광주지역 중학교 관악부 운영실태에 대하여

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In order to cultivate individuals capable of actively facing the globalized, informationalized, diversified era of the 21st century, a more specialized education is needed.
In the current generation, not only for physical health but also for improvement of emotional health, in order to assist self-development and improvement through wind instrument program in schools, the need to present necessary measures for a more effective and efficient administration of the program became evident.
Therefore, in this study, the conditions and problems of wind instrument programs of various junior high schools in the Gwangju region were analyzed through questionnaire studies and visitation studies, and as the basic study for this thesis, the history of wind instruments, purpose of wood instrument training, its intention, the role of school wind instrument program, training method, its organization, selection of groups, and general types of wind instruments were studied, and the study contents were organized. Subjects of this study were teachers, lecturers in charge, and students of woodwind program at a junior high school in the Gwangju region.
Based on the results of the study, efficient operational and training methods for junior high school wind instrument programs are being presented s follows.
First, wind instrument training must place its focus in enabling the students to learn cooperation, and form complete personal relationships through wind instrument program activities with students of different personalities and characteristics.
Second, through wind instrument activities, creative expression skills, assimilation among students, and a sense of unity should be instilled within the students.
Third, by allowing the students to enjoy wholesome leisure hours, groundwork for them to become upright members of the society should be provided by enhancing the health of their body and mind, their physical stability, and by giving them a sense of accomplishment.
Also, students must be me able to gain external value of music by fostering cooperation through music education as well as develop self-expression abilities, enhance creativity and refine emotions, which are an inherent value of music.
In addition, the school must at the same time provide appropriate amount of effective support in order to assist in the operation and training of the wind instrument program, securing systematic training instructors, and in environmental improvement of the wind instrument program.
In administration and training of wind instrument program, students must be taught with the top priority placed on helping the students mature into well-rounded, responsible members of the society who are able to form harmonious personal relationships, and its purpose should be in fostering individuals with respect for others.
Alternative Title
The Research On The Operation Of Brass Band In Middle School In Gwang-Ju City
Alternative Author(s)
Son, Won-il
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 음악교육
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 대상 및 방법 = 2
제3절 연구의 범위와 제한점 = 2
제2장 이론적 배경 = 4
제1절 관악합주의 정의 = 4
제2절 관악의 역사 = 4
1. 우리나라 관악의 도입배경 = 4
2. 학교 관악부의 역사 = 5
제3절 관악지도의 목표 및 지향점 = 7
1. 관악지도의 목표 = 7
2. 관악지도의 지향점 = 7
제4절 학교 관악부의 역할 및 지도방법 = 9
1. 학교 관악부의 역할 = 9
2. 관악 지도의 방법 = 10
제5절 관악부의 연주형태와 연주대원 선발조건 및 전반적인 관악기의 이해 = 11
1 학교 관악부의 연주 형태 = 11
2. 관악부원 선발과 이를 위한 신체적 조건 = 13
3. 전반적인 악기의 이해 = 14
가. 목관악기 = 15
나. 금관악기 = 15
다. 타악기 = 15
제3장 광주지역 중학교 관악부의 운영실태 조사 및 방향 = 17
제1절 관악부 운영에 대한 현황 = 17
1. 지도 교사에 관한 설문 조사 = 18
2. 관악부원들에 관한 설문조사 = 25
제2절 관악부 운영현황의 분석결과 = 32
제3절 관악부 운영 및 지도의 방향 = 35
1. 관악부 운영의 방향 = 35
2. 관악지도의 방향 = 38
제4장 결론 = 40
참고문헌 = 43
부록 = 44
조선대학교 교육대학원
손원일. (2006). 광주지역 중학교 관악부 운영실태에 대하여.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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