페로니켈슬래그(FNS) 미분말을 활용한 그라우트재 연구
- Author(s)
- 박일훈
- Issued Date
- 2017
- Abstract
- The main raw material of stainless steel is called ferronickel slag, an eco-friendly resource with more than 1 million tons of emissions per year and excellent physical and chemical properties. It is a natural resource substitute for concrete aggregate, foundry sand, abrasive, and contributes to resource and environmental conservation. In Japan, New Caledonia and other advanced countries, ferronickel slag (FNS) has already been used in a variety of ways. However, in Korea, it can be recycled as fine aggregate for concrete but its utilization rate is insufficient. As a result, only 10% of the total amount of the total fraction is abandoned and landfill. Recently, the environmental pollution of the FNS buried has been controversial. There is still a problem with the treatment of FNS.
To combat the current issue of dwindling resources and rising costs in construction materials, the use of FNS micropowder which is derived from waste arising, is being used for construction as well as ground amelioration. In this study, cutoff effect is confirmed from the mechanical characteristic of mixed cement paste with FNS micropowder and analysis of Gel-time. Land reclamation, environmental assessment of ground water and gushout water, soil pollution are performed to estimate the possibility of using in the field as an FNS grout material, concerning landfill. In the consequence of uniaxial compression experiment, strength has declined about 85%∼92% contrasted with 100% of cement strength when it is mixed with 10% of FNS micropowder instead of using cement. The optimal replacement ratio of FNS micropowder is 10% since there is large range of diminution strength when the proportion goes over 10% . From the result of constant head permeability test, it has found that the specimen, mixed with 40% of FNS micropowder, shows cutoff effect over than 20 times comparing with the specimen that has not been mixed with FNS micropowder. So, it is more suitable grout material for the ground that needs cutoff than strength enhancement. Furthermore, as a consequence of estimation in the affection of FNS to surrounding environment, detected harmful metals are all in 1 district tolerance range of concern level. It confirms that the heavy-metal contamination from FNS gushout was insignificant.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on grouting Material using Ferronickel Slag (FNS) Powder
- Alternative Author(s)
- Park Ile Hoon
- Department
- 일반대학원 토목공학과
- Advisor
- 김대현
- Awarded Date
- 2017-08
- Table Of Contents
- 목 차
제 1 장 서론 1
1.1 연구배경과 목적 1
1.2 연구 동향 3
1.2.1 국내 연구동향 5
1.2.2 국외 연구동향 8
1.3 연구 내용 10
제 2 장 FNS의 공학적 특성 평가 11
2.1 FNS의 일반적 특성 11
2.1.1 화학성분 11
2.1.2 물리적 특성 12
2.2 FNS의 기본 물성 평가 14
2.2.1 입도분석실험 14
2.2.2 비중실험 15
2.2.3 액·소성 한계실험 16
2.2.4 상대밀도실험 17
2.2.5 다짐실험 17
2.2.6 FNS 물성실험의 종합결론 18
2.3 FNS의 역학적 특성 평가 19
2.3.1 직접전단실험 19
2.3.2 투수실험 22
제 3 장 실내실험 및 분석 24
3.1 그라우트재의 겔타임(Gel-time) 측정 24
3.1.1 겔타임(Gel-time) 측정을 위한 배합비 24
3.1.2 겔타임(Gel-time) 공시체 제작과정 25
3.2 그라우트재의 일축압축강도실험 26
3.2.1 호모겔(Homogel) 일축압축강도를 측정하기 위한 배합비 26
3.2.2 호모겔(Homogel) 공시체 제작 27
3.3 배합비에 따른 겔타임(Gel-time) 분석 28
3.3.1 규산소다 3호에 따른 겔타임(Gel-time) 분석 28
3.3.2 겔타임(Gel-time) 종합 분석 33
3.4 배합비에 따른 일축압축강도 분석 35
3.5 그라우트재의 투수실험 46
3.5.1 투수실험을 위한 배합비 46
3.5.2 투수실험 결과 48
제 4 장 FNS의 환경성 평가 50
4.1 실내실험을 통한 FNS의 환경성 평가 50
4.2 강우조건 51
4.3 FNS 환경성 평가를 위한 실내실험 조건 52
4.3.1 실험 시료의 물리적 특성 52
4.3.2 소형 모형토조 실내실험 54
4.3.3 대형 모형토조 실내실험 57
4.4 FNS 환경성 평가결과 61
4.4.1 용출수 pH 분석결과 61
4.4.2 모형토조의 토양오염 분석결과 68
4.5 토양오염 분석을 위한 전자현미경 방법 및 결과 79
4.5.1 실험장비 79
4.5.2 SEM 분석결과 81
4.5.3 EDX 분석결과 85
4.5.4 XRD 분석결과 90
4.6 어독성 실험 92
4.6.1 어독성 실험의 개요 92
4.6.2 어독성 실험방법 92
4.6.3 어독성 실험결과 97
제 5 장 결론 99
참고문헌 101
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 박일훈. (2017). 페로니켈슬래그(FNS) 미분말을 활용한 그라우트재 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/13338
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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- Embargo2017-08-25
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