日本語 使役表現의 意味·用法에 關한 硏究

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This study speculates the general usage of causatives in current Japanese. For examination of meaning and usage of Japanese causatives, it identifies basic characteristics of causatives, that is, characteristics in styles, constructions and semantics. Based on the information obtained above, Chapter 3 sub-divides sub-causatives of Japanese through an analysis of examples to discuss similarity and difference among them. Sub-categories of the causatives in a semantic perspective include commanding, the most typical type, permission approval, nonintervention, and reason that have been much examined, admission, negligence, unconscious presentation of reason, manipulation, unconscious manipulation and presentation of reasons. Of the sub-categories, manipulation and unconscious manipulation, the former is sub-divided into: the motor subjects are non-separated possessions of the causative subject and are unseparable possessions. And for the type whose motor subject is unseparable possessions of the causative subject, the motor subjects are sub-divided into the type whose motor subject indicates bodily parts of the causative subject and the type whose motor subject indicates bodily features generated by causative activities. At the same time sub-dividing causatives in a semantic perspective, this study examines constructive difference between causative sentences and basic ones, that is, sub-divides Japanese causatives into direct and indirect causatives. In other words, a commanding causative which is central in frequency is classified into indirect causative due to its constructional feature that a logical term is added. However, the reason causative which is considered as peripheral in frequency is categorized into direct causative because it basically has no added term.
Chapter 4, a central body of this study, examines whether basic verbs can make causative sentences. For Japanese passive which belongs to the voice like causative, as passive sentences can be made with intransitive verbs as well as transitive verbs unlike Korean or English, Japanese passive has higher productivity compared to Korean. However, passive voice is not constructed by all the Japanese verbs, but only by volitional verbs while passive voice is not constructed by non-volitional verbs. This study divides 728 verbs from the Japanese verb usage dictionary into intransitive and transitive verbs and analyses them in order to identify by what kinds of verbs passive voice can be made and what kinds of verbs are difficult or impossible to make causative. As a result, this study finds that a causative is not made by some of transitive verbs as well as some of the intransitive verbs unlike the passive voice.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Semantic Usages of Causative Construction in Japanese
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Se-Ho
朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院
교육대학원 일어교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
1. 연구목적 = 1
2. 연구방법 = 2
Ⅱ. 일본어 사역표현의 특징 = 4
1. 형태적 특징 = 4
2. 구문적 특징 = 6
2.1. ‘に’ 사역문 = 7
2.1.1. 타동사 사역문 = 11
2.1.2. 자동사 사역문 = 12
2.2. ‘を’ 사역문 = 13
3. 의미적 특징 = 21
Ⅲ. 일본어 사역표현의 하위유형 = 25
1. 의미적 관점에서의 하위유형 = 25
1.1. 강제(지령) = 25
1.2. 허가·묵인 = 27
1.3. 방임 = 34
1.4. 원인 = 35
1.5. 원인제공 = 36
1.6. 조작 = 39
2. 구문적 관점에서의 하위유형 = 40
2.1. 간접사역 = 42
2.2. 직접사역 = 44
Ⅳ. 일본어 사역동사의 성립여부 = 47
1. 사역이 성립되는 동사 = 49
1.1. 자동사 사역 = 49
1.2. 타동사 사역 = 51
2. 사역이 성립되지 않는 동사 = 52
2.1. 자동사 사역 = 52
2.2. 타동사 사역 = 53
Ⅴ. 결론 = 54
참고문헌 = 56
朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院
이세호. (2007). 日本語 使役表現의 意味·用法에 關한 硏究.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-02-19
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