지역문화 향유활동과 등질권역의 연관관계 연구

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문화향유활동, 등질권역 특성
In the modern societies that deepen their variety and complexity, central government divides cultural areas according to the specificities of each region and carries out tailor-made cultural policies based on the environment of each region. However, due to the fact that a serial investigation related to cultural policies cannot reflect the characteristics related to the gaps between different regional environments, an efficient policy cannot be completed.
This is why this research, by comparing the conditions of cultural accessibility according to different units such as vast regions and those of smaller homogeneous vital spaces with core communities, examines a spectrum of differences and seeks to explain the physical, social and human characteristics of specific districts(洞), that is to say, a small administrative unit correlated to the characteristics of each space and the conditions of cultural accessibility.
In order to achieve this aim, by assessing archive documents linked to research on conditions of cultural accessibility and the lower estate market, we have tried to extract the main cause of distinction and analyze its correlations. Above all, an attempt is made at concretely examining the differences between the core community and the homogeneous space linked to the characteristics of the homogeneous estate space.
The results reflecting the conditions of cultural accessibility according to either vast regional areas or a homogeneous space with core communities show significant gaps. Moreover, results vary according to various parameters in the economic and social environment of this region since results of a broad unit like a region cannot reflect the characteristics of each core community and homogeneous space. Subsequently, this research suggests that in order to enhance overall regional cultural policies, one should seek to consider and harmonize the characteristics of administrative units with core communities and homogeneous spaces.
Alternative Title
A Study on the relationship between homogeneous area and local culture activities : Focusing on homogeneous area of Gwangju Metropolitan City
Alternative Author(s)
Park Se Hee
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 문화학과
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Table Of Contents
목 차

1장 서론 ················································································1
1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 ·······················································1
1. 연구배경 ········································································1
2. 연구목적 ········································································3

2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 ·······················································5

2장 이론적 배경 ····································································7
1절 지역문화지표와 문화향유 실태···········································7
1. 지역문화 지표 ································································· 7
2. 지역문화 지수실태······························································9
3. 지역문화 향유실태·····························································11

2절 생활권 변화와 등질 권역의 구분 ······································13
1. 생활권 변화 및 관련 정책의 변화········································13
2. 등질적 측면의 지역 특성····················································14

3장 연구의 설계 ···································································25
1절 연구 모형 ·····································································25
1. 연구모형의 설계································································25
2. 연구설계의 한계 ······························································31

4장 분석 결과 ·····································································33
1절 요인 분석 ·····································································33
1. 문화향유 조사 요인 ··························································33
2. 생활권 등질 권역 요인·······················································34
3. 실증분석 결과에 따른 요인 추출··········································36

2절 2014년도 광주광역시 문화 향유 실태 실증 분석···················37
1. 예술행사 관람 및 관람 실태················································37
2. 예술행사 매체 이용 실태 및 참여 활동·································40
3. 문화예술 공간이용 실태 및 방문의향····································43
4. 문화관련 활동 ··································································44

3절 2016년도 광주광역시 문화 향유 실태 실증 분석···················47
1. 예술행사 관람 및 관람 실태················································48
2. 예술행사 매체 이용 실태 및 참여 활동·································58
3. 문화예술 공간이용 실태 및 방문의향····································66
4. 문화관련 활동 ··································································72

4절 2016년도 광주광역시 문화 향유 실태(등질 권역별) 실증 분석·········74
1. 예술행사 관람 및 관람 실태················································74
2. 예술행사 매체 이용 실태 및 참여 활동·································86
3. 문화예술 공간이용 실태 및 방문의향····································93
4. 문화관련 활동 ·································································100

5절 소결 ············································································102
1. 분석결과 요약 ·································································102
2. 정책적 시사점 ·································································108

5장 결론 ·············································································110

조선대학교 대학원
박세희. (2016). 지역문화 향유활동과 등질권역의 연관관계 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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