老松堂 宋希璟의 日本行錄 硏究

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노송당, 송희경, 일본행록, 사행시
The purpose of this study is to analyze literary properties and the meanings of diplomatic poems included in - the record of diplomatic journey to Japan - written by Nosongdang Song Hui-gyeong (1376-1446) on the envoy journey to Japan, who was both a writer and a diplomatic delegate in the early of the Joseon Dynasty.

Literature is an artistic creation that reflects ideas, minds, diverse cultures and values which the people of the time enjoy by means of various social aspects of the days. In other words, when literary works are imitated as social reality, and as a part of culture they tend to occur in the environment with social relevance, authors cannot but have an inseparable relationship with the age when they live. It can be seen that they form a complementary relationship with each other, like language and thought. So do Song Hui-gyeong and his works.
Through the ages, it is very meaningful to examine writers and their works because their spirit as well as their unique life and view can be observed. It is also significant to look at the lives and the universal thinking system of those who live in that period.
In this context, Song Hui-gyeong's character, status, and achievements, etc. have been studied and illuminated gradually and steadily. However, it doesn't seem that the researches have been done sufficiently satisfactorily until now. There can be some reasons why there haven't been enough studies and examinations on him and his works.
First, the records of his various activities haven't been discovered yet except him being an envoy to the Myeong Dynasty and Japan. Second, his life as a diplomat hasn't been examined enough and is his only work that has been found. Third, the only remaining is not studied in three dimensions from a variety of political, social, cultural and literary perspectives, which seems to be the big cause of the slow advancement. However, under these limitations and difficulties there have been constant studies on him, and it seems that further research will reveal the depth and value of his works and life in the future. In addition, the duty to deliver the life and spirit of the excellent ancestors such as Song Hui-gyeong to the next generation is a responsibility given to the current generation. Therefore, the devotion to constant research with new and novel perspectives and passions is absolutely required.
In particular, 227 diplomatic poems and 82 prefaces to poetry included in contain various contents and poetic expressions, and show that the character of the writer is also true and aloof. Nonetheless, his works have only tended to be viewed from the point of view of a practical purpose in politics and diplomacy created by an envoy who was in charge of diplomacy with Japan.
So in this study, the life of Song Hui-gyeong and his works were examined from a different point of view; the new literary significance and values contained in Song Hui-gyeong's works were elucidated, which led to adding new meanings to him and his poems.|본 연구는 조선 전기의 외교 사신이었던 老松堂 宋希璟(1376〜1446)의 에 수록된 사행시를 중심으로 시가 갖고 있는 문학적인 의의와 가치를 조명하는 데 목적을 두고 있다.
문학이란 창작되는 시대와 사회의 다양한 모습을 통해서 당대의 사람들이 향유하고 있던 사상과 정신, 다양한 문화와 가치관 등을 투영해 주는 예술 창작물이다. 문학은 사회적 현실로서 인생을 모방하는 것이며, 문화의 일부로서 사회적인 관련을 가지고 그 환경 속에서 발생하는 산물이기 때문이다. 이런 점에서 작가와 시대는 불가분의 관계를 맺고 있으며, 언어와 사고처럼 서로 영향을 주고받는 상보적인 관계를 형성한다고 볼 수 있다. 즉, 작가는 새로운 시대를 창조하고 시대는 시대를 이끌 작가를 배출한다는 말이다. 송희경과 그의 작품도 그렇다.
과거나 현재를 막론하고 한 시대를 살아가면서 당대에 활동했던 작가와 그의 작품을 연구한다는 것은 작가 개인의 고유한 삶과 인생관은 물론 그의 정신까지 고찰할 수 있다는 점에서 의미 있는 일이다. 또한 이를 통해서 그 시대를 만들어가는 사람들의 보편적인 사고체계를 추찰할 수 있다는 점도 의의가 크다 하겠다. 현재를 살아가는 우리들의 삶 역시도 과거 선조들의 지대한 노력과 업적이 근간이 되어 형성되었음은 부정할 수 없다.
그런 점에서 선조들의 삶과 업적에 대한 연구는 가치 있는 작업이다. 특히 훌륭하고 뛰어난 인품을 소유하고 시대에 큰 영향을 끼쳤거나 역사의 길잡이가 될 만한 작품이 있음에도 불구하고 초야에 묻히고 세월에 가려져 후대에 잘 알려지지 않은 선조들이나 작가, 작품에 대한 연구는 반드시 필요하다.
이에 본고는 조선시대 최초의 일본 사행록인 을 편찬한 노송당 송희경과 그의 사행시 작품에 대해 주목하고, 이에 대한 논의를 통해 그의 삶과 작품 속에 담겨 있는 가치와 의의를 형상화하고자 한다.
Alternative Title
A Study on Nosongdang Song Hui-gyeong's Ilbonhaengnok: - Focusing on diplomatic poems
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Jeong-gu
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 국어국문학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차


제1장 序論
1. 연구 목적···················································1
2. 연구사······················································3
3. 서술 방향···················································8

제2장 宋希璟과 일본 使行
1. 宋希璟의 家系와 生平······································10
2. 使行 배경과 使行 여정·····································23
가. 使行 배경················································23
나. 使行 여정················································27
1) 조선 여정················································27
2) 일본 여정················································33

제3장 󰡔日本行錄󰡕의 문헌적 성격과 구성
1. 󰡔日本行錄󰡕의 문헌적 성격·································36
2. 󰡔日本行錄󰡕의 구성·········································53
3. 󰡔日本行錄󰡕 詩序의 양대 특성······························60
가. 여정·사건·사실의 外的 情報化····························64
나. 감정·정서의 內的 形象化·································75
제4장 󰡔日本行錄󰡕 使行詩의 내용적 특징
1. 使行의 고난과 번뇌········································83
가. 海路의 수난··············································84
나. 海賊의 문제··············································88
다. 深修庵 구류··············································93
2. 일본 佛敎의 모습···········································98
가. 漢詩 교유와 일본 승려····································98
나. 일본 佛敎의 현실········································104
3. 異國 사회에 대한 소회····································112
가. 儒敎的 倫理의 한계······································112
나. 日本奇事···············································118
4. 歷史的 현실과 客愁·······································122
가. 使臣의 비애·············································122
나. 歷史的 현실의 수용······································126
5. 忠君 節義와 민족의식····································132
가. 忠義의 구현·············································132
나. 愛國愛民의 정신········································135

제5장 宋希璟 使行詩의 문학적 의의·······················144

제6장 結論····················································150

參考 文獻·····················································155
조선대학교 대학원
김정구. (2016). 老松堂 宋希璟의 日本行錄 硏究.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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