한·중 FTA의 경제적 효과 및 대응방안에 관한 연구
- Author(s)
- 정문령
- Issued Date
- 2015
- Abstract
A Study on the Economic Effects and Counterplan of FTA between Korea and China
Ding Wenling
Advisor : Prof. Park Ro-Kyung Ph.D.
Department of International Trade
Graduate School of Chosun University
In 2014, China and South Korea has celebrated the 22nd anniversary of the diplomatic relations. China and Korea ,in the past 22 years, has established the rapid development of all the fields of politics, economy, society, culture and so on. In 1979, after the reform and opening up, China's small and medium-sized trade began to recover. In twentieth Century, officially established diplomatic relations in the case of 80 times has not yet started. The scale of trade has increased. As the two countries established diplomatic relations, institutional, physical environment, the economic exchanges greatly improved. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations after 22 years later, now the economic exchanges between the two countries is very large, therefore, the economies of the two countries formed the interdependence between high level. Especially, after China entered into WTO in 2001, Chinese government takes a more positive attitude to promote FTA. In 2005, Chinese government proposed "actively participate in regional economic integration strategy". According to this strategy China has signed FTA with ASEAN, Chile, New Zealand, Singapore, Peru ect. China-Korea FTA "business·government·academics" joint research started from 2007. At last, in November 2014, FTA was signed between two presidents. China-Korea FTA is the cooperation between the two countries on the basis of close economic cooperation of Northeast Asia, and the formation is to promote the international division of labor structure closely and substantial economic integration. At the same time, part of a long-term system integration and justice of the East Asian economic community is pursued. In addition, China-Korea FTA to comprehensively promote the strategic partnership of cooperation is to promote the cooperation in perspective. From this point of view, FTA between two countries has evoked the very high interest and echo to the world countries.
Through China-Korea FTA, the abolition of trade barriers will improve the trade environment and business environment. And also it ensures the economic growth, direct investment and economic effect of safety with increasing export markets in the region. China's high economic growth and the mass market will induce the Korea's high economic growth.
The counterplan to the China and Korea for the FTA is as follow.
China's counterplan by government and companies should be focused on the automotive, steel, and textile industries. First, China should introduce the aggressive and differentiated FDI policy according to the individual country differently, especially, for Korea, the entry strategy after absorbing the high level technology to the Korea market should be considered.
Second, in the field of steel industry, the previous products which has already shown the high market share in Korea should be expanded. and also, cooperation relationship between two countries with the stable supply chain system should be established.
Third, to enhance the competitive position, China's textile industry should focus on the industrial textile which will be expected to the rapid increase. That is to say, technology intensive textile industry instead of labour intensive industry are strongly recommended.
Korea's counterplan should be focused on the agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries. First, in the field of agricultural industry, Korea should introduce the technology intensive gardening and fruit tree business instead of labour intensive rice farming. Second, Korea's manufacturing industry should consider the restructuring the industry which will not be competitive compared to the China's same industry. Therefore, the securing policy of source and core technologies by adopting the R&D investment expansion, high valued products, new production mechanism and training of high leveled labour force should be introduced. Third, Korean government and companies should understand that the service trade liberalization will induce the two countries' competition power of service field. Therefore, to enhance the efficiency and widen the service level and depth, Korea and China should introduce the aggressive service liberalization.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Economic Effects and Counterplan of FTA between Korea and China
- Alternative Author(s)
- Ding,Wen Ling
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교
- Department
- 일반대학원 무역학과
- Advisor
- 박노경
- Table Of Contents
- 목 차
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구의 방법 및 내용 2
제2장 한·중 FTA 추진 배경과 필요성 4
제1절 한중 FTA의 일반적 이론 4
1. FTA의 개념 4
2. FTA의 유형 6
3. FTA의 일반적 체결요건 8
4. FTA와 WTO 의 차이점 9
제2절 한·중 FTA 체결현황과 필요성 9
1. 한·중 FTA 체결현황 9
2. 한국 FTA 체결현황 11
3. 중국 FTA 체결현황 14
제3절 한중 FTA의 필요성 15
1. 경제적 측면 15
2. 정치 외교적 측면 19
제3장 한·중 FTA에 관한 양국의 전략과 입장 22
제1절 한중 FTA에 관한 논의동향 22
1. 한중 FTA에 관한 양국의 시각 22
2. 한중 FTA의 논의경과 24
3. 한중 FTA 협상타결을 위한 과제 27
제2절 한중 FTA에 관한 양국의 전략 비교 29
1. 중국의 FTA 추진배경과 목표 29
2. 한중 FTA에 관한 중국의 전략 32
2. 한중 FTA에 관한 한국의 전략 34
제3절 한중 FTA에 관한 양국의 입장 36
1. 중국의 입장 36
2. 한국의 입장 38
3. 양국 입장차이 비교 분석 40
제4장 한·중 FTA가 양국에 미치는 영향 42
제1절 일반무역에 대한 영향 42
제2절 농업에 대한 영향 43
제3절 투자에 대한 영향 43
제5장 FTA 체결이 양국 경제에 미치는 효과 및 대 응 방안 46
제1절 한중 FTA 체결 내용 46
1. 상품분야 46
2. 상품 관련 규범분야 50
3. 서비스 및 투자분야 51
4. 규범 및 협력분야 52
제2절 양국 산업에 미치는 경제적 효과 53
1. 한국에 미치는 경제적 효과 53
2. 중국에 미치는 경제적 효과 55
제3절 FTA 체결에 따른 양국의 대응 방안 58
1. 중국의 대응 방안 58
2. 한국의 대응 방안 60
제6장 결론 63
참고문헌 64
기타 참고문헌 및 홈페이지 자료 66
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 정문령. (2015). 한·중 FTA의 경제적 효과 및 대응방안에 관한 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/12433
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- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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