전기화학적 임피던스 분석을 통한 유기 도장된 자동차 부품의 부식 거동에 관한 연구
- Author(s)
- 박중현
- Issued Date
- 2016
- Abstract
- Automotive chassis parts are susceptible to corrosion due to external physical impact and chemical effects from contaminants. Therefore, it is required to evaluate the degree of corrosion and corrosion resistance of the parts. In this study, corrosion characteristics of organic painted chassis components from a passenger car that has been driving in North America for five years were examined. The degree of corrosion of each components was evaluated by visual inspection and thickness measurement. The phase of corrosion products and the cross-section structure of corroded samples were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. The electrochemical properties were measured by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).
It was found from visual inspection that the press, fuel/brake, brake disc, fuel tank/band and other parts except suspension parts were severely corroded and the organic coating on them are totally peeled off.
Metal thickness measurement showed that the metal loss of the press parts was the largest, that of the suspension parts was the least among the samples used in this study.
α-FeO(OH), β-FeO(OH), γ-FeO(OH), Fe3O4, and SiO2 compounds were detected from the XRD pattern of corrosion products. Most of the oxide and the oxyhydroxides of iron were mixed on the surface of corrosion samples. SiO2 was found in some corrosion products especially on the rear parts, possibly originated from the sand on the road.
Based on the SEM cross section observation, the layered structure of the cross-section were classified into four groups; C/O/M group that has a continuous coating layer over corrosion products, O/M group with corrosion product layer only on the metal, C+O/M group that has a mixed layer of corrosion products and coating, C/cr/O/M group with clear delamination of coating over corrosion product layer.
Many of suspension, disc cover parts showed the C/O/M structure, while subframe and disc parts mostly belong to the O/M group.
The total resistance (Rp + Rct) was 3.28 ∼ 1521 Ω-cm2, meaning 9.92 10-6 ∼ 4.60 10-3 mm/year of corrosion rate. The O/M group showed the lowest resistance and highest corrosion rate, while the C/O/M group showed the highest corrosion resistance.
Delamination area () of the O/M group was 0.0063 ∼ 0.8190, delamination area () of the C/O/M group was 0.0218 ∼ 0.5032.
Therefore, the more corrosive parts appear the more severe the cracking of the corrosion products and peeled off the organic coating at corrosive cross-section.
The lower the resistance (Rp) or the total resistance (Rp + Rct) of the coating obtained from the electrochemical impedance, the higher the corrosion grade and the lower the corrosion resistance. Also, the delamination area was high.
- Alternative Title
- Study on the corrosion behavior of the organic coated automotive parts by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
- Alternative Author(s)
- Park, Jung Hyun
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 일반대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 첨단소재공학과
- Advisor
- 장희진
- Awarded Date
- 2017-02
- Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서 론 1
제 2 장 이론적 배경 3
제 1 절 자동차의 구조 및 부식 3
1. 자동차의 구조 3
2. 자동차에서 발생하는 부식 유형 5
2-1. 균일부식(uniform corrosion) 5
2-2. 갈바닉부식(galvanic corrosion) 7
2-3. 틈부식(crevice corrosion) 9
2-4. 입계부식(intergranular corrosion) 11
2-5. 응력부식균열(stress corrosion cracking) 13
제 2 절 일반 강판의 부식 메커니즘 15
1. 철의 부식 15
제 3 절 유기 도장 강판의 부식 메커니즘 17
1. 수분 접착(Wet adhesion) / 블리스터(Blister) 17
2. 음극 박리(Cathodic delamination) 및 기계적 박리(Mechanical delamination) 18
제 4 절 교류 임피던스에 대한 이론 21
1. 교류 임피던스의 기초 21
2. 교류 임피던스의 이론 22
3. 유기 도장의 등가회로 29
3-1. 유기 도장 캐패시턴스(Coating capacitance(Cc)) 29
3-2. 유기 도장의 저항(Coating resistance(Rp)) 30
3-3. 전해질의 저항(Solution resistance(Rs)) 30
3-4. 유기 도장과 금속 계면에서의 전기 이중층 캐패시턴스(Double layer capacitance(Cdl)) 30
3-5. 유기 도장의 저항(Coating resistance(Rp)) 및 유기 도장과 금속 계면에서 의 전하 이동 저항(Charge transfer resistance(Rct)) 31
4. 부식계의 등가회로 33
5. 교류 임피던스 측정 결과 도시 방법 35
제 3 장 실험방법 40
제 1 절 시편 준비 40
제 2 절 육안 검사 51
제 3 절 금속 두께 측정 52
제 4 절 X-선 회절 시험 52
제 5 절 SEM 단면 분석 52
제 6 절 임피던스 분광 시험 54
제 4 장 연구 결과 및 고찰 58
제 1 절 육안 검사 58
제 2 절 금속 두께 측정 65
제 3 절 X-선 회절 시험 68
제 4 절 SEM 단면 분석 73
제 5 절 임피던스 분광 시험 85
제 5 장 결 론 114
참 고 문 헌 116
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 일반대학원
- Citation
- 박중현. (2016). 전기화학적 임피던스 분석을 통한 유기 도장된 자동차 부품의 부식 거동에 관한 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/13176
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- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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