중등음악 감상교육에 관한 연구 -중학교2학년을 중심으로

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A Study on the Music Listening of Middle School Students
-Centering on Grade 2 of Middle School Students -

Park, Ju-Yeon
Advisor: Prof. Kim, Seung Il
Majoring in Music Education
Graduate School of Education Chosun University

Music education at school aims at helping students understand music properly and cultivating their musical mind for abundant life to enjoy music. In particular, as listening to music is the most basic stage to enjoy music and to be familiar with it, it will help students have interest in it.
So, we need effective listening programs, choice of music as a material and how to educate.
This study analyses listening area of five different types of music textbooks reorganized based on the 7th curriculum and identifies effective ways to teach students it. Based on the results, this study confirms whether the listening goals and contents of the curriculum are properly reflected, present proper ways of teaching in each textbook and supplements insufficiency of the textbooks.
The results of the study are presented as follows:
First, the textbook for the grade 2 of middle school students published by Jihaksa has a focus on content of listening theory rather than listening itself. For example, it definitely presents contents to be learned such as understanding Fuga, change of themes, features of polyphonic music and differences with consonant music, and the contents are satisfying. However, they do not deal with how to listen based on the theories they learn in detail. So, innovative ways to listen music should be presented in each lesson.
Second, the Grade 2 textbook published in the cathedral presents learning objectives focusing on the listening theories rather than listening itself. Therefore, learning objectives should be presented in a type of task to induce active participation of students and how to listen should also be supplemented.
Third, the Grade 2 textbook published by Segwang Publishing presents theoretical points on materials to be listened definitely, but presentation on how to listen is not satisfying. Most of the presentations are ‘listen’ and ‘feel’, and definite presentation of actions such as ' troll' are not given . So, more definite presentation on actions should be given.
Fourth, the grade 2 textbook published by Morning Land present less theoretical points on listening than others. However, it focuses on listening itself in content rather than listening theory. For example, it has many listening points such as ‘imagine triumphal march and be careful to harmony of tunes of many music instruments with choir' . Though such presentation means active listening, as how to listen in action is not satisfying, it is not known whether students learn how to listen properly. So, more definite and active presentation of the ways is necessary.
Fifth, the grade 2 textbook published by Dusan Dong-A also focuses on theories and presents only directions like ‘listen carefully.’ 'feel.’ and ‘ understand.’ This textbook also needs to present direction on listening in actions.
Listening is not a visible act. However, listening education to be desired should be perceptive and intellectual. When we teach such listening to students, we have to confirm what students learn more specifically. Most of the textbooks present listening directions such as ‘feel, understand, and listen carefully.’ However, such presentation on directions may make students have idle listening attitudes. As more specific directions such as ‘write what you listen’ and ‘present what you feel’ should be presented, learning atmosphere where students can focus on listening should be prepared. And teachers should pay more attention to development of how to listen as well as more studies on textbooks dealing with how to listen should be developed.
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Ju-Yeon
교육대학원 음악교육
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Table Of Contents
목 차

제1장. 서 론·················································································1
제1절. 연구의 목적·································································1
제2절. 연구방법 과 범위························································3
1. 연구방법········································································3
2. 연구 범위 및 제한························································4
제2장. 중학교 음악 감상교육의 실태············································5
제1절. 음악 감상 교육의 의의···············································5
제2절. 음악 감상교육의 필요성············································6
제3절. 제 7차 교육과정과 음악 감상····································7
1. 제 7차 교육과정과 음악 감상의 개념·······················8
2. 제 7차 교육과정에 의한 음악 감상교육의 목표······9
가. 개정방향···························································10
나. 개별중점···························································11
3. 제 7차 교육과정과 음악 감상의 내용······················14
제4절. 음악 감상 교육의 효과적인 지도법························16
제3장. 교재분석에 따른 효과적인 음악 감상과 지도법·············18
제1절. 5종의 음악교과서 내용분석····································18
1. 한국음악과 서양음악의 분류····································18
2. 시대별 분류·································································19
3. 교재별 분석 및 감상 요점 정리································22
가. (주)지학사························································23
나. 성안당·······························································25
다. 세광음악출판사···············································27
라. l주l아침나라·····················································30
마. 두산동아···························································32
제2절.교재분석을 통한 구체적 음악지도법······················35
제4장. 결 론·················································································38
조선대학교 교육대학원
박주연. (2007). 중등음악 감상교육에 관한 연구 -중학교2학년을 중심으로.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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