서번트 리더십이 공무원의 직업소명의식과 직무열의에 미치는 영향 : 조직정치 지각의 조절효과

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The Effect of Servant Leadership on Public Official′s Job Calling and Work Engagement:
Perceived Organizational Politics as A Moderator

Song, Yong-wook
Advisor : Prof. Cho Yoonhyung, Ph.D. Department of Business Adminstration
Graduate School of Chosun University

Local governments in Korea are faced the situation which they can only survive by seeking changes to develop into competitive organizations. That means policy with the central government, the competition of securing budgets, and increasing demand from the residents are more challengeable context. Most local governments are making effort to improve efficiency and effectiveness to cope with these changes through establishment of new strategies and countermeasures, active restructuring, improving services to the people, and securing appropriate budget execution to name a few.
These kinds of responses to circumstantial changes are possible when government employees working in local governments serve with more increasing the work engagement. Therefore, it is necessary for the government employees to have a sense of duty as public servants, and the role of the servant leader who is the best person suited for the public office has become even more important.
This study was conducted to examine the effect of servant leadership on the job calling and work engagement among local government employees. Also this study reflects the situational context of politics as informal influences that are important in public offices by establishing the perceived organizational politics(POP) as an moderate variable. The job calling was expected to mediate the relationship between servant leadership and work engagement.
The influence of the mediation by the job calling is explained by the theory of job requirements-resource model which explains job engagement. In other words, servant leadership and the job calling are playing their role as the job resources. Based on the literature review, work engagement consist of vitality, dedication, and absorbtion as sub dimensions, POP was divided into two factors such as go along to get ahead and pay/promotion policies.
Theoretical background of studies have been reviewed then I set up the direct effect, mediation effect, and moderating effect hypotheses. To test the hypotheses, survey method are performed. Sample of this study are the local and provincial government offices of Gwangju and South Jeolla Province and a total of 308 questionnaires were collected and analyzed.
The results are as follows. First, servant leadership was enhancing the job calling in government employees. Second, servant leadership was found to increase work engagement in government employees who showed significant increase for all three factors: vitality, dedication and absorption. Third, the job calling had a direct positive influence on work engagement. It was also found that the job calling mediates the relationship between servant leadership and work engagement.
Fourth, the perception of organizational politics did not have direct influence on the job calling. It was also not significant for both of go along to get ahead and pay/promotion policies. However, it was found that the influence of servant leadership on the job calling was partly moderate which go along to get ahead has been found to moderating impacts between servant leadership and job calling; when it was low, the positive influence of Servant leadership on job calling was found to be higher.
In addition, we more checked the direct effect of job calling and perceived organizational politics moderate between job calling and work engagement. Also used Process Macro program we more showed modrated-mediated model and mediated-moderate model. The analysis result suggests that this study has significance in that the results are presented more clearly reflecting the relationship between the key variables that can be considered important in public offices more clearly. That is considering the significance of the servant leadership, the job calling, work engagement and the perceived organizational politics, suggests it necessary for government offices should inspire the employees for change, innovation, and work engagement to fulfill their duty much better for the residents.

Keywords: Servant leadership, job calling, work engagement(vitality, dedication, absorbtion), perceived organizational politics(go along to get ahead, pay and promotion policies)
Alternative Title
The Effect of Servant Leadership on Public Official′s Job Calling and Work Engagement: Perceived Organizational Politics as A Moderator
Alternative Author(s)
Song, Yong WooK
조선대학교 경영학과
일반대학원 경영학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차


제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 7

제2장 이론적 고찰 및 선행연구 9
제1절 서번트 리더십 9
1 서번트 리더십의 개념 9
2. 서번트 리더십의 하위 구성요소 11
3. 서번트 리더십과 다른 리더십 이론과의 비교 21
4. 서번트리더십의 한국형리더십적용 : 목민심서 22
제2절 직업소명의식 25
1. 직업소명의식의 개념 25
2. 직업소명의식의 하위요인 27
3. 직업소명의식에 관한 기존 연구 29
제3절 직무열의 34
1. 직무열의의 개념 34
2. 직무요구-자원 모형 36
3. 직무열의의 선행요인과 결과 39
제4절 조직정치 지각 45
1. 조직정치의 개념 45
2. 조직정치 지각 48
3. 조직정치 지각의 선행요인 51
4. 조직정치 지각의 결과요인 54
5. 조직정치 지각의 수정모델: 조절변수 55

제3장 연구설계 58
제1절 연구모형 58
제2절 연구가설의 설정 59
1. 서번트 리더십과 직업소명의식 59
2. 서번트 리더십과 직무열의 60
3. 직업소명의식의 매개효과 62
4. 구성원의 조직정치 지각과 직업소명의식 63
5. 서번트 리더십과 직업소명의식: 조직정치 지각의 조절효과 65
제3절 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정 67
1. 서번트 리더십 67
2. 직업소명의식 67
3. 직무열의 68
4. 조직정치 지각 69
제4절 설문지의 구성 및 자료수집 방법 70
1. 설문지 구성 70
2. 연구 대상 및 자료수집 절차와 자료 분석 방법 71

제4장 연구결과 72
제1절 기초통계분석 72
제2절 측정 변수의 타당도 및 신뢰도 검증 74
1. 측정 변수의 타당도 검증 74
2. 측정 변수의 신뢰도 검증 77
3. 변수의 기술통계량과 상관관계 분석 78
제3절 연구가설 검증 80

제5장 결 론 96
제1절 연구결과 요약 및 의의 96
제2절 연구결과의 한계점 및 제언 100

참고문헌 102
설문조사서 114
조선대학교 대학원
송용욱. (2019). 서번트 리더십이 공무원의 직업소명의식과 직무열의에 미치는 영향 : 조직정치 지각의 조절효과.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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