한·중 자유무역협정(FTA)의 효과에 관한 연구

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FTA|한·중 자유무역협정|Free Trade Agreement|Economic Effect|Free Trade Agreement
Nowadays under the complex world's trading circumstance, regionalism through FTA has become the mainstream forces of the world trading system. A Korea and China have recently announced policy goals to pursue a number of FTAs simultaneously as a way of national strategies.
China is Korea's neighboring country that has become the largest trade partner, and has an immense potential for future economic growth. A Korea-China FTA will contribute to economic growth of Korea which relies heavily on the foreign export market. Korea aims at implementing comprehensive FTAs involving tariff elimination, service, investment and intellectual property rights to bring its best effects to the nation.
In this context, China can be a highly beneficial FTA partner for Korea. An FTA with China is a key issue of economic cooperation in order to confront soaring Chinese competitiveness in international markets. Korea-China FTA will allow Korea easy access to a huge market and reduce the one-sided safeguards of the Chinese government, which will in turn improve Korea’s balance of trade. In addition, it is expected that the economic growth of China can play an important role in Korea’s economic growth through a high degree of specialization of industry structure, and improvement of efficiency of investment toward China.
A Korea-China FTA has many implications, such as increasing the trading volume and potential economic growth. It is obvious that Korea-China FTA would provide a new impetus for growth. Korea needs to focus on the protection of labor-intensive industries, enhance the competitiveness of the small and medium enterprises, and increase exports, combining large corporation's exports into the small and medium enterprises sales.
The positive benefits of free trade are increasing effectiveness through expanding the market and encouraging competitiveness. It will provide Korean companies with the distinct opportunity to work in China.
To maximize the net effects of a Korea-China FTA, Korea and China should both accelerate vertical integration within industries to increase intra-industry trade. This kind of restructuring of intra-industry divisions can help to avoid domestic deindustrialization. Also, it is necessary to consider the fact that such a policy causes domestic demand and exports to develop at the same time. Benefits from foreign policy can be achieved not by destroying the domestic industry, but by developing an industry for domestic demand. It is highly important to approach a Korea -China FTA with the strategic combination revitalizing domestic investment, promoting human resources, improving technology by R&D investment, and securing the macro-economy into establishing potential growth, trade volumes, and a positive transition of trade structuring.
Alternative Title
A study on the Economic Effect of Free Trade Agreement between Korea and China
Alternative Author(s)
Hwang, Hee-Young
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 상업정보교육
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 목적 및 필요성 = 1
제2절 연구의 방법 및 범위 = 2
제2장 지역주의 확산과 FTA = 3
제1절 FTA의 개관 = 3
1. FTA의 정의 및 적용범위 = 3
2. WTO 체제 하의 FTA = 5
3. FTA의 국제적 동향 = 8
제2절 지역통합의 효과 = 10
1. 지역주의의 대두배경 = 10
2. 지역주의의 형태 = 11
3. 지역통합의 효과 = 13
4. 지역주의에 대한 비판 = 14
제3장 한·중 FTA의 추진현황과 문제점 = 16
제1절 한국의 FTA 추진현황 = 16
1. 대외적인 측면 = 16
2. 대내적인 측면 = 20
제2절 중국의 FTA 추진현황 = 27
1. 중국의 FTA 정책 = 27
2. 최근 중국의 FTA 추진 동향 = 28
제3절 한·중 FTA 추진현황과 문제점 = 32
1. FTA 체결 대상국으로서의 중국 = 32
2. 한·중 FTA 체결의 필요성 = 33
3. 한·중 FTA의 추진상의 문제점 = 38
제4장 한·중 FTA의 경제적 효과 = 43
제1절 한·중 무역 및 산업협력 관계 분석 = 43
제2절 양국의 산업구조 분석 = 47
1. 농·수산업부문 비교 = 47
2. 제조업의 비교 = 52
제3절 한·중 FTA의 경제적 효과 = 57
1. 경제적 효과 = 57
2. 한·중 FTA의 추진방안 = 60
제5장 결론 및 정책적 제언 = 67
제1절 결론 = 67
제2절 정책적 제언 = 69
참고문헌 = 70
조선대학교 교육대학원
황희영. (2007). 한·중 자유무역협정(FTA)의 효과에 관한 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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