상법상 다중대표소송제도의 도입에 관한 연구

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Because of the Park Geun-hye and Choi Soon-sil gate, the voice of the Chaebol reforms were increased, one such example is the introduction of a Multiple Derivative Suits.
Before the confirming the Multiple Derivative Suits, see the Shareholder Derivative Suits, the current Shareholder Derivative Suits under the commercial law has the limitations in our business group. This leads to the necessity of Multiple Derivative Suits due to problems of the circular fund structure, securing of responsibility for management of directors, strengthening of holding company, review of the transparency of management structure and the gap between real-ownership and management.
The multiple derivative suits mean a lawsuit for the calling to account to the directors of the subsidiary company who did illegal act on behalf of the subsidiary company. Through such measures, the shareholders can recover the losses, and pursuing the private interests of the controlling shareholder controlling the subsidiary management. Like this, it is the restraint device. Following the specificity of the Korean corporate structure, the multiple derivative suits can be applied to both circular shareholding and holding company, also it can be the measure to protect minority shareholders. However, still there are pros and cons theory about the multiple derivative suits, I standing for the pros. About the legal theory, there are co-domination, compensation and restraint, denial of corporation, limited recognition, and trust relationship theory. Etc.
About the multiple derivative suits, major foreign countries can confirm by written law or legal precedent. The United States has been recognized in legal precedents for more than a century, and the starting point is Brown v. Tenney judgment. Japan has been in force since April 2015, and lawsuits are permitted only in relationship of complete Mother and Son Company. Britain and France have not been legislated, but they have been granted the multiple derivative suits by legal precedent. Hong Kong has allowed the multiple derivative suits from 2014 to today, Germany is allowed by starting the ITT case. In Canada and New Zealand, about the multiple derivative suits, the law court decide the permission of the sue with the similar case. There is a need to provide a rational solution that matches the structure of the domestic enterprise by referring to foreign legislation.
In Korea, about the multiple derivative suits in 2003, the Supreme Court in 2004 over the ruling this and finally it was stopped. However, the revision of the Ministry of Justice in 2013 and the revision of the National Assembly by 2016 and until now have been submitted to the National Assembly including the details of the multiple derivative suits. Therefore, we made comparisons and analyze of submitted amendments and made in-depth confirmation of the actual legislation such as the standing to sue, defendant, procedure of litigation, and effect of judgment.
However, if multiple derivative suits are introduced based on recent statistical studies, about the scope of the company with the standing to sue, based on data from the Fair Trade Commission's corporate stake in 2016, the statistics on the number of companies classified as 100%, 50%, and 30% are quantified. In addition, the following comments are made on the outbreak of lawsuits that are the most worrisome among the opposing opinions of the multiple derivative suits. And about the minority shareholder right, refers to the sole shareholder rights of the United States and adopt this, so it can set the holding period and the standard of the stock. It is a method to prove malice of plaintiff by defendant director with apply the shareholder derivative suits through provision of security and give the regular security to plaintiff shareholders, and give the defense right to defendant director. The acceptance of the retrial is the opinion that the retrial of the multiple derivative suits is needed by interest between company and director. And next, it is the opinion that applying the principles of management judgment, even if a company suffers a loss, if the judgment of the director satisfies the sincerity and rationality, set the limit of the director's responsibility and assists the manager in exercising the ability. Finally, it is correct to support the multiple derivative suits by securing the independence of the management by the introduction of special litigation committee.
Legislation of the multiple derivative suits is the system of the corporate structure and minority shareholder, so about its application, the practical and potential application in application is needed. The contents of this legislation will protect the interests of the subsidiary shareholders and further damage to the parent company and it will be a good way to transparency of the management of the directors and restoration of the enterprise.
Alternative Title
A Study on the adoption of Multiple Derivative Action on korean commercial Act
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Hyung-Ho
일반대학원 법학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 3
제2장 다중대표소송의 일반적 고찰 6
제1절 주주대표소송의 의의와 한계 6
1. 주주대표소송의 의의 6
2. 주주대표소송의 한계 9
제2절 다중대표소송의 의의 12
1. 다중대표소송의 필요성 12
2. 다중대표소송의 개념 19
3. 다중대표소송에 대한 찬성과 반대이론 20
4. 다중대표소송의 국내 판례 24
제3절 다중대표소송의 법리 27
1. 공동지배이론 27
2. 보상·억제이론 28
3. 법인격부인이론 30
4. 제한적인정이론 31
5. 신임관계이론 32
제3장 다중대표소송의 비교법적 논의 34
제1절 미국 34
1. 다중대표소송의 의의 및 요건 35
2. 입법상의 다중대표소송 37
3. 판례 40
제2절 일본 43
1. 독점금지법의 등장 43
2. 다중대표소송제도의 도입과 핵심내용 45
3. 찬성·반대이론 50
제3절 그 외 국가 55
1. 영국 55
2. 프랑스 57
3. 홍콩 59
4. 독일 60
5. 캐나다 62
6. 뉴질랜드 64
제4장 다중대표소송의 입법화 방안 66
제1절 최근 상법개정안의 개요 66
1. 법무부 2013년 상법개정안 66
2. 2016년 김종인의원·채이배의원 대표발의 안 비교 69
3. 2016년 9월 2일 상법 일부개정법률안 (노회찬의원 대표발의) 70
4. 2016년 11월·2017년 2월 상법 일부개정안 74
제2절 당사자적격 76
1. 원고적격 76
2. 피고적격 79
제3절 소송절차 80
1, 제소 전 절차 80
2, 관할법원 및 소의 제기 83
3. 소송의 참가 및 소송고지 83
4. 소송의 취하, 청구포기·화해 등의 금지 87
제4절 판결의 효력 88
1, 원고 승소 88
2. 원고 패소 90
제5절 회사의 인정범위 90
1. 인정범위에 관한 종래의 견해 91
2. 인정범위에 관한 통계분석 94
3. 잠재적 지배·종속회사와 실질적 지배·종속회사에 대해 인정 103
제6절 남소방지 방안 105
1. 담보의 제공 105
2. 소수주주권 106
3. 재심의 허용 107
4. 경영판단의 원칙 및 특별소송위원회 도입 108
제5장 결 론 110
참고문헌 113
김형호. (2017). 상법상 다중대표소송제도의 도입에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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