비접촉 초음파 탐상 방법에 의한 CFRP/브레이크 패드의 신뢰성 평가
- Author(s)
- 박인우
- Issued Date
- 2015
- Abstract
- The NAUT(Non-contact Air coupled Ultrasonic Testing) technique allows non-contact ultrasonic testing in air. If the NAUT technique can be applied, not only ultrasonic testing in air with no couplant would be possible, but also the stable transmission and reception of ultrasonic waves, which would thus enable ultrasonic testing of hot or cold materials, or rough surfaces of specimens that could not be tested with conventional-contact ultrasonic testing techniques. By trying NAUT for Brake lining pad specimens, the applicability of NAUT in these areas was observed, and the results from the waveforms of parts of the specimens were analyzed. For the Brake lining pad specimen, the ultrasonic transmittance was highest at the part, regardless of the thickness and location of the specimen. These findings confirmed the practicality of NAUT.
To verify the usefulness of NAUT, first, artificially defective specimens were tested to investigate the defect detection ability of NAUT; and second, a test was conducted to select the test conditions, the ultrasonic propagation characteristics, and the mode conversion by the material thickness. Both the spot welding and CFRP specimens showed good applicability of NAUT. For the CFRP specimen, the waveforms of a defective part and a defect-free part were compared, and the existence of delamination was discovered through the increase and decrease in the amplitude. These findings confirmed the practicality of NAUT.
- Alternative Title
- Reliability of CFRP/Brake pad due to non-contact ultrasonic method
- Alternative Author(s)
- Park, In Woo
- Affiliation
- 첨단부품소재공학과
- Department
- 일반대학원 첨단부품소재공학과
- Advisor
- 김재열
- Table Of Contents
- LIST OF FIGURES ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁ⅲ
LIST OF TABLES ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁ⅴ
NOMENCLATURE ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁ⅵ
ABSTRACT ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁ⅶ
제 1 장 서 론 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁1
제 1 절 연구배경 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁1
제 2 절 연구목적 및 방법 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁4
제 2 장 초음파 비접촉 탐촉자 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁6
제 1 절 초음파 탐촉자 거리 특성 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁6
제 2 절 초음파 탐촉자별 특성 비교 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁9
1. 초음파 탐촉자 간 특성 비교 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁9
제 3 장 비접촉 공중 초음파 탐상 시스템 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁13
제 1 절 NAUT의 화상탐상 원리 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁13
1. 시스템 출력 흐름도 및 데이터 처리 ⦁⦁⦁⦁13
제 2 절 인공결함 시험편 분석 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁15
1. 박리현상 시편 분석(1) ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁15
2. 박리현상 시편 분석(2) ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁17
제4장 비접촉 공중 초음파 탐상 실험(NAUT) ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁19
제 1 절 실험 장비 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁19
제 2 절 시 험 편 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁21
제 3 절 CFRP 실험 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁22
1. 결함 유무에 따른 파형 분석 비교 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁22
2. CFRP의 내부 결함 검출 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁24
제 4 절 Brake pad 실험 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁25
1. 결함 유무에 따른 파형 분석 비교 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁25
2. 브레이크 패드의 내부 결함 검출 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁26
제5장 실험결과 및 고찰 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁28
제6장 결 론 ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁34
Reference ⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁⦁35
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 박인우. (2015). 비접촉 초음파 탐상 방법에 의한 CFRP/브레이크 패드의 신뢰성 평가.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/12403
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- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2015-02-25
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