상법상 재별개혁 입법에 관한 연구

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재벌개혁, 금산분리, 전속고발권, 집중투표제도, 전자투표제도, 주주대표소송제
The 1997 financial crisis has been triggered by the opaque governance of corporate groups and affiliates dictated by theheads and families of large conglomerates (hereinafter ‘chaebols’), and excessive economic power concentrated to the chaebols. For the majority of Korean citizens, it is remembered as a period of great painand its social ramifications still largely remain. A substantial number of large corporations and SMEs could not avoid bankruptcy, and even those who survived suffered too as they were forced into retrenchment. Within just two months since October of 1997, the Korean won depreciated by almost 70%, two thirds of total stock market capitalization evaporated, and economic growth posted -6.8%.

Hence in order to resolve these issues related to opaque corporate governance and concentration of economic power to the chaebols, various institutions such as cumulative voting and electronic voting (e-voting) were introduced under commercial law; and derivative action which only existed in letters began to be enforced. In addition, the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act (‘Fair Trade Act’), Debtor Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy Act, Asset-backed Securitization Act, Interest Limitation Act, Labor Standards Act and other related legislations underwent sweeping enactments and revisions.

As for commercial law, the revised commercial law of 1998 newly inserted articles on Shareholders’ proposal (Article 363-2), Cumulative voting (Article 382-2), Liability of Person who Instructs Another Person to Conduct Business (Article 401-2); also eased requirements for exercising minority shareholders’ rights which were previously set at 5% of total issued stocks (hereinafter shall mean total stocks excluding shares without voting rights) excluding non-voting stocks. The 1999 revision introduced articles on the Committees of Board of Directors (Article 393-2) and Audit Committee (Article 415-2).The following 2001 revision introduced ground rules to enable notification of convocation for shareholder meetings by electronic data (Article 363-1) and added articles on disposal and transfer of important properties and borrowing of large-scale assets, which are crucial for the authorities of the Board of Directors (Article 393-1).
The 2009 revision added an article on electronic voting (Article 368-4) in addition to existing cumulative voting and voting in writing, all of which aim to strengthen or facilitate the process of exercising the rights of minority shareholders.

Despite such efforts, the scandal that revealed the truth about confidantes who seized actual power and cozy relations between politics and business; which erupted in September 2016 involving Park Geun-hye and Choi Soon-sil, distinctly attests to the fact the governance of large corporate groups and their affiliates have not been ameliorated even after two decades. Many institutions have been put in place, including in commercial law as part of lessons learned from the 1997 financial crisis, brought about by the high cost, low efficiency economic structure underpinned by opaque corporate governance; however they have proven to be less effective than intended. A more serious problem is that a few remaining large corporations that have leveraged their less-than transparent governance and mighty power (economic prowess), not hesitating to resort to an expedient or even irregular means are enjoying immense economic benefits, owning assets worth more than 90% of GDP of the Korea, all of which fall squarely into the hands of chaebols.

After all, chaebol reform is an essential mission of our time in order to improve the financial balance through better corporate governance of large conglomerates and ensure a sustainable engine of economic growth for Korea. The root causes of Korean chaebols’ abuse of large corporations and affiliates as means to expand their private wealth and dominance lie in ‘opaque corporate structure’ and ‘economic monopoly of chaebols’, both of which deserve in-depth scrutiny. However this study’s scope focuses on ‘improving corporate governance’, which is the more urgent goal among other short-term objectives, from a commercial law perspective in order to attain such goal. This study pays particular attention to the cumulative voting, e-voting systems and shareholder derivative suit; why they failed to achieve the intended outcome of improving corporate governance, and finally suggests corresponding alternatives.

Before presenting a detailed analysis and proposalof a legislation bill, the first chapter of this study examines the objective and scope of research, followed by a multifaceted observation of why legislation for reforming the chaebols is needed in Korea and a range of alternatives for such reform in the short, mid and longer term. Chapter 3 is an in-depth research about the cumulative voting system under commercial law as part of short-term solutions for chaebol reform. Chapter 4 focuses on e-voting in the same vein and Chapter 5 is about shareholder derivative suit and concrete proposals for revision. Last but not least, Chapter 6 examines the aforementioned contents to derive conclusions, which are as follows.

First, the cumulative voting system under current commercial law may be exempt from application through the articles of incorporation, which is why virtually no company has adopted the system. Therefore this paper proposes that such system is made mandatory so that it cannot be exempt from the articles of incorporation or through any other means, and the targets are expanded to encompass all corporations. This arises from the fact that the companies that chaebols abuse for their personal gains are mostly non-listed companies, rather than public ones. This paper further highlights that Korea should not follow in the footsteps of Japan by stipulating policies to ensure the legal status of directors appointed through cumulative voting. In the case this system is to be avoided due to its internal limitations including the delay in the appointment of directors, this paper suggests its prohibition through a comprehensive regulation, for the autonomy and flexibility in managing a company.

Second, e-voting system is permitted through a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors. However given the nature of the e-voting system, where the will of the shareholder regarding a subject matter for a general meeting of shareholders, written or displayed as part of an item within e-voting system should directly be reflected in the voting results; its use has not been efficient. This is due tothe existence of proxy to exercise voting rights and proxy solicitation, which make it much easier for chaebols, as dominant shareholders, to make decisions for their own benefits as the proxy or delegated person may make an arbitrary decision on an item. Also, based on the fact that the deferment of repealing systems such as shadow voting has rendered e-voting less effective, this paper proposes a legislation that obligates companies to implement these systems as a basic principle.

Third, while shareholder derivative suits are currently used as means to gain advantage in suits with ulterior motives led by some civil groups or disputes on the rights of management, the requirements to take such action should be eased so that it can be established as an universal remedy for violation of shareholder rights. In the case a company intentionally takes action to deprive the shareholder of standing to sue in a shareholder derivative suit, this paper proposes a legislation that would retain the plaintiff status for those shareholders who have already filed the suit. Furthermore, introduction of multiple derivative actions is recommended to guarantee the effectiveness of such system.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Legislative Reform of Conglomerate by Commercial Act
Alternative Author(s)
Jo, Hyoung Ray
일반대학원 법학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위 4

제2장 재벌개혁의 필요성과 과제 8
제1절 재벌개혁의 필요성 8
1. 경험칙에 따른 필요성 8
2. 재벌의 경제력 독점에 따른 필요성 9
3. 시기적·사회적 필요성 13
제2절 재벌개혁의 단기적 과제 20
1. 상법 개정 20
2. 기관투자자의 주주권 행사 활성화를 위한 자본시장법 개정 21
제3절 재벌개혁의 중기적 과제 22
1. 금산분리 규율체계의 개선 22
가. 필요성 22
나. 은산분리 규제체계의 재설계 24
다. 비은행권 금산분리 규율체계의 재설계 25
2. 지주회사 제도 개선 27
3. 공정거래위원회의 전속고발권 폐지 내지 완화 29
4. 하도급거래 공정화 및 중소기업의 경쟁력 강화 30
제4절 재벌개혁의 장기적 과제 31
1. 의무공개매수 제도의 도입 및 주주총회 승인사항의 확대 31
2. 노동자 또는 소액주주 추천 사외이사의 선임 32
3. (가칭)‘대기업집단법’ 제정 33

제3장 집중투표제도 36
제1절 제도의 의의 36
1. 도입 경위 36
2. 도입 취지 37
3. 현황 39
제2절 외국의 입법례 43
1. 미국 44
2. 일본 45
3. 독일 46
4. 러시아 47
제3절 법제 개선에 대한 제안 48
1. 법제 개선의 동향 48
2. 의무화의 범위 50
3. 선임된 이사의 보호 51
4. 제도 면탈 목적의 시차선임에 대한 규제 51

제4장 전자투표제도 53
제1절 제도의 의의 53
1. 도입 경위 53
2. 도입 취지 54
3. 현황 57
제2절 외국의 입법례 62
1. 미국 62
가. 서 62
나. 전자적 방법에 의한 통지 63
다. 전자투표제도 64
(1) 운용구조 64
(2) 도입과정 65
(3) 의결권 행사 절차 66
(4) 전자투표 관리기관 67
2. 일본 68
가. 서 68
나. 전자적 방법에 의한 통지 70
다. 전자투표제도 72
(1) 운영구조 72
(2) 도입과정 73
(3) 의결권 행사절차 73
(4) 전자투표 관리기관 75
3. 독일 76
가. 서 76
나. 전자적 방법에 의한 통지 77
다. 전자투표제도 79
제3절 법제 개선에 대한 제안 80
1. 관련 논의 80
가. 서 80
나. 견해의 대립 81
다. 견해의 대립에 대한 논의 82
2. 전자투표제도의 의무화 84
가. 그림자투표제도의 폐지 84
나. 의무화의 범위 85
다. 실효성 확보를 위한 관련 입법안 86
(1) 소집통지에 관한 규정 개정 86
가) 통지방법에 관한 규정 86
나) 효력발생 시기에 관한 규정 86
(2) 의결권 중복행사의 경우에 관한 규정 87
(3) 투표내용 확인 및 철회·변경 허가규정 신설 88
3. 전자주주총회제도의 도입 89
가. 서 89
나. 종류 90
(1) 현장병행형 주주총회 90
(2) 현장대체형 주주총회 91
다. 주요쟁점 91
(1) 의무화 여부 91
(2) 정관상 근거규정 요부 92
(3) 출석의제 규정 93
(4) 신원 확인 93
(5) 의결권 행사 95

제5장 주주대표소송제도 97
제1절 제도의 의의 97
1. 도입 경위 97
가. 제정상법 98
나. 1984년 개정상법 98
다. 1998년 개정상법 99
라. 2001년 개정상법 99
마. 2011년 개정상법 99
2. 도입 취지 100
가. 기업경영의 건전성 확보 100
나. 위법행위 억제 101
다. 대리비용 절감 및 손해회복 101
3. 현황 101
가. 제일은행 주주대표소송 102
나. 삼성전자 주주대표소송 103
다. LG그룹 주주대표소송 103
제2절 외국의 입법례 104
1. 미국 104
가. 발전과정 104
나. 대표소송의 내용과 절차 105
(1) 개요 105
(2) 사전제소청구 106
(3) 특별소송위원회에 의한 판단 108
(4) 동시주식소유원칙 108
(5) 소송비용의 담보 109
다. 제도의 특성 110
2. 일본 110
가. 발전과정 110
나. 대표소송의 내용과 절차 111
(1) 개요 112
(2) 원고적격 112
(3) 대표소송의 절차 113
(4) 대표소송 판결의 효력 115
다. 제도의 특성 116
3. 독일 116
가. 발전과정 116
나. 2005년 개정주식법의 내용과 절차 118
(1) 개요 118
(2) 회사에 대한 손해배상청구권의 행사 요구 119
(3) 법원에 대한 제소허가절차 119
(4) 주주에 의한 소송절차 120
(5) 비용의 부담 121
다. 제도의 특성 121
제3절 법제 개선에 대한 제안 122
1. 제소요건의 완화 122
2. 원고에게 인용금액 일부에 대한 청구권 인정 124
3. 실질주주에 대한 원고적격 인정 125
4. 다중대표소송제도의 도입 128
가. 제도의 의의 128
나. 도입에 관한 논의 128
다. 주요쟁점 130
(1) 인정범위 131
(2) 제소자격 133
(3) 회계장부열람권 136

제6장 결론 138

참고문헌 141
조선대학교 대학원
조형래. (2017). 상법상 재별개혁 입법에 관한 연구.
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