전자정부 구현을 통한 행정개혁에 관한 연구

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Current society titled as 'Information Society' emphasizes creation of new value through active flow, accumulation and use of knowledge in each field. The government are asked to change according to new trend and use changed knowledge and information and change and reform of the government roles and administrative paradigm are required.
In accordance with such change, e-government is suggested as the changed government pursued in our country. The principle of management through creation of knowledge both in public and private sectors were introduced and implemented, and most of the countries have pursued government reform project consistently. Based on such knowledge management, the government is preparing for such change through active preparation of e-government.
In the present period of rapid change, consistent world economic depression and low growth, e-government should be connected with administrative reform in that the subjects of e-government management should be the people. That is, as simple administrative reforms such as temporary adjustment of organizations or reduction of the staff according to political needs and political preferential order without analysis of new paradigms do not reflect rapid change of environment and improved recognition of the people, the technology required to prepare specific strategies as a government model is information technology.
However, information technology and administrative reform have been separately progressed without connection. As they have been taken care of as temporary and individual policy, they could not enjoy synergy effects of administrative reform using information and technology.
In 1990s, as the governmental organizations plan e-government for which information and communication technology was applied for administration and policy, side effects of traditional aristocracy, that is failures of aristocracy, were cured and effectiveness of administration and service for the people were maximized.
The e-government based on administrative reform has great meanings in various aspects. It is expected that it will contribute to increase of effectiveness of task performance and improvement of service quality. In particular, it has a great meaning in that change and reform of all the members of organizations can be promoted through the process of electronic task performance as well as it has external effects.
At present, e-government of our country is in transitional step from 3 stage service to 4 stage incorporated service. In terms of service for the people, on-line communication between the people and the government is possible, and most of the organizations provide 4 stage service such as application, reading and issuing to provide administration information and take care of civil services. through home-pages or portal service. However, the difference in levels of e-government between organizations is significant and the common technology base to secure mutual management on task process, systems, process, software and network technologies for vertical and horizontal incorporated service beyond boundaries between organizations and sectors is insufficient.
Therefore, the e-government progressing with administrative reform should focus on acceptance of change and development of the government as well as quality improvement of governmental service, that is, changing environment, and preparation of reformative power which will lead the reform and change. For the purpose, the following strategies and methods are presented as follows:
First, e-government should be realized based on leadership of leaders.
Second, efforts of the government should be prepared to prevent exclusive possession of information by minority and provide information service to many people.
Third, information and technology which is a base of e-government should be utilized as a means of complete administrative reform.
Fourth, only organized organizations in which strategies and budgets for e-government are connected and devoting efforts of trained staff can advance preparation of successful e-government.
Fifth, through guiding example project by powerful progress system, trials and errors should be minimized and step-by-step expansion of the project is necessary. At this time, the priority order of progress of the projects should be decided in terms of its availability.
However, there are various problems in realization of e-government under no proper institutional, legal and social foundation as mentioned above. Only if weak social base which caused unequal use of information due to various factors such as repetition of legal application due to conflicts between divisions, organizational culture which disturbs active use of information technology, economic wealth, age, disabilities is cured, proper e-government can be realized. For this, many political alternatives should be presented and the government have to make every effort to correct such failures.
The most important thing here is that administrative reform through realization of e-government should focus on preparation of strategies aiming at realization of the government for the people. For example, the number of the people who are isolated due to information should be minimized, our administrative system should be changed into client-oriented administrative paradigm and administrative reform and improvement can be promoted through preparation of service quality management system to secure service reliability and responsibility as well as acceptance analysis, development, presentation, evaluation and feed-back system on e-government service.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Administrative Reform by Electronic Government
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Chi-myun
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 일반사회교육
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Table Of Contents
표목차 = ⅳ
그림목차 ⅴ
제1장 서 론 = 1
제1절 연구의 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 = 4
제2장 이론적 논의 = 5
제1절 전자정부와 행정개혁의 개념 및 특성 = 5
1. 전자정부 = 5
2. 행정개혁 = 15
3. 전자정부와 행정개혁 = 23
제2절 선행연구의 검토 = 27
1. 전자정부에 관한 선행연구 = 27
2. 행정개혁에 관한 선행연구 = 28
3. 분석기준의 도출 = 29
제3절 분석모형 = 31
제3장 현황 분석과 문제점 = 32
제1절 한국의 전자정부 추진 실태 = 32
1. 법·제도적 기반 = 33
2. 추진전략 = 34
3. 추진체계 = 36
4. 전자정부 구현목표 및 특징 = 37
제2절 전자정부와 행정개혁 = 39
1. 행정 효율성 측면 = 39
2. 고객지향성 측면 = 40
제3절 전자정부 추진상의 문제점 = 41
1. 법·제도적 문제점 = 41
2. 추진체계상의 문제점 = 42
3. 조직구조·문화적 문제점 = 43
4. 행정정보 공동 활용 체제의 미구축 = 44
제4장 전자정부 구현을 통한 행정개혁의 방향 = 46
제1절 행정개혁과의 연계 = 46
제2절 법·제도적 측면의 문제점 개선 = 48
1. 중복조항의 조정 및 명확한 규정 제시 = 48
2. 정보책임관(CIO) 제도의 실질적 활성화 = 48
3. 조직구성원의 지식 공유 및 활용방안 마련 = 49
제3절 추진체계의 정립 = 50
1. 범정부적 전자정부추진위원회의 구성 = 51
2. 대통령 직속의 전자정부추진기구의 신설 = 52
3. 범부처적 전자정부추진기구의 활용 = 53
제4절 고객지향적 서비스 제공 및 정보불평등 해소 = 54
1. 가상공동체(Virtual Community) = 54
2. 전자주민투표제 실시 = 55
3. 열린 행정의 실현 = 55
4. 대국민 홍보강화 = 56
제5절 정보기술 활용 확대와 전문인력 양성 = 58
1. 정보기술의 활용 확대 = 58
2. 전문인력의 양성 = 60
제5장 결 론 = 61
참고문헌 = 64
조선대학교 교육대학원
박치면. (2006). 전자정부 구현을 통한 행정개혁에 관한 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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