농촌체험마을기업의 일터혁신이 공동체의식과 농촌지역 주민의 삶의 질에 미치는 영향

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일터혁신, 농촌체험마을 기업
These days, as advance to ageing society and globalization have broughtmany changes in labor system, the life span of knowledge and technologies has become shorter and change of jobs have been faster due to rapid
technological change by the 4th Industrial Revolution. As it was perceived that workplace innovation has been used as a strategy to maintain competitive power of companies and if the workplace innovation is introduced and applied to rural villages, it will increase their achievements and the living quality of rural people, this study aimed to positively analyse the effects of workplace innovation on living quality of rural people and present the
necessity to introduce and apply the workplace innovation to rural villages and strategies for its proper use.
The data was collected for about 1 month from April 5 to May 6, 2020 with the use of a questionnaire, targeting 600 rural village people who were managing rural village parks and 479 responses were used for a final analysis.
The results are presented as follows:
First, of the workplace innovation factors, work style innovation and educational training innovation had significant effects on community sense. Therefore, it is suggested that the workplace innovation should be introduced for rural park projects to increase the sense of community.
Second, of the workplace innovation factors relating to the moderating effect of creativity, creativity had a moderating effect on the sense of community. Therefore, it is suggested that to successfully achieve the workplace innovation, we need diverse efforts to increase creativity and learning orientation.
Third, it was discovered that as the community sense mediates the relationship between educational training innovation with living quality of rural people, the community sense had a positive effect on their living quality.
In the future, it is suggested that rural villages which are managing rural village park projects should pay more attention to increase both creativity and learning orientation in them.
In the process of progressing profitable rural village projects to revive rural economy, when rural people managing rural village park projects are encouraged to have the community sense through the workplace innovation, their living quality can be increased and the projects can be more successfully achieved.
In particular, in considering that the subjects of this study were the local people of the rural village parks, it can be understood that the workplace innovation is a very important variable. According to the characteristics of rural village park projects, autonomy of the local people is very important under diverse situations and as the environment of experience parks and visitors have changed, customer satisfaction working style and educational training innovation are also very important.
Therefore, it is suggested that more specific efforts relating to the workplace innovation should be made.
This study has the following academic suggestions: First, this study focused on the effects of workplace innovation on living quality of rural people with the community sense as a medium while existing relevant
studies focused on manufacturing companies and discovered that it had an important effect on living quality of local people in rural village parks.
Recently, rural areas have had a number of difficulties in diverse areas. Therefore, as they are paying much attention to revival of rural economy through rural village park projects, this study has a meaning in that it discovered that the workplace innovation can increase the community sense, living quality of local people and rural income through rural village park projects. Based on the results above, this study has the following limitations: First. as this study collected the data using an essay-type survey, the results may depend on the subjects' attitude.
Second, as this study only used subjective evaluations of rural people relating to the survey on creativity, learning orientation and living quality, it has to be careful to evaluate the results.
Third, further consistent studies are needed in that this study focused on workplace innovation of rural village parks while most of the previous studies focused on that of manufacturing companies.
Future tasks are presented as follows:
First, this study selected factors extracted from previous studies for the design of the study model, but as workplace innovation factors are different according to different studies, results may be different according
to the factors selected. Further studies should develop new variables that can be academically acceptable and agreed on. Second, this study presented a study model with subjective judgement items of rural people to measure their living quality. It is expected that more objective results can be obtained if future studies are made with objective and diverse indexes.|요즘은 고령화 사회로의 진출과 세계화로 노동체제의 변화가 많아지면서 4차 산업혁명에 의한 급속한 기술변화로 지식과 기술의 수명이 짧아지고 일자리의 변화도 빨라졌다.
이번 연구는 그동안 일터혁신이 기업의 경쟁력 유지전략으로 활용돼 왔으며, 농촌체험마을기업에 일터혁신을 도입해
농촌지역주민의 동동체 의식과 삶의 질이 높아질 것으로 인식됨에 따라 일터혁신이 미치는 영향을 긍정적으로 분석하고자 하였다.농촌지역주민들의 삶의 을 향상시키고 농촌마을에 대한 일터혁신의 도입과 적용의 필요성 등 전략을 제시하였다
Alternative Title
An Empirical Study on the Rural Experience Village Community Workplace Innovation of Affects the Quality of Life of Rural Residents
Alternative Author(s)
Lim Jun-hyeon
일반대학원 경영학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
I. 서 론 1
1.1 문제제기 및 연구의 목적 1
1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위 5

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7
2.1 농촌체험마을기업 7
2.1.1 농촌체험마을기업의 개념 7
2.1.2 농촌체험마을기업의 유형 12
2.1.3 농촌체험마을기업의 성공사례 15
2.2 일터혁신 19
2.2.1 일터혁신의 개념 19
2.2.2 일터혁신의 필요성 22
2.2.3 일터혁신과 농촌체험마을 26
2.2.4 일터혁신을 통한 농촌체험마을기업 성공사례 27
2.3 공동체 의식 39
2.3.1 공동체의식의 개념 39
2.3.2 공동체의식의 역할 41
2.3.3 공동체의식의 영향요인 44
2.3.4 공동체의식과 삶의 질 45
2.4 삶의 질 47
2.4.1 삶의 질의 개념 47
2.4.2 삶의 질 측정지표 49
2.4.3 농촌체험마을사업과 삶의 질 50
2.5 창의성 52
2.5.1 창의성의 개념 52
2.5.2 창의성 결정요인 54
2.5.3 창의성 분석수준 55
2.5.4 일터혁신과 창의성 58
2.6 학습지향성 59
2.6.1 학습지향성의 개념 59
2.6.2 학습지향성과 농촌체험마을 61

Ⅲ. 연구 모형의 설계 및 가설 설정 62
3.1 연구모형의 설계 62
3.2 가설의 설정 63
3.2.1 일터혁신과 공동체의식 63
3.2.2 공동체의식과 삶의 질 64
3.2.3 공동체의식의 매개효과 검증 65
3.2.4 창의성의 조절효과 66
3.2.5 학습지향성의 조절효과 67

Ⅳ. 연구방법 69
4.1 표본의 선정 및 특성 69
4.1.1 표본의 선정 및 자료 수집 69
4.1.2 표본의 특성 70
4.2 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정 72
4.2.1 변수의 조작적 정의 72
4.2.2 설문지 구성 및 측정 75
4.3 자료의 분석방법 76

Ⅴ. 실증분석 77
5.1 변수의 신뢰성 및 타당성 검증 77
5.1.1변수의 탐색적 요인 및 신뢰성 분석 77
5.2 상관관계 분석 79
5.3 연구모형의 분석 80
5.3.1 측정모형의 분석 80
5.4 직접효과 검증 85
5.5 간접효과 확인(매개효과 확인) 87
5.6 창의성과 학습지향성의 조절효과 검증 88
5.7 가설검증결과 요약 및 논의 91

Ⅵ. 결 론 94
6.1 연구결과의 요약 94
6.2 연구의 시사점 및 한계 97

참고문헌 98

부 록 107
조선대학교 대학원
임준현. (2020). 농촌체험마을기업의 일터혁신이 공동체의식과 농촌지역 주민의 삶의 질에 미치는 영향.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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