지역문화관광공예품의 디자인품질과 브랜드요인간구조적관계

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문화관광상품""디자인품질" "브랜드

A Structural Relationship between Design Quality and
Brand Factor of Local Cultural Tour Craft

Cho, juhyun Advisor : Prof. Yoon, gab geun Ph. D Departmant of Social desin Graduate School of Chosun University

In this study, the effect of design quality of local cultural tour craft on craft brand identity and customer satisfaction was evaluated, and the mediated effect of local brand assetsand material property in between craft brand identity and customer satisfaction was analyzed. For this study, the embodied measurement tool used by previous studies was prepared, and data of 360 male and female adults who have traveled to Icheon City in Gyeonggi-do within the last 2 years and purchased any ceramic craft from ceramic manufacturersor ceramic wholesalers were analyzed. The data was analyzed by using SPSS and AMOS statistics program; AMOS was used to analyze the path coefficient of the structural equation model, andfrequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis, correlation analysis, and covariance structure analysis were used. The result of this study is as follows. First, the regression analysis was used to analyze the effect of design quality of local cultural tour craft on brand identity. As a result, functionality, aesthetic phase, and experientiality were statistically influential, and such an effect of the above was shown in the order of experientiality > functionality > aesthetic phase. Second, as a result of verifying the hypothesis set on this study by using the path coefficient among each of the theoretical variables through the covariance structure analysis, a significant number of relationships among factors wereshown from all hypotheses. Third, as a result of resolving direct and indirect effects of design quality property on the brand identity, the direct effect of functionality, aesthetic phase, and experientiality on the brand identity was 0.159 - 0.967, or a positive relationship, and the indirect effect on local brand asset, material property, and customer satisfaction was 0.112 - 0.889, indicating that it is effective with the brand identity as a mediator. Especially, the indirect effect of experientiality on local brand asset, material property, and customer satisfaction was 0.685 -0.889, which was significantly high. Fourth, as a result of resolving the direct and indirect effects of brand identity on local brand asset, material property, and customer satisfaction, while the brand identity gave the direct effect of 0.919 on the local brand asset, the total effect on the material property and customer satisfaction was 0.708 and 1.312, respectively, and the indirect effect was significantly higher than the direct effect. Fifth, as a result of resolving direct and indirect effects among local brand assets, material property, and customer satisfaction, the local brand asset gave the direct effect of 0.420 on thematerial property and 0.976 on customer satisfaction. The material property showed 0.585 for customer satisfaction, showing a greater direct effect. Therefore, in terms ofcustomer satisfaction, the direct effect of local brand assets (0.976), the indirect effect of brand identity (0.888), and the direct effect of material property (0.585) showed an influence, in that order. Such a research result implies that the continuous and universal design strategy of local brand assets and design quality property is required to plan and design cultural tour items to improvecustomer satisfaction and create a virtuous cycle of local brand strategies under the circumstances in which various local cultural tour marketing strategies are emerging. In conclusion, this study stresses the fact that it performed the analysis of the actual verification of the integrated relationship between the design of specialties and customer behaviors connected with local brand marketing strategies, and it is expected to be used as useful foundational data for the development of product and design strategies of local specialty brands.
Alternative Title
A structural Relationship between Design Quality and Brand Factor of Local Cultural Tour Craft
Alternative Author(s)
Cho, ju hyun
일반대학원 디자인경영학과
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Table Of Contents
목 차


제1장 서론 2
제1절. 연구의 배경 및 목적 2
제2절. 연구의 범위 및 방법 6

제2장 이론적 배경 9
제1절. 지역 문화관광상품의 이해 9
제2절. 공예품의 개념 및 유형 14
제3절. 소비자 심리 와 행동 21
제4절. 디자인 품질의 속성에 관한 이론적 접근 26
제5절. 브랜드 아이덴티티 43
제6절. 지역 브랜드 자산 51
제7절. 재료의 속성의 개념 및 의의 60

제3장 연구설계 및 분석방법 65
제1절. 연구모형 및 가설의 설정 65
제2절. 연구대상 및 절차 69
제3절. 측정도구 70
제4절. 자료처리방법 73

제4장 분석결과 75
제1절. 대상의 일반적 특성 및 구매특성 75
제2절. 측정도구의 신뢰성 및 타당성 77
제3절. 회귀분석 81
제4절. 공분산구조분석 82
제5절. 가설의 검정 84

제5장 논의 및 결론 89
제1절. 결과논의 89
제2절. 결론 93
제3절. 한계점과 제언 95




표 목 차

표 1 일반 상품과 문화관광상품의 비교 10
표 2 공예의 범주 15
표 3 전통문화산업의 시장규모 비교 16
표 4 전통공예분야 문화산업의 소비자 인식 17
표 5 전통공예 산업의 환경의 문제점 18
표 6 공예 문화상품의 가치사슬 구조 20
표 7 제품디자인의 물리적 요소와 개념적 요소 30
표 8 Garvin이 제시한 7가지 내재적 단서 38
표 9 제품 품질의 외재적 단서 39
표 10 설문지 구성 72
표 11 대상의 일반적 특성 및 구매실태(N=360) 75
표 12 회전된 요인계수표 77
표 13 서비스품질 요인의 신뢰도 78
표 14 브랜드아이덴티티의 요인계수표 79
표 15 지역브랜드자산의 요인계수표 79
표 16 재료속성의 요인계수표 80
표 17 소비자만족의 요인계수표 80
표 18 다중회귀분석 결과표 81
표 19 상관계수표 82
표 20 이론변수간의 경로계수표 84
표 21 디자인품질요인이 브랜드아이덴티티, 지역브랜드자산, 재료속성, 소비자
만족에 미치는 영향 85
표 22 브랜드아이덴티티, 지역브랜드자산, 재료속성이 지역브랜드자산,
재료속성,소비자만족에 미치는 영향 86
표 23 가설검정결과 87

그 림 목 차

그림 1 Grӧnroos의 지각된 품질평가모형 40
그림 2 사용자 경험의 목표 42
그림 3 경험의 구성 요소와 상호작용 42
그림 4 브랜드아이덴티티와 브랜드이미지와의 관계 44
그림 5 브랜드 아이덴티티 프리즘 47
그림 6 브랜드 아이덴티티 시스템 49
그림 7 연구모형 67
그림 8 연구모형 검정 83
조선대학교 대학원
조주현. (2016). 지역문화관광공예품의 디자인품질과 브랜드요인간구조적관계.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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