태양열 발전시스템의 다양한 유기물을 적용한 랭킨사이클의 해석적 연구
- Author(s)
- 정진환
- Issued Date
- 2015
- Abstract
- After Industrial Revolution, consumed energy per person has been gradually increased and fossil fuel consumption has been increased due to the rapid technology development. In those reasons, occurrence of abnormal climate as Elnino and Raninyo was continuously increased. Many of studies tell it is owing to the rise of atmosphere temperature by global warming.
For reasons, the energy development and researches about alternative energy source which can replace fossil fuel have been accelerated. Especially, the interesting of renewable energy as alternative energy has increased suddenly. Solar energy among renewable energy is pollution free energy. Besides, it has a lot of advantages that it is possible to obtain the highest energy per unit area and the geographical distribution of energy source more equal than fossil fuel. Solar collecting system is heat energy transition or storage through absorption of radiation energy from solar.
Organic Rankine Cycle(ORC) is a power generating system using low temperature heat source(60℃~200℃) that is unsuitable for steam generation. However, it is enough to operate ORC cycle because the organic refrigerant has low boiling temperature. Thus, ORC has an advantage that it is possible to generate power using low temperature by using some working fluid like Freon or hydrocarbon type refrigerant.
In this study, the performance of organic Rankine cycle in which R-245fa and R-134a is used and a power generation system coalesce with solar energy is analyzed under Gwangju climate condition. As a result, the maximum and minimum collected heat of solar collector was 20.4 kW and 13.6 kW at October and December, respectively. Besides, the highest generator power was generated at October and it was 0.91 kW/day, while the lowest generator power is occurred at December and it was about 0.85 kW/day.
As well the performance of ORC with a scroll and twin screw expander which connects to solar collector system was analyzed according to the average annual solar radiation and outdoor temperature in Gwang-ju, Korea. Through this study, it can be presented the basic analytical data for system optimization a performance characteristics according to operating conditions. The result shows that the twin screw expander showed 4.8 kW/day under the low solar radiation and 5.8 kw/day under the high radiation conditions. Besides, the efficiency of scroll expander with R-245fa showed approximately 8% higher than that of twin screw expander.
- Alternative Title
- Simulation study of organic rankine cycle with applying various working fluids in a solar heat generation system
- Alternative Author(s)
- Jeong, Jin-hwan
- Affiliation
- 공과대학 기계공학과
- Department
- 일반대학원 기계공학과
- Advisor
- 조홍현
- Awarded Date
- 2015-08
- Table Of Contents
- 목 차
List of Tables Ⅵ
List of Figures Ⅵ
Nomenclature Ⅶ
Abstract Ⅹ
제 1 장 연구배경 및 필요성
1.1 연구배경 1
1.1.1 태양열 시스템 4
가. 태양열 집열기 4
나. 태양열 집열기의 종류 5
다. 태양열 시스템의 정의 7
라. 해외 태양열 정책지원 제도 9
마. 국내 태양열 정책지원 제도 12
바. 국내 태양열 자원 12
1.1.2 유기 랭킨사이클 14
1.2 기존의 연구 19
1.2.1 태양열 집열기의 연구동향 19
1.2.2 유기랭킨사이클의 연구동향 21
1.3 본 연구의 목적 23
제 2 장 태양열시스템 및 유기랭킨사이클 모델링
2.1 태양열 집열기를 활용한 유기랭킨사이클 모델링 25
2.2 유기랭킨사이클 모델링 27
2.2.1 펌프 모델링 27
2.2.2 열교환기 모델링 28
가. R-134a 상변화과정 해석 28
나. R-245fa 상변화과정 해석 30
2.3.3 팽창기 모델링 31
가. 스크롤 팽창기 해석 31
나. 트윈 스크류 팽창기 해석 33
2.3.4 시스템 성능해석 34
2.3 태양열 시스템의 모델링 35
제 3 장 시스템 해석방법 및 운전조건
3.1 태양열 시스템 해석방법 38
3.2 유기랭킨사이클 해석방법 39
3.2.1 용적형 펌프 해석방법 40
3.2.2 이중관 열교환기 해석방법 41
3.3 시스템 운전조건 42
3.3.1 일사량 및 외기온도조건 42
3.3.2 R-134a 랭킨사이클의 성능 해석 운전조건 43
3.3.3 R-245fa 랭킨사이클의 성능 해석 운전조건 44
3.3.4 R-134a와 R-245fa 랭킨사이클의 성능 비교 조건 45
제 4 장 시스템 성능 해석결과 및 고찰
4.1 시뮬레이션 성능해석 검증결과 46
4.1.1 태양열 집열기의 성능해석 검증결과 46
4.1.2 유기랭킨사이클의 성능해석 검증결과 48
4.2 연중 월평균일사량과 외기온도 변화해석 50
4.2.1 R-134a 랭킨사이클의 성능 해석 결과 50
4.2.2 R-245fa 랭킨사이클의 성능 해석 결과 56
4.3 R-134a와 R-245fa 랭킨사이클의 성능 특성 비교 62
4.4 스크롤 팽창기와 트윈 스크류 팽창기 적용 랭킨사이클의 성능 비교 67
제 5 장 결 론
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 정진환. (2015). 태양열 발전시스템의 다양한 유기물을 적용한 랭킨사이클의 해석적 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/12567
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- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2015-08-25
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