5. 조선시대 복식 = 18
6. 개화기시대 복식 = 22
C. 한복의 기본구조 = 23
1. 저고리 = 24
2. 조끼 = 25
3. 치마 = 26
4. 바지 = 26
5. 마고자 = 27
6. 두루마기 = 28
III. 중 · 고등학교 가정과 교육내용 = 29
A. 가정과 교과내용 = 29
B. 가정과에서의 의생활영역 = 30
C. 가정과 의생활 영역에서의 한복영역 = 32
Ⅳ. 연구방법 = 35
A. 연구대상 및 자료수집 = 35
B. 측정도구 = 35
1. 설문지 구성 = 35
2. 설문지 개발 = 36
3. 설문지 타당도 = 36
4. 설문지 신뢰도 = 38
5. 용어정의 = 39
C. 자료분석 = 40
D. 연구의 한계점 = 40
Ⅴ. 연구결과 및 해석 = 41
A. 조사대상자의 일반적인 특성 = 41
B. 한복에 대한 일반적인 관심정도 = 43
C. 한복에 대한 이미지와 의식정도 = 60
D. 한복학습 유무와 한복에 대한 인식 = 62
Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 = 64
참고문헌 = 67
부록 = 6
양정원. (2008). 중·고등학생들의 한복착용에 대한 의식 조사.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-02-04
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