성인의 멘토 체험에 관한 현상학적 연구- 위기청소년 멘토를 중심으로

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The Phenomenological Study on the Adult’s Experience of the Mentor
-The focus on the mentor for the Adolescent at Risk-

Park, Byung-Hoon
Advisor : Prof. Lee, Min-Chang Ph.D.
Department of Social Welfare
Graduate School of Chosun Unniversity

The study is to provide the theory and implementation of the mentoring program for youth at risk by identifying the meaning, change and growth process of the adult’s experience of the mentor in participating the mentoring program.
To this end, this study have been done to use the phenomenological research method. This phenomenological research method, which is one way to do the qualitative research, describes the meaning of a individual’s lived experience about the concept and phenomenon. Especially, it used the Giorgi’s phenomenological research method which explain the participant’s distinct experience and integrate the participant’s lived experience to the general, structural statement.
A researcher selected the participants who is good at expressing the qualities typical of mentor’s lived experience based on the principle of appropriateness and sufficiency which was important in the phenomenological research method. The participants were 7 who have been mentor’s activity for youth in crisis more than 5 years on average, particularly in their midst participant has been mentor’s activity for 16 years. It carried the 5 to 10 in-depth Interview and further interview by consent of participants. As a result, it collected the data in the saturated research phenomenon.
To summarize the meaning, change and growth process of the adult’s experience of the mentor in participating the mentoring program as follows.
First, the mentors was interested in the adolescent already before participating the mentoring program. It has identified with that the mentors has the interest about the adolescent. Because they had the motivation to actualize the value of other’s well-being and welfare, the desire to investigate the cause and solution of problem among adolescents, the positive expectation of the volunteer’s activity and the sense of duty for the healthy growth of the future generation.
Second, the mentors studied the counseling theory and practice and the adolescents in advance before participating the mentoring program, and have the motivation to apply their knowledge to the clinical setting before participating the mentoring program. Also, They realized the importance of the mentoring program as a solution of juvenile problems, and has participated in the mentoring program as part of continuing effort to solve the problem.
Third, the mentors felt incompetent and frustrated and experienced the negative emotion as a pain, frustration and so on in the participating the mentoring program. Incompetence, frustration and negative emotions arise from undergo with pain of mentee and his/her family, also arise from one’s incompetence, typical characteristics of the mentee, mentee’s parents of deficient understanding, a lack of mentoring institution’s support and interest for the mentor.
Fourth, the mentors were trying to overcome the confusion, frustration, incompetence and negative emotion, and then experienced the change and growth. The change that the participants experiences was that all his/her efforts came to the mentee’s change, to find the new recognition of mentoring’s value and paradigm shift in the adolescent at risk. The mentors have the new learning opportunity through the experience with the mentee, mentee’s parent, and peer mentors. They acknowledged the need of mentoring institution’s support and encouragement for the their change and growth. Also, the mentors experienced the change in their life through mentor’s interpersonal relationship experience in connection with caring for the mentee.
It suggested a several of the theoretical implications based on this research findings. First, this research made good a defect of research methodology. This research contributed to the development of the substantive theory using the phenomenological research method which is one way to do the qualitative. It is possible to use the baseline date for developing the screening test to select the mentor, which is the matter of grave importance in mentoring program and the scales to evaluate the effect of mentor’s change and growth. Second, this research have identified the content of mentor’s lived experience and the participating motivation in mentoring program, the mentor’s frustration and confusion in the participating mentoring program, and the meaning and essence of the life’s change and growth with the adult who do the mentoring activity for the adolescent at risk. That is, it is the significance of the research that provide the theoretical frame to take a view of the experiential process of change in the experience of mentoring. Third, I expect that the result of this research make great contribution to expand the connection of the mentoring and the social support, ecosystem, community counseling theory.
Next, It suggested a several of the practical implications based on this research findings. First, It suggest the need of sharing the principle and value related to the management of the mentoring program. Second, It suggest the need of the parental training and counseling for the healthy growth of the adolescent in crisis. Third, it must be to provide the institutional and political support to develop the model of the mentoring program and to expand continuedly the mentoring program. Fourth, it must be prepared the policy and program for the promotion of the mentor’s welfare. Fifth, it must be to establish the institution to develop mentoring program suitable for the subject and age, and to educate and manage the mentor. Finally, It suggests that when considering the typical characteristics of the adolescent at risk. it is desirable to operate the mentoring program as a group format.
Alternative Title
The Phenomenological Study on the Adult’s Experience of the Mentor-The focus on the mentor for the Adolescent at Risk
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Byung-Hoon
조선대학교 대학원 사회복지학과
일반대학원 사회복지학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론···········································································1
제1절 연구의 필요성·························································1
제2절 연구목적··································································2
제3절 연구문제··································································5

제2장 이론적 배경·····························································6
제1절 위기청소년······························································6
1. 위기청소년의 개념······················································6
2. 위기청소년의 현황과 정책 ·········································7
제2절 멘토링····································································15
1. 멘토링의 개념 및 특성과 기능···································15
2. 멘토 ········································································22
3. 멘티 ········································································30
4. 멘토링 프로그램························································33
제3절 선행 연구·······························································40
1. 멘토·········································································40
2. 멘티·········································································43
3. 멘토링······································································45
4. 선행연구의 한계와 연구방향······································48

제3장 연구설계··································································52
제1절 연구방법································································52
1. Husserl의 현상학······················································52
2. Merleau-Ponty의 현상학············································54
3. Giorgi의 현상학 연구방법 ········································55
4. 본 연구의 현상학 접근방법 ······································57
제2절 연구자 및 연구참여자············································60
1. 연구자······································································60
2. 연구참여자·······························································62
3. 자료수집 및 분석방법···············································65
4. 연구자의 가정과 선이해에 대한 괄호치기··················67
제3절 연구의 윤리적 고려 및 평가·································69
1. 연구의 윤리적 고려··················································69
2. 연구의 평가·····························································71

제4장 연구결과 ································································74
제1절 청소년에 대한 관심···············································75
1. 체험을 통한 관심 ····················································76
2. 타인의 안녕과 복지에 대한 가치실현 ·······················77
3. 청소년문제의 원인과 해결책 탐구 ····························78
4. 자원봉사에 관한 긍정적 기대 ··································80
5. 사명감 ····································································82

제2절 멘토활동을 위한 준비 ··········································84
1. 지식의 적용······························································84
2. 새로운 시도······························································85
제3절 좌절과 한계··························································86
1. 혼란과 회의······························································86
2. 개념 없는 부모·························································89
3. 자책·········································································91
4. 고통과 소진의 경험···················································92
제4절 변화와 성장 ·························································95
1. 보람과 멘토링 가치의 인식 ······································96
2. 인식의 전환과 성찰···················································99
3. 새로운 경험 학습의 장·············································101
4. 지원과 격려·····························································104
5. 깊어진 관계와 인생의 전환점···································107
제5절 분석결과 논의······················································108

제5장 결론 ·····································································119
제1절 연구결과 요약······················································119
제2절 연구의 함의·························································123
1. 이론적 함의·····························································123
2. 실천적 함의·····························································124
제3절 향후 연구방향······················································126


【부록 1 】 연구참여자안내문··············································145
【부록 2 】 연구참여동의서·················································147
【부록 3 】 연구질문지 ······················································149
조선대학교 대학원
박병훈. (2016). 성인의 멘토 체험에 관한 현상학적 연구- 위기청소년 멘토를 중심으로.
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