셰익스피어 소네트의 상호텍스트성 연구

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셰익스피어의 소네트, 상호텍스트성, 다원성
셰익스피어의 작품들은 각 시대마다 대중의 취향에 맞는 공연과 영화로 각색되어져 왔으며 지리적으로는 영국과 미국을 벗어나, 보다 국제적인 제작 분위기가 형성되고 있다. 21세기에 이르러서는 현 시대의 사회적·문화적 이슈들을 반영하면서, 그의 텍스트들이 대중적 문화기법에 의해 소통의 도구로 발전하고 있다. 그런데, 셰익스피어의 희곡 작품들이 자주 각색되어 너무 익숙해진 나머지 또다시 새로운 버전으로 그의 작품을 접할 수 있는 것이 별로 남아있지 않다는 우려를 자아낼 수도 있다. 그러나 셰익스피어의 『소네트』(Sonnets)는 그의 희곡과 더불어 많은 사람들에게 널리 알려져 있는 시로서, 새로운 방식의 이미지를 탐구하는 공연매체의 제작자와 연출가에게, 소네트 154편은 다양한 영감을 주고 있다. 전체적으로 각각의 소네트에는 서로 다른 스타일을 담아내고 있는데, 이를테면 공포스러운 맥락의 어두운 주제가 있고, 거의 슬랩스틱에 가까울 정도의 코믹한 이미지도 있으며, 본능적인 느낌의 매우 관능적인 표현들도 있다. 이러한 내용은 시를 읽는 동안 강렬한 시각적 이미지에 빠져들게 하고, 영상물과 무대를 통해 서사적인 표현을 나타내게 하였다.
탈권위와 탈중심적으로 급속히 변화하고 있는 현대 사회의 문화적 환경은 문학 원전과 예술 작품에 대한 여러 의미 있는 상호텍스트적 해석과 접근을 할 만 한 가치를 부여해 준다. 셰익스피어의 소네트를 원전으로 새롭게 시도된 공연과 영화는 후대의 독자와 예술가들로 하여금 셰익스피어가 의도한 주제들이 어떻게 재현되고 변형되었는지를 구별하여 감상할 수 있게 해주고, 예술가의 코드로 옮겨진 작업을 관찰하여 소네트와 좀 더 폭넓은 문화적 상호텍스트성의 연구를 가능하게 한다.
셰익스피어 소네트가 함유하고 있는 내용과 함께 시적인 이미지들이 재창조되어 녹아들어간 공연무대와 영상매체들을 살펴봄으로써, 문학적 성과를 넘어서 시공간이 다른 문화의 장에서 펼쳐지는 소네트의 다양한 예술성과 새로운 역할을 조망하였다. 이러한 과정은 소네트와 공연·영상작품의 상호텍스트성과 문화 콘텐츠 보고(寶庫)로서의 소네트를 연구하는 과정이 될 것이며 소네트의 상호텍스트성을 파악하여 현대의 다양한 문화에 생산적인 기여를 하고 있음을 입증하는 것이다.|Shakespeare’s sonnets have had a significant influence on other genres of art for about 400 years with their themes of innocent love and bisexual attraction, but only a part of them was quoted owing to the homophile aspects implicated in the work. Also, researchers have been most interested in the real person to whom the poetry was dedicated, but could not continue more discussion in depth because the information of the poet’s biographical fact was extremely inadequate. However, the films created based on the text of these poems refer to what has been treated negligently, which elucidates the existence of intertextuality.
The second chapter aims to observe the idea of love in Shakespeare’s sonnets in the light of modern romance films. As Shakespeare argues in the poems, the real human love can come true merely by seeing the reality through the rational judgment on the contrary to the lust depending on the sense of sight or so, and the lovers should preserve youth and beauty ultimately by giving birth to their children through married life. Also, I learn another lesson that their sincere love begins when accepting what they are rather than what they are conventionally supposed to be.
The third chapter illuminates the themes of sexual initiation overlooked so far by analyzing these sonnets from a new angle and discusses that they have the value to be utilized for the educational purpose through films. Shakespeare’s sonnets have been quoted partly in the adolescent films owing to the controversy over the poet’s homosexual aspect. However, this poetry has enough educational values through the sexual initiation. For the research method, the researcher observes the continuity and initiation context of this work mostly by examining the former part of the sonnets and then discovers that these sonnets can deliver correct values about the sexual issues with their Petrarchan romance and bisexual attraction by looking into their latter part. In conclusion, it is emphasized that Shakespeare’s sonnets, as well as his plays, are to be used for the coming-of-age films more. Even the classic work of poetry must be dramatized as a movie that cultivates adolescents’ creative and critical thinking when its dramatic continuity is acknowledged, moreover available as a more helpful educational tool to teachers.
The fourth chapter aims to reconsider Shakespeare’s biographical facts related to the homophile aspect of his sonnets and present new ideas through the contents of the intertextuality of some films. As a method, I forecast new issues about this poetry and introduce current opinions of the narrator’s sexual tendency, reanalyzing them given the attributes of poetic genres and the biographical background. Next, I discuss the situations represented by the film intertextuality through the movies dramatizing and parodying the text. Conclusionally, there can be reasonable assumption regarding why the poet left home, why he did not move his family to London, whether the homosexual relationship is possible without a sexual act, whether a bisexual person’s action is antinomic, and what the inside story of emphasizing childbirth is. Moreover, this chapter diagnoses if it is possible that this poetry will be developed into an original text of film intertextuality.
The fifth chapter, as an academic attempt of fusion and complex research between humanities and social science, reveals the Star Trek TV and film series heralded the America First idea of President Trump, who inaugurated in 2017, more than 20 years before. Star Trek has become an icon representing the modern American culture rather than a mere entertaining show, having produced 6 generation TV series and 13 films for 51 years from 1966 to current 2017. Interestingly, Shakespeare’s literature affected the works of the first and second generation entirely until 1994 regarding theme and quotation, but continued decreasing and nearly disappeared in those after the third generation. The first half of the 1990s, a turning point of this situation, saw the cessation of the cold war and the full-scale development of computer science and technology leading to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Also, the zeitgeist of that time was globalism, that is, the thought that all the countries should accept the difference between each other and give priority to the world peace. However, the process of transition of the series of Star Trek did not say so. This chapter aims to discuss the organic relations between Shakespeare’s literature and Star Trek series based on The Sonnets that is characteristic of the social and ethical plurality in the light of the recent research that connects literature and social science. As a research method, firstly, I look into the contents where Shakespeare’s writing is quoted in the Star Trek series and argue that the plurality of The Sonnets corresponds to globalism by analyzing the text. Moreover, I observe the phenomenon of the gradual decrease of both the quotation of The Sonnets and globalism after exemplifying the international situation and the forerunner technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution before and after the middle of the 1990s. Besides, the conclusion expatiates and emphasizes the intertextuality, a result of the plurality of the works.
These ethics of the poet’s that he wants to distinguish love from lust are interestingly emphasized even 400 years after his days, but not covered by many scholars. This thesis is expected to contribute to finding a way to produce educational films with the help of the connectivity of the sonnets. As to the expected effect, the scholars of fusion and complex research are likely to relearn that literary works and films function as a mirror fixed to the reality of the times.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Intertextuality of Shakespeare’s Sonnets
Alternative Author(s)
Cho Yi-kyung
일반대학원 영어영문학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
I. 서론 ············································1
II. 소네트와 영상물의 상호텍스트성
1. 소네트와 영상물 ·································8
2. 상호텍스트성 원전으로서 소네트 ···············22
III. 소네트와 청소년 영상물
1. 소네트의 이니시에이션 개념······················24
2. 시트콤과 영화의 이니시에이션 맥락··············28
3. 소네트와 성장영화·································51
IV. 셰익스피어와 동성애 문화 콘텐츠
1. 소네트와 동성애 영화·····························55
2. 소네트 화자의 동성애적 경향·····················58
3. ‘논란’을 ‘암시’로 재현한 영화, 셰임>·············································70
V. 미국 SF영화, 의 셰익스피어
1. 의 변천과정과 문학적 맥락···········81
2. 에 인용된 소네트의 사회윤리성·······83
3. 소네트의 사회적 의미······························101
VI. 결론 ··········································103
【참고문헌】 ··········································109
조이경. (2018). 셰익스피어 소네트의 상호텍스트성 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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