한국 성인의 비만스트레스 검사지 개발

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비만스트레스", "비만", "스트레스", 검사지, 개발

Development of Obesity Stress Test for Korean Adults

Lee, Hyun-Jung
Advisor : Prof. Seo, Young-Hwan, Ph.D.
Departmant of Physical Education,
Graduate School of Chosun University

This study starts with the purpose of developing of the test, possible to verify in a common method, which is related with obesity stress. That is, this study intended to develop a test with the general contents, related to obesity stress that everybody may go through, and leaded to the conclusion as followings through the following serious course.
The obesity stress test of Korean adults was classified with the four subsidiary factors such as ‘surrounding awareness and burden’,‘self-cognition and behavioral change’,‘sickness concern and worry, and passive behavioral emotion’ etc.
First, the factor,‘surrounding awareness and burden’, was composed of 13 test such as ‘because I think that need diet for my appearance...’,‘because I got fat and my body is not suitable to fitness...’,‘because I think to be fat when I have a picture taken..., ‘because I am on my mind when I go shopping for clothes...’,‘when I am on my mind about the other person's vision because I can not conduct self-administer...’,‘when the cloth of the usual size doesn't fit me...’, ‘because I am anxious if the others may see my skin...’‘when I hear from surroundings that I got fat...’,‘because I am anxious if I may be fat as I get older...’,‘because I am depressed when I look at my appearance on mirrors or show window...’,‘because I am depressed when I compare myself with entertainers or slender people...’,‘because I have difficulties in moving due to so big belly as to be detestable...’, and ‘because I got fat and don't like physical check up and exercise time...’.
Second, the fact, ‘self-cognition and behavioral change’ was composed of 11 test such as ‘I can not focus on my business due to the thoughts of my weight...’, ‘because I am afraid of passing narrow place and because I think that Io make a place narrow...’,‘because my temper is getting more violent gradually...’,‘because in the past, I thought of suicide due to body shape (fatness)...’,‘because I feel to vomit after having foods...’, ‘because I want to make friends with an opposite sex, but am afraid that the opposite sex may dislike me...’,‘when I feel guilty and detestable severely after overeating...’,‘because I think that I spoil my life due to my appearance...’,‘because I spend much time in thinking of my appearance...’,‘because I check up my weight on the scale frequently...’, and ‘because I am hesitant and have sense of shame due to body fitness...’.
Third, the factor, ‘sickness concern and worry’ was composed of four questions such as ‘because excessive weight is loaded and pain is brought about on the waist, knee...’,‘because I am afraid of metabolism syndromes such as a variety of sicknesses...’,‘because I feel my body condition gets bad due to a little increase in weight...’, and ‘because I am out of breath though I waggle a little and am afraid of respiratory system sickness...’.
Fourth, the factor, ‘passive behavioral emotion’ was composed of five questions such as ‘because I am always tainted with sense of defeat including anger-control disorder, bipolar disorder etc...’,‘because I am passive in social activity and human relation due to appearance...’, ‘because of feeling of pressure for improvement of obesity’, ‘because I have a less self-effectiveness like abandonment of allocated duties...’, and ‘because I can not take in foods easefully...’.
In conclusion, the stress of the Koreans was related to the others, themselves, sickness, and the things in the physical mental level. They are the traits found from everybody concerned about obesity living everywhere, irrespective of the East and the West. But, the point worthy of close attention is that the first factor,‘surrounding awareness and burden’, is embossed. It is one of the archetypal traits of the Koreans who lay emphases on group culture, common as ‘community recognition’, and excessive consideration and recognition on the others.
That is, the Korean's obesity stress is based on the archety latent in our culture. They recognize the stress excessively by comparing with others through their stresses. So through the various successive study including this one, it is necessary to approach to obesity stress in a multiple level and in an alternative way by recognizing excessiveness as a social problem.
Alternative Title
Development of Obesity Stress Test for Korean Adults
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Hyun Jung
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 체육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

I. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 5
3. 연구의 가설 5
4. 연구의 제한점 5
5. 용어의 정의 6
1) 비만 6
2) 스트레스 6
3) 비만스트레스 6

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 7
1. 비만 7
1) 비만의 개념 7
2) 비만의 원인과 종류 8
3) 우리나라의 비만현황 10
4) 비만의 진단법과 표준체중 산출법 13
2. 스트레스 14
1) 스트레스 14
2) 현대사회와 스트레스 17
3. 비만스트레스 18
4. 선행연구 고찰 20
1) 비만스트레스 관련 선행연구 20
2) 비만스트레스 검사지 관련 선행연구 25

Ⅲ. 연구방법 27
1. 연구대상 및 표집 27
2. 연구절차 28
3. 자료처리 29

Ⅳ. 연구결과 31
1. 한국 성인의 비만스트레스 검사지 문항에 대한 예비문항 개발 31
1) 예비문항 추출 31
2) 문항의 적절성평정 및 내용타당도출 39
2. 한국 성인의 비만스트레스 검사지 문항에 대한 기술 통계분석 42
3. 한국 성인의 비만스트레스 검사지 문항의 탐색적 요인분석 44
1) 1차 탐색적 요인분석 44
2) 2차 탐색적 요인분석 47
3) 3차 탐색적 요인분석 48
4) 4차 탐색적 요인분석 50
5) 5차 탐색적 요인분석 52
4. 한국 성인의 비만스트레스 검사지 하위요인 간의 상관분석 55
5. 한국 성인의 비만스트레스 검사지 개발 문항의 확인적 요인분석 56
6. 한국 성인의 비만스트레스 검사지에 대한 설문화 61

Ⅴ. 논 의 63
1. 주변의식 및 부담 63
2. 자기인식 및 행동변화 64
3. 질병우려 및 걱정 65
4. 소극적 행동정서 67

Ⅵ. 결 론 70

참고문헌 72

부 록 1 82
부 록 2 85
조선대학교 대학원
이현정. (2016). 한국 성인의 비만스트레스 검사지 개발.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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