한미동맹의 진화요인 분석과 발전방향에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Evolutionary Factors of the Korea-US Alliance
and its Development Direction Forcing on military tasks

Lee jooeun
Advisor : Prof. Kim Jaechul ph.D.
Departmant of Military Science
Graduate School of Chosun University

There is no doubt about the importance of the ROK-US alliance since it has contributed decisively to the Korean peninsula since the Korean War. In addition, South Korea has effectively prepared against North Korea's threats through its alliance with the United States, and has been able to achieve dramatic progress in such fields as politics, military, and economy.
The basis of the ROK-US alliance lies in the ROK-US Mutual Defense Treaty, which was first signed in Washington, DC on October 1, 1953, after the Korean War, and ratified by both Korean and US Parliaments and entered into force on November 18, 1954. However, as can be seen in the history of the alliance, the life span of the alliance can not be flasting. In the meantime, the ROK-US alliance has repeatedly maintained cooperation and conflicts due to internal and external factors. In particular, South Korea is causing policy confusion and South-South conflict due to the limited autonomy of North Korea policy in asymmetric alliances. In order to develop the ROK-US alliance, we applied the strengthening and inhibiting factors of Walt's evolution theory and analyzed the evolutionary factors of the ROK-US alliance based on the cooperation and conflicts of the past and the recent US alliance. The analysis revealed that the strengthening factors were the hegemonic leadership of the United States, which consistently pursued an alliance maintenance policy for peace and stability in Northeast Asia and the Korean Peninsula. It can also be seen as an institutionalization of the alliance, including the hosting of the SCM to strengthen the military alliance between the ROK and the US, the establishment of the ROK-US Combined Forces Command, and the regularization of ROK-US combined training (UFG, RSOI / FE, etc.). The impeding factor was the difference in the recognition of the threat between North and South Korea as a thorough asymmetric alliance. In other words, it can not be denied that changes in perceptions and circumstances within the United States have been a decisive factor in North Korea's policy. Therefore, Korea needs to develop the ROK-US alliance in the direction of self-reliance and practicality, focusing on the military issues that can overcome impediments and constantly develop strengthening factors.
the development direction of the US-ROK Alliance should first redefine the role of self-defense and the ROK-US alliance. In the future, the ROK armed forces should shift their wartime operational control over US forces, while at the same time, strengthening their ability to perform their own warfare and ROK-US combined operations. The wartime operational control should have the capability of military superiority against North Korea's nuclear and missile threats prior to its transition, and the US military should be able to support it within the combined command system of the DPRK and the US. . In particular, the change of strategic flexibility, the national strategy of the United States, must be demanded in order to maintain peace in Northeast Asia.
It is necessary to establish a military strategy focused on North Korea 's nuclear threat preparation and ground operations by analyzing the changes in military and security environment in Korea and the United States after the post - Cold War.
The most important task is to strengthen the ROK-US combined operation system by constructing an efficient single command system that can be led by Korea when the wartime operational control is transferred. Therefore, it would be appropriate to add an integrated military command under the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff when reorganizing the upper command structure of Korea, and to direct the operational forces of the USFK, including the ROKAF operations forces.
The next step is to establish a system of military response to North Korea's nuclear threat. To this end, Korea-US information sharing and preemptive strike capability should be secured. The concept of operational information should be developed as the concept of target acquisition for preemptive strike and utilization of human information assets including current video and signal information should be actively reviewed.
North Korea 's threats have evolved from conventional threats to nuclear threats, and it must be recognized that Kim Jong Un' s regime will never abandon nuclear development to survive. In addition, in order to maintain peace on the Korean peninsula and develop into an advanced power, Korea should continuously develop the ROK-US alliance and seek balanced development with China.
Next, we should seek military security cooperation for the balanced development of the ROK-US alliance and the ROK-China relationship. Korea and China have established diplomatic ties in 1992, and since 2008, they have continued strategic cooperation partnership. In the meantime, the two countries have actively promoted exchanges in the economic and cultural fields with the signing of the Korea-China FTA (2015). However, the field of security cooperation has been underdeveloped due to the personal exchange between military personnel in the ministerial level. If the hegemonic rivalry between the US and China becomes visible, the scope of action in the political and military sectors should be restricted to North Korea's threat of nuclear threat.
Finally, the domestic conflict factors of the ROK-US alliance must be properly managed. To this end, anti-American sentiment and internal conflict should be resolved. Therefore, the autonomy of Korea should be expanded through the continuous and fundamental improvement of the SOFA agreement.
For peacekeeping and stability on the Korean Peninsula, neither the US nor China should be neglected, considering that both hold the key to resolution. Korea should maintain a virtuous circle of ROK-US alliance and North-South relations.

Key Word : ROK-US Alliance, ROK-China Cooperation, Comprehensive Strategic Alliance, Evolutionary Factors, North Korea Nuclear Threat, Threat Recognition
Alternative Title
A Study on the Evolutionary Factors of the Korea-US Alliance and its Development Direction : Forcing on military tasks
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Joo Eun
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 군사학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차
표목차, 그림목차

제1장 서 론········································································ 1
제1절 연구의 목적··························································· 1
제2절 연구의 방법 및 범위··············································· 3
1. 연구의 방법····························································· 3
2. 연구의 범위······························································ 4
제3절 기존연구의 검토······················································ 6

제2장 이론적 배경····························································· 11
제1절 동맹의 개념························································· 11
1. 국가안보와 동맹······················································ 11
2. 세력균형의 실효성과 동맹········································· 14
제2절 동맹의 유형과 딜레마··········································· 16
1. 동맹의 유형····························································· 16
2. 동맹의 딜레마·························································· 18
제3절 동맹의 진화요인···················································· 21
1. 동맹의 강화요인······················································· 22
2. 동맹의 저해요인······················································· 23
제4절 분석의 틀···························································· 27

제3장 한미동맹의 협력과 갈등······································ 29
제1절 한미동맹의 형성················································· 29
1. 6·25전쟁과 한미상호방위조약 ·································· 29
2. 월남전 파병과 동맹의 자율성 확대···························· 32
3. 북한의 무력도발과 한·미 군사체제 강화····················· 33
제2절 한미동맹의 갈등·················································· 36
1. 데탕트시기 주한미군철수와 자주국방··························· 36
2. 신군부의 등장과 반미현상 확산 ······························· 38
3. 문민정부의 탄생과 북핵위기 고조····························· 41
4. 진보적 정부의 등장과 남·북 교류협력 강화····················· 43
제3절 한미동맹의 강화················································· 51
1. 포괄적 전략동맹과 한미 FTA································· 51
2. 아시아 재균형 전략과 남북관계 경색························· 55
제4절 소결론······························································ 61

제4장 한미동맹의 진화요인 분석·································· 64
제1절 한미동맹의 강화요인·········································· 64
1. 미국의 패권적 리더십············································· 64
2. 한·미간 신뢰성 유지··············································· 72
3. 국내 정치의 영향··················································· 78
4. 동맹의 제도화··················································· 80
제2절 한미동맹의 저해요인············································ 86
1. 미국 내의 인식 및 상황변화······································ 86
2. 한중관계의 변화······················································ 110
3. 한미동맹에 대한 신뢰성 감소 ······························ 115
4. 미일동맹의 전략적 가치 증가 ······························ 120
제3절 소결론······························································ 122

제5장 한미군사동맹의 발전방향······································ 127
제1절 자주국방과 한미동맹 역할 재정립 ······················ 127
1. 전시작전통제권의 한국군 전환추진···························· 127
2. 한국의 독자적 전쟁수행능력 구비···························· 131
3. 한미 연합작전 수행체계 강화······························· 136
제2절 북핵 위협에 대한 군사적 공동대응체계 구축·········· 139
1. 한·미간 정보공유 및 선제타격능력 확보···················· 139
2. 미사일 방어능력 향상············································ 145
3. 핵 확장억제 실효성 보장········································ 151
제3절 한미동맹과 한중관계의 균형발전······················· 153
1. 한미동맹과 한중협력 관계의 범주 설정·················· 153
2. 한·중간 안보협력관계 발전·········································· 156
3. 동북아 차원의 다자협력 강화···································· 159
제4절 한미동맹의 국내 갈등요인 관리······················ 163
1. 반미감정과 남남갈등 해소······································ 163
2. 방위비 분담문제····················································· 166
3. 한미동맹과 남북관계의 선 순환관계 유지··········· 168

제6장 결 론······································································ 171

참고문헌············································································ 175
조선대학교 대학원
이주은. (2016). 한미동맹의 진화요인 분석과 발전방향에 관한 연구.
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